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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 781- One Man Army (3)
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781  Chapter 781- One Man Army (3)

Inside the White Palace, Main Floor— Simon continued recounting the story of the mythical warrior Mars to his subordinates.

[The undefeatable guardian that stood in between Helldor and its enemies, that's who Mars was. His military feat was so exaggerated that he became like a war god in the hearts of his enemies. It was said that as long as it was Mars and his army that stood on the battlefield, there was no enemy in this world that needed to be feared]

[The famed general had led his army to countless victories. However, as it turned out, even legends weren't immune to the whims of fate. The curtain to his epic came to a close with a betrayal so profound it shook the very foundations of trust]

[His allies, driven by fear of his growing influence, deceived him. They manipulated Mars into leading his invincible army into a treacherous battlefield, a battlefield designed to be a death trap. In a cruel twist, his own allies struck from behind, sealing the fate of his once indomitable force]

"How could they do that?" Bea grumbled, furious at the betrayal.

"Haha" Simon laughed and continued— [The despair of that day was etched into Mars's soul. He lost not just a battle but everything he held dear—comrades, brothers in arms, and the empire he served. The royalty, fearing Mars's power and seeking to extinguish his existence, orchestrated this tragic demise. Betrayed and broken, Mars found himself standing before the gates of Helldor, the very fortress he was meant to protect. Consumed by grief, anger, and the weight of his losses, he did the unthinkable]

[In an act of defiance against the empire that had forsaken him, he razed Helldor to the ground. The fortress, once a bastion of defence, crumbled under the might of Mars's fury. Yet, in the wake of that destruction, Mars emerged as something more than a disgraced general. He became the embodiment of resilience and retribution, a one-man army whose very name struck fear into the hearts of those who had once sought his demise]

[The legendary skill he unlocked on that desolate battlefield became the stuff of myth—the ability to call forth a spectral army, the echoes of his fallen comrades fighting alongside him. This skill, a testament to his enduring spirit, transformed him into a force that transcended mortal limitations. The legend of Mars, the one-man army, was born from the ashes of betrayal and despair, a testament to the indomitable will of a warrior who refused to be extinguished].

"Hmph, it's good that those people died at the end, they deserved it" Bea humphed.

Sitting next to him, listening to the story, was Irene who realised something at this moment and asked "Then the reason why you gave him that name..."

"That's right, I saw the visage, the indomitable will of that warrior inside him" Simon explained his reasoning "But more so than that, my biggest reason behind giving him that name was when I saw its status..."

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 There were many similarities between Mars and the Bloodthron Demonic Warhorse, both possessed the indomitable spirit of the strong, both were loyal to their very bones and served as the Guardian that protected their respective masters.

Furthermore, both were like a one man army, a juggernaut of the battlefield that struck fear into the hearts of their enemies. In the case of the Bloothron Demonic Warhose the resemblance between the mythical warrior and his demonic steed was more than just a namesake, it was the manifestation of power that brought the two realities together.

That's right, the legendary skill that once dwelled into the indomitable warrior Mars, now resides in the Bloodthorn Demonic Warhorse.



"Hm? What is that Aberrant doing?" Back at the battlefield, Garder exclaimed seeing the abyssal warrior in front of him suddenly get enveloped in a dark black haze.

This dark haze that swirled like ominous tentacles caused the very atmosphere in the battlefield to take a sinister turn. The sky itself seemed to shudder under the weight of the impending darkness, casting an eerie shadow over the once tumultuous scene.

The changes were so drastic that all the eleven former rankers had a bad feeling welling up in their hearts. It was as if the very air was charged with an impending doom.

At this moment, from Amidst this unnatural phenomenon, two pairs of eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity. Eyes that seemed to pierce through the darkness and lock onto the souls of those unfortunate enough to witness the spectacle.

It started with two, but soon an army of ethereal gazes emerged from the shadows, each pair a harbinger of the impending storm.

Then came the unsettling sound—a cacophony of footsteps, like the march of an unseen legion.

CLACK... CLACK... The rhythmic thudding echoed through the ground, sending a shiver down the spines of the former rankers. It was a sound that resonated with an eerie sense of inevitability, heralding the arrival of something beyond their comprehension.

