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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 784 784- Heroes of the Tower Town
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Chapter 784 784- Heroes of the Tower Town

784 Chapter 784- Heroes of the Tower Town

The commotion was so loud and conspicuous that it could be heard from every part of the town and beyond.

"What is going on? Its like a natural disaster, the tower town would be destroyed at this rate"…

"The commotion came from the direction of the headquarters of the criminal organisations. They have already started the battle, quick let's go there and support them"The most update n0vels are published on novelenglish.net . ꜰɪre.ɴet

The people of the town now of one mind, quickly rushed to the scene.

lightsnοvεl On another side, looking at the devastation unfolding in the eastern district of the town, Cynthia couldn't help but mutter to herself in concern.

"Such power… Will Alvara and the others be okay?"…

"Don't worry Your Highness, Thedore and the others are also there. They will make sure that nothing happens to the adventurers"

Annette reassured from the sides. Although she said all that, even she was somewhat unsure of where the whole thing was going and how the events would unfold. Ever since his arrival, things had started moving at a pace so fast that it was almost unpredictable even for her.

'I sensed Bea's spatial magic a moment ago. Why did she come to the surface?' Annette wondered in her head.



The immense force from within had torn the ground apart, creating a colossal chasm that yawned like the maw of some abyssal beast. The thousands of meters of area, which was once the criminal organization's headquarters, was now replaced by this ominous, dark void.

This gaping chasm seemed to reach deep into the very bowels of the earth, leading directly to the underground chamber.

At this moment, the figure of Mars flew out from within. As he unfolded his wings, he looked at the bodies of the adventurers lay strewn about.

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Some were battered and bruised, bearing the injuries of the intense battle that had unfolded moments ago. The broken remnants of the underground chamber's stonework, the shattered plates of stone, painted a picture of the seismic clash that had taken place.

Yet, even in their injured state, the adventurers exhibited resilience. Slowly but surely, they rose to their feet, determination burning in their eyes. The ground beneath them, though fractured, served as a testament to their unwavering resolve.

"Hoh, you still have the energy to stand up huh? Then come all of you, I—Mars shall fight you with all my strength"

After uttering those challenging words, Mars began transformation again. His form shimmered with a dark, ethereal energy as he reverted to his original state—the Bloodthorn Demonic Warhorse.

The crimson antlers, the flaming mane, and the otherworldly presence became more pronounced, giving him an imposing, legendary aura.

Sensing this change, the adventurers cursed.

"Dammit, he is up to something again"…

"I can't believe we were thrown all the way to the surface outside. What kind of ridiculous strength does it possess"…

"Even with all those injuries, it still had that much strength. Everyone don't let your guard down".

Even in this despairing situation, the adventurers still had the mood to make jokes. This meant they still had some energy to spare.

Looking at them, laughing while barely holding onto their consciousness, Blake couldn't help but smile. Everyone here had already expended all their energy and most powerful skills in the previous clash inside the underground chamber.

Their bodies were decked with numerous injuries and broken bones yet none of them refused to back down. Right now, what drove them all was simply willpower.

It could be said that they were on their last leg; however, the same could also be said for their opponent who had been cornered by them. The fact that it chose to revert back to its original form, could only mean that it was backed into a wall and had no choice.

"Everyone maintain your position, this is going to be the final battle"

Blake declared holding the frontline for his team. In fact, he was not wrong, both sides were completely depleted and the ensuing battle would decide the outcome.

Just as the adventurers channelled their mana ready to fight their last battle, multiple figures appeared around them, surprising them for a split second.

"Everyone, thank you for fighting on our behalf. From Princess Cynthia, we got to know everything. Thank you for freeing the town from the Criminal Organisations"…

"Yes, truly thank you. I heard that they are currently being sheltered in the serene palace merchant guild building. My wife is also there, I cannot tell you how grateful I am"…

"Although we don't know the whole situation, it looks like the enemy in front is giving you a tough time. Allow us to give you a hand"…

Blake and the others looked around them in shock. All of these figures were the adventurers of the tower town. At this moment, they were fully decked out in their gears, here to aid them after having a change of heart from Cynthia's speech.

