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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 778- Cynthia's Passionate Speech (2)
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778  Chapter 778- Cynthia's Passionate Speech (2)

While the members of the criminal organisation became enraged, the transmission kept on continuing.

[Your families and loved ones who were held hostage to force you into submission, have all been freed. The chains that bound you have shattered, and we stand here today with a choice. A choice that was once denied to you]

[There is no longer any need for you to listen to the selfish and tyrannical orders of those who sought to exploit you. No longer do you have to toil like slaves, serving their every whim. The time for subjugation is over and all of this was only possible thanks to some of the adventurers who even while being threatened and suppressed chose to fight against our enemies. It is thanks to the efforts of these brave warriors who put their lives on the line to rescue us all from the cruel enslavement and give us freedom]

[These courageous adventurers who plunged the gauntlet of war against the criminal organisations and are at this moment fighting a desperate battle. The enemy is strong, their numbers far higher than us. However, they still struggle. Why? It's because we are adventurers, we are free spirited people and not some slaves. We fight to save our loved ones, we fight for this town]

Cynthia's impassioned speech reverberated all across the town causing many to stop for a moment and listen to her.

Inside the Serene Palace merchant building, Blake, Alvara and the other adventurers got ready to head out after receiving some light treatment.

"Blake, you shouldn't push yourself. You just received a critical wound. Maybe you should stay at the backlines during the raid"

 Frida spoke in concern. A few hours ago, the man had suddenly run off somewhere only for them to find him in the middle of a war torn area with a gaping hole in his upper body.

"Don't worry, the wound missed my bones. If I don't move the area much, I should be fine. Besides, we are currently going off to face the criminal organisation. Even having double or triple our numbers, wouldn't suffice"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Her Highness is doing her best to gather more reinforcements; however, there is no guarantee that those adventurers would fight with us, just because they are free now. In a situation like that, I cannot be sitting back at the backlines"

 It was as Blake said, there was no way of knowing what the situation would be until the end. Frida could only back down and choose to stay close to him in case he needed her aid.

Making their final preparations, the adventurers exited the building and headed for the criminal organisation's base.

Outside, Cynthia's speech continued to sound, reaching all the people of the tower town.

[This town is the adventurer's home, it is not theirs to control. It belongs to you all—the resilient, the brave, the free. Brave adventurers hear me, we stand at a crossroads. Right now in the eastern district of the town, where the base of the criminal organisation is, a fierce battle is going on]

[The heroic adventurer who freed us all and rescued our families are currently fighting with the enemies. However, we are outnumbered both in numbers and strength and urgently need your help. Brave warriors of the town, it's time to make a decision. We can unite and stand against the Criminal organisations or forever be their unwitting pawn. Remember, our choices will shape the destiny of the Tower Town]

[Let our unity be a beacon that guides us. Let our determination be a force that propels us forward. Today, let us forsake our identities and fight not as Adventurers, slaves, nobles or merchants but as free men and women. We fight for our town, for our families, for the right to determine our own fate. Free people of the town, hear the call of freedom! I am Cynthia Augusta Ellesmere, the princess of the Kingdom of Ellesmere. Stand with me, stand with each other, and let us face the enemy together. Our victory is not just the defeat of those criminals but the triumph of the indomitable spirit that resides within us all. Onward, everyone, for the Tower Town!]

The transmission stopped and Cynthia's speech was over. However, the indomitable spirit that she spoke about, quickly spread amongst the people of the town, swaying minds and persuading hearts.

CLAK… the transmission conch fell from Cynthia's hand, her figure staggered and she was just about to fall when Annette behind her supported her.

"This is all I can do with my current strength" she spoke softly.

"You did more than your part, your highness. I'm sure that after hearing your passionate speech, quite a lot of minds would be changed".

 Annette wasn't just throwing empty words, she could actually see the spark of rebellion that Cynthia ignited inside the hearts of the people, spreading all across the tower town like raging fire.

People whether it be old or young, Adventurers or slaves, all of them started having a change of mind.

The impassioned speech that she gave, no doubt managed to capture many hearts, inspired and stimulated them to rebel. However, more so than her speech the fact that it was her who was standing with them, leading them, made the most effect.

"Did you hear that? It's Princess Cynthia, she is trying to help free all of us adventurers. Truly, she is the pearl of our kingdom"…

"Princess Cynthia? Isn't she dead? I heard that she fell into the dungeon and went missing. Is she really your princess"…

"Shut up you outsider, don't slender our princess. There is no way she died, this must be a conspiracy of her brothers"…

"That's right, she has such a beautiful and noble soul, even god can't bear to kill her"…

"Well whatever, I don't know about gods and all, but if she can free me, then I will fight with her. Let's show those arrogant sons of bitches who have been ordering us left and right, who adventurers are".

The people of her kingdom were so, but she managed to even grasp the hearts of those who came from the other kingdoms. What's more, this small ripple was only the precursor of a bigger wave that was about to come.

"Quickly pass this message to every adventurer in the tower town fighting the monsters and even the ones inside the dungeon, that they no longer have to take orders from the members of the criminal organisation. Their families are safe and sound and nothing is holding them back from standing up for themselves anymore"…

"Yes, tell everyone that the princess is alive and is leading us adventurers to get rid of the Criminal organisations".

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

While the spark of revolution was being lit everywhere around the town, in the eastern district near the headquarters of the Criminal organisation. Fighting the outbreak of monsters, was a group of fighters fully decked out in high ranking armours and releasing a powerful aura.

At this moment, they wore a scornful and mocking face as they sat atop a mountain of monster corpses.

"Cynthia Augusta Ellesmere? I don't know how she survived, but even if she is the one leading you guys, you still don't have a chance to beat us"…

"Just because they managed to defeat some no name guilds under us, did they think that defeating us is also that easy? Do they even have any idea who our leaders are?"

The man looked at the adventurers of the tower town below who were being used as meat shield and asked.

"Na tell me, does your princess think she can defeat the Astral Strider and the White Beast, the two title rankers who rank above 3000?".

The adventurers below trembled in fear as the gaze of the man landed on them. They couldn't utter anything in return, after all, they knew the true strength of the two criminal organisations.

The Blades of Ascension guild who they thought were so powerful, were only just the tip of the iceberg. The really strong members were the ones currently standing in front of them.

"Haha, why are you asking these weaklings, these pacified cowards who don't even have the guts to raise their weapons against us anymore? Let them come, we will show them that they don't even deserve to get close to our leaders"

The members laughed. At this moment, their senses suddenly picked up multiple presences coming towards them from the direction of the tower.

"More monsters? Man, I'm getting tired of these small timers, ain't there a big powerful monster somewhere?"…

"It's good that you are ….. but don't get too caught up in it. Remember our orders, we need guard and stop the monsters here before they can get anywhere near the headquarters"… This chapter is updated by Noᴠel Fɪre.net

"Haha, you are right. But man why do I feel like the monsters are ignoring the other places and keep pouring here? Well, whatever, since I am bored I will clean all of them myself. The warrior holding an impressive looking spear, spoke and slid down the mountain of corpses.

Even when facing the onrushing horde of monsters, his expression looked bored and lazy as if there was no energy in him at all. His spear flashed, ripping through the air they produced multiple spear auras that quickly swept all the incoming monsters away, bisecting and killing them instantly.

A rain of blood fell, followed by hordes and hordes of more monsters pouring in. It was like a festival of tomatoes with blood and gore littering the streets and walls red.