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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 725- Re-Enact the Mythos:  Simon, Gaelen, Veridian Vs Malgrum
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Chapter 725- Re-Enact the Mythos: 

Simon, Gaelen, Veridian Vs Malgrum

It was as he had thought, following the story of the two mighty warriors was the right answer. Had he randomly opened the doors thinking one of them was the right one, he would have long run out of levels.

Thankfully, he had arrived at the Hall of the Mythos at last, now all that was needed was for him to defeat Malgrum to clear the trial.

That said, how was he supposed to defeat an entity that the trial warned him to avoid earlier as it meant certain death? The answer lay in the hall he was in.

Simon shifted his attention from the notification and glanced at the hall he was currently at. The place was enormous, its vastness resembling that of a coliseum or an ancient stadium.

The ceiling of the hall soared high above, disappearing into darkness, and the air carried a sense of anticipation and gravitas. The walls were lined with magical torches that emitted a gentle, flickering light, casting intricate shadows across the worn stone surfaces.

At the centre of the hall, Simon's gaze was drawn to two monumental statues. Carved with impeccable detail and precision, the statues stood as imposing sentinels on either side.

One depicted Gaelen Sunguard, his figure commanding and resolute, holding the shield of oath high above his head. The other depicted Veridian Sunblade, his stance noble and his Sword of Dawn pointed skyward.

The statues although looked like a lifeless stone; they emanated a palpable energy, an aura that seemed to echo the spirits of the two legendary warriors. It was as if their presence was etched into the very stone from which they were carved.

Looking at the layout of the hall, Simon couldn't help but be reminded of the time when he faced the Second Trial alongside Lucine and Denzel. The familiarity of the situation instantly made him realise what would occur next and what he needed to do to defeat the creature that was coming after him.

The story that he had followed led to the two warriors fighting and defeating the vile creature and now he must re-enact the past and defeat Malgrum himself.

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 That said, he did not need to fight Malgrum himself, even though the other party was just a remnant, it would simply be suicidal for him to face an opponent like that at his current level. Not to mention he was currently suffering from level penalty and his level was reduced by 200. There was no way he stood a chance.

But that was precisely why the statues were here. He might not stand a chance against the creature from the ancient times that brought calamity to the lands and wiped out countless kingdoms, but the statues can.

Simon had personally seen how powerful these statues were on the Second Trial not to mention the ones in front of him looked even more lifelike and powerful. If it was Gaelen and Veridian, they definitely stood a chance to defeat Malgrum.

With a deep breath, Simon stepped towards the statues. If the Fifth Trial resembled the Second, there definitely has to be that thing. Simon's eyes glanced towards the feet of the statues where he found a small shield and a sword silently hovering near each of the statues.

The shield and the sword was the device that controlled the statues. In the second trial, he used the shield device to control Gaelen Sungaurd to win against Viridian Sunblade. The presence of the devices meant that statues could be controlled.

Just like he had thought, the trial was telling him to re-enact the story from the long past, thus the name, Murals of Mythos.

With determined steps, Simon appeared in front of one of the statues and grabbed the device lying in wait for him. At that moment he heard another notification alerting him of the choice he made.

[You have chosen to wield the Blade of Dawn. You can now control the sword bearer, Veridian Sunblade. Since you have chosen the sword, the shield will disappear].

The device that Simon chose this time was the sword. It was different from the time in the Second Trial where he chose the shield. The stage, the statutes and even the intention of the trial might be the same in some aspects.

However, this was the Fifth Trial, he was not fighting against the other statue, but against an evil creature from the ancient times. What he needed right now was not the shield that could defend, but the blade that could attack and slay the entity that was after him.

Well, a large part of the reason why he chose the sword over the shield was because Simon himself used the sword. He was more adept at wielding it than the shield. His [Sword Mastery] skill had also evolved to become [Thousand Sword Mastery]. A skill that would be ranked Rare Class Ancient tier at the very least.

Simon observed the sword and got himself familiar with it. It was made of some peculiar material, had a sleek design, a long sword handle and the insignia of the sun.

Although it felt a little different than the Crimson and the Burnt Sword he was used to, Simon believed that it wouldn't take him long to get used to it.

<nulli>Swoosh… he started brandishing the sword, the blade made intricate and fine arcs across the air. Each move and slash had the deep understanding and skill that Simon held over the sword.

Just as he was practising with the sword and getting used to it, a notification appeared in front of his eyes.

<nulli>[Warning- Malgrun the Vile knows your position, 1 minute remaining before it reaches you]

Almost at the same time, another notification appeared before him.

<nulli>[The final part of the Fifth Trial will