That was not all, as rays of healing light fell on the injured adventurers, they saw that all the people of the tower town were gathered here at this moment.

"Everyone" Blake and the others couldn't help but be impressed. It seemed like the Princess' words had reached the masses.

"Her Highness really is impressive. All of you on your feet, we can't let her down. Today, we have to win this battle"

Blake roared, his battle cry lifted the morale of his teammates and everyone present. Thanks to the incoming heals from their newly arrived reinforcements, Frida, Alvara and the others were back on their feet.

Right now, they had all the support in the town, the victory was theirs.

Across from them, facing the adventurers; no, the entire town by himself, Mars released a deep roar of excitement. He did not feel any pressure, instead his eyes seemed to burn with the same intensity as the flames covering him.

This is how it should be, this is how it had to go down. All the people of the tower town united against a single enemy.

Mars who had reverted back to his Bloodthorn Demonic Warhorse form, now fully exhibited his strength and ferocity that seemed boundless. Flames flickered around him, and his crimson antlers gleamed with an eerie light.


With his roar, the battle that would shape the Tower Town anew began.

The ensuing battle was nothing short of epic. Every clash, every strike, resonated with a sky shattering might. Everyone fought bravely, unleashing all their strength.

Blake and his companions, driven by sheer determination, stood their ground against this formidable opponent. The clash of weapons, the roars of Mars, and the sparks of magic filled the air with a symphony of chaos and power.

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Over on the outskirts of the battlefield, watching the battle with awe and a tinge of dread, were the townspeople.

They who were once gripped by fear and suppressed by the criminal organisation, looked at the adventurers with hope and expectation as they challenged such a mystical beast.

As the battle unfolded the ground trembled with the intensity of the each collision of steel magic and flames. The sky seemed to echo the thunderous clashes below. Excitement and fear mingled in the hearts of the onlookers, their eyes wide with amazement at the adventurers who fought not for themselves but for the tower town and the freedom of its people.

They were the brave warriors that the princess said would liberate them from the tyranny, the hopes of this town.

The people of the town witnessed their struggle, the great clash of powers that transcended the ordinary. They felt a surge of pride and admiration for these adventurers who left an indelible mark in their collective consciousness.


Back at the battlefield, Mars who was besieged by attacks from all directions, suddenly erupted with a powerful dark pulse that travelled with him as the centre and quickly covered half of the town.

The adventurers who were caught in the range of the pulse were all blown back, crashing and tumbling everywhere like falling debris.

The onlookers on the edges of the battlefield had to flee and the only ones who managed to survive that attack were a handful of adventurers protected under a barrier of light. The rest who were unable to counter the dark magic were blown back and rendered out of commission.

"Thanks, You saved us" Blake thanked the Mage who conjured the Light Magic- [Dark Banishment] and saved them from getting knocked out too.

"Huff.. Hufff… Dammit, it still had this much energy to cover half of the town with its magic even after all this? How ridiculously strong would it be at its peak? Haha, we really have a screw loose to mess with a monster like that"

Wyot commented, trying to suppress the fear in him by making foolish jokes. From where they stood, they could see their opponent preparing another attack at his moment.

With the sky darkening all of a sudden as if day and night had changed places, they saw a humungous image of the Bloodthorn Demonic Warhorse projecting in the sky.

The image was so huge and intimidating that they felt like an ant in front of a giant. Just the sight of that abyssal beast was enough to instil fear and immediately make them surrender.

The huge image stayed in the sky for a couple of seconds before getting pulled into the warhorse, who at this moment was rearing it's four powerful forelegs up.

And then, in a decisive moment, it scraped the ground preparing for a charge.

Everyone who faced the Bloodthron Demonic Warhorse knew how destructive and unstoppable its charge was.