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Established Pinnacle: The Enigma

Chapter 300 Cause And Effect
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Even Transcendentals could be laid bare for him to see through to an Irresistible Degree. What was there for him to fear, or worry about when he could always be ahead of his opponents?

He turned to gaze at the cloaked being, only to realize that she was gone. He immediately came to a conclusion of what happened, from what he saw on her being.

'First, "Phantom Condition" to remove my defenses, then "Commandment Inducement" to try and override my thoughts. Followed by "Camouflage", "Invisibility", "Imperceptibility" and "Tracking Evasion" huh?'

'How impressive. And last but not least, "Illusive Suggestion" to try and sneakily convince me that she fled. A high Battle Awareness, I have to recommend you for that....' He thought, highly impressed.

'Unfortunately, my thoughts are innately immune to such Skills. Even Divine Skills. So, a pity indeed.' He thought as his body easily broke through the effects of the Commandment.

Time was still frozen, and not just for the world only, but even for beings that were Transcendental. But it was not truly frozen... Enigma was just too fast, it might as well be.

"Hmm~. You're the only one whose most impressive amongst everyone here." He suddenly said such words, as he turned towards a direction where a silent figure floated.

A figure whose presence was the least threatening ever since everything began.


"Well, it is to be expected from the young master of Casualty. Transcending Casualty itself is quite the impressive feat." Enigma continued blabbering, which was quite unlike him.

But he was just making a point clear.

"Unfortunately, even when you Transcended Cause and Effect, it is still futile. Fate has no Cause, but only Effect. Destiny is likewise the opposite." He continued, and the other party kept their silence.

"Now, if a person ruled over both of these said Laws, and likewise, embodied them, coming close to Transcending them as well... what would that imply?" He laid out an inquiry, but he himself knew it was rhetorical.

The answer was obvious.


Just as his words implied, Fate had no cause, it was Destined. It was always there, there, and will always be there. Whether you do something, or nothing about it.

Fate, will still be there with you. Everything was Fated, after all.

But Destiny was different. Destiny could be triggered. A single step, or even a thought, could determine what type of Destiny you will have, or whether you can have that Destiny.

It required a Cause unique to the person targeted. But had no effect whatsoever. Destiny of a King, didn't necessarily mean you will be a King in life.

You could be a Ruler over others, you could be special, or it could even mean that you have just respect from the people. It's effects were undetermined, to the point where it might not be there at all.

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Not even when you have reached your Destiny, and became King... whose to say you won't lose that authority at any given moment, and become a slave?

Destiny is Fragile and ever changing.

Thus Destiny itself chose to have a Cause, but no Effect. The one Destined, will choose whether they desire their Cause to have an Effect, or for it just stay as a Cause.


Meanwhile the person in question, was a normal humanoid fellow who did not have any special characteristics. He seemed genuinely human.

He wore a nice tuxedo, which clearly held his physique perfectly, and made him resemble a gentleman. He was also quite the handsome fellow, capable of charming Cosmos.


Seeing the other party silent, Enigma did not bother with them, as he instead turned his focus towards the other three. His Speed was extremely beyond their comprehension.

They still had yet to react.

But he suddenly smiled out of nowhere, as everything began flowing at a much normal rate than before. The rate of picoseconds, where a single nanosecond had yet to pass.

As for why such a thing occurred, or why he smiled. It was a mystery. The only thing that had to be known was that he lowered his perception to match that of the Transcendentals.


The fist of Sun God Sanw smashed into the position Enigma was supposed to have been at, shattering space itself to reveal the Void that contained Universes.

The 'Blood' of a Reality.

It not only shattered it throughout a range of Billions of miles, but even painted it white, erasing out any other color without much effort at all. Erasing that said void.

As for Enigma, he had long moved back with the well protected forest. He stood a good distance away, and watched the surprised facial expressions of Sun God Sane.

Not only him, but even Aeneas was quite surprised. To them, Sun God Sane threw a punch towards the stationary Enigma, then all of a sudden, the target was far away and the fist missed.

Time was still static, thus everything happened beyond the influence of Time. Yet, the fact that Enigma dodged, and they barely realized, meant that he was beyond even their perception, which was likewise beyond their own Time.


Enigma did not speak, and just waved his hand to initiate his attack, using a single low ranked Unique Skill, [Void Sealing], to close off the Void that was exposed from the shattered space.

He locked it, and caused everything, and anyone within the Void, to lose their movement. Their bodies froze, as even the Aether they breathe in, was locked in space.


They felt breathless.

Of course, one of them was unaffected, the one whom Enigma deemed to Transcend Cause and Effect. But Enigma was still not worried. Fate and Destiny together were Universally Irresistible.

Especially so, if together, they had absolute athourity. But he did not use their authority just yet, 'It was not time for that now.' He thought, still calm.

"Hm? Ah, you transcend Aether... I had almost forgotten." Enigma spoke as his eyes fell over Aeneas, who was immobilized, yet did not feel breathless or weakened.

He was the Transcendental Dragon of Aether after all. He was beyond Aether itself, and was not weakened even when it was sealed.

Not like the weakening was anything special. Either way, Enigma still did not attack him as well. They had yet to initiate an attack towards him, so they were still 'friendly' NPC.

As for his own actions of Sealing the Void? They were just caught in a crossfire. He was not intending on Sealing their movements. His target, was someone else instead.

They were just... misfortunate.

With that done, he used yet another low ranked Unique Skill, [Causalty Reversal]. Thus allowing himself to apply the "Effect" of a "Cause", before the "Cause" itself.

Instead of first exposing the hidden fellow who nullified his barrier and sneak attacked him, he would first attack, then expose them later.

Following that thought process, and with the enhancements of "Empyrean Empowerment", that increased his already grand Multiversal strength, to Hyperversal.... he waved his hand towards a certain direction.

One not directed towards Sun God Sane.


Just the mere wave of his hand brought defeaning pressure, as it exceeded the power held by the young War God, and Sun God, by insane degrees.

Just this mere action, kicked up a Cosmic Storm so devastating, that it could rip Universes apart into nothingness, whilst shredding apart the Void itself.


He silently watched as the Cosmic Storms flew towards a certain direction, while erasing anything within their way without reserve. Air, Space, Void, they were all easily disregarded like pieces of paper.

But Enigma did not seem expectant of striking his target. But he was still smiling casually, as yet another fellow was forced to make a move right at this moment.

That was three fellows out of four.


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A powerful snort was released, which was so loud, it silenced the Void they were in. Bringing out extreme Tranquility and Silence.

Following that, Aeneas exploded out with pure strength and might. No Skills, and no Enhancements. Just his pure physical strength exploded out.

And it was so terrifying that it broke through the Void Seal he was placed within, whilst pushing himself to move at insane speeds. Far faster than even Sun God Sane could comprehend.

He appeared before the Cosmic Storm, and... directly sent out a punch towards it, just, but a single punch, releasing a powerful wave pressure that managed to nullify the force of the Cosmic Storm.


Enigma did not comment, and just lay down his hand in satisfaction. Not fussing over the loss. His actions were peculiar, and brought caution and wariness from Aeneas.

And then, at that very moment, the cloaked individual was finally revealed as she appeared behind Aeneas, with her hands casually crossed before her chest.

She did not seem faltered. Nor was she bothered by the fact that she almost died. Yes, died. That attack was more than enough to rip apart a Transcendental like herself into pieces.

Being Transcendent over Reality did not mean that they had stats above Reality as well. It only included their Laws and Influence, as for their stats, most weren't even Universal.

While others were Multiversal, Hyperversal or even Cosmical. Only a select few, the few broken characters, had stats above Reality while still being Transcendentals.

As for Enigma, and his fellow peers... might not be normal, for them to reach such a level, even before becoming God-equivalents. 'Or maybe I'm the anomaly here.' He thought bitterly.

The importance of True Gods, was clearly illustrated by this, though. As their Existences were not restricted much by the Rules of CHAOS itself. Not by a far margin.

Aeneas easily defended the cloaked Goddess, who happened to be a member of the same Pantheon, without much of a second thought.

He then proceeded to stand before her, with oppressive waves of power and might oozing out of his being. His Dragon Force exploding out, along with his other Skills.

Granting him devastating lhysical prowess, and a terrifying force around him. Being a Dragon, a race loved dearly by the world, their strength increased ten times more than other races.

While that was not all, their Strength was also hundreds of times stronger than anyone of the same realm as them, when they are born.

Thus their Physical Prowess were one to be reckoned with. Especially if one of them was an Ancestral Dragon with Supreme Dragon Force, and terrifying Raw Power.

His body was also Supernaturally Transcendent over what Transcendentals could achieve. And to add up a hint of icing, he had [Transcendent Force] under his Divine Skills.

A high ranked Divine Skill even.

But still, being able to nullify the force of a Cosmic Storm that could hypothetically tear apart almost an entire Reality, by his own Strength, proved how powerful Aeneas was.

Or rather, there was a naturally Suppression either than Realm Suppression that decreased the power of his attack. One could never be sure, especially since the World just slightly advanced.

And this was their first fight after the fusion of Realms, and strengthing of the World's Rules and Influence.