The Bloodthorn Demonic Warhorse, named after this legendary warrior, seemed to have finally channelled the same essence of relentless power. As it decided to unleash its true might, the air around it crackled with anticipation, flames flickering more fiercely. The crimson antlers atop its head mirrored the legendary Mars's ferocity…



"What just happened here?" After a while as Blake and the other adventurers made their way over here, all they saw at the scene was carnage.

The streets were now drowned in a sea of crimson, forming gruesome pools within the larger craters. Mountains of monster carcasses lay strewn everywhere, turning the air rancid with the pungent scent of blood.

The cityscape itself bore the scars of a colossal clash. Buildings lay in ruins, their structural integrity shattered by the sheer force unleashed in the battle.

Craters pockmarked the ground, evidence of devastating blows that had rocked the very foundations of the area. The debris of what was once a thriving urban landscape now painted a grim picture of destruction.

"Some kind of big fight must have broken out here before our arrival. However, who or what could unleash this kind of damage?" Wyot stated, investigating the scene.

The magnitude of the fight that had transpired here was undeniable. The remnants of magic, the lingering echoes of combat, hung thick in the air, creating an almost tangible aura of tension.

It made the newbie adventurers tremble in their boots. What kind of a battle are they going to involve themselves in?

With their eyes widened to their limit, a collective gasp escaped their lips as they surveyed the battlefield. A few stumbled backwards, their expressions shifting from excitement to terror in the blink of an eye.

Nobody could blame their spirits for faltering at the gruesome sight.

"I've seen my fair share of conflicts, but this... this is another level of chaos" A veteran warrior, marked by the scars of numerous battles, couldn't help but let out a low whistle.

"Looks like we're not dealing with ordinary trouble, folks. This is the aftermath of something serious" His grizzled features, etched with experience, betrayed a sense of unease that echoed through the entire group.

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Even the veterans, who had faced monsters and powerful adversaries, exchanged uneasy glances. The atmosphere weighed heavily on them, leaving an unspoken understanding that whatever had transpired here was beyond their usual encounters.

"Everybody, don't let your guard down. We came here despite knowing the dangers we are about to face, it's too late to back down now. Remember your training, and don't let fear cloud your judgment. No matter what it is we can overcome it if we put all our strengths together" Thᴇ link to the origin of this information rᴇsts in N(o)vᴇl(F)ire.net

Blake spoke a few words of encouragement. His words were a reassurance, a steadying force amidst the palpable tension.

 With the veterans leading, the team of adventures made their way towards the headquarters of the criminal organisations.

 "We are here!!"

Blake mentioned looking at the buildings in front of him. The headquarters of the criminal organizations blended seamlessly into the urban landscape, cloaked in an unassuming facade.

From the outside, it appeared to be just another nondescript building, its exterior betraying no hints of the illicit activities transpiring within. The architectural design mimicked that of neighbouring structures, offering no visual cues that would set it apart as the epicentre of the criminal operations.

"Hmm, it's weird no matter how I think about it?"...

 "What is weird Sir Wyot? The headquarters of the criminal organisation is right in front of us" A newbie adventurer questioned. From his perspective, everything seemed to look normal.

"That's precisely why it's weird. We were able to get right in front of their doors without encountering any trouble. I was genuinely thinking we would have to fight a bloody battle just to get to this point. However, forget about meeting any obstructions, I can't even see any of their members. The whole thing seems so easy that it's creeping me out" Wyot explained sighing a deep breath of air.

 "D-Does that mean that the enemy has gathered all of their forces and is waiting for us inside?" the newbie adventurer looked around him nervously.

"Maybe, but given the grotesque scene we just saw earlier, it's also possible that a very powerful monster had devoured all of them"…

"What?!!" the young adventurer's pale instantly turned pale and he was on the verge of passing out.

"Wyot stop messing with the newbies. It's a good thing that we were able to get si far without expending needless manpower and energy. Whatever traps or plots they have set up for us, let's go and uncover them. Everyone, stay sharp, we are entering our enemy's base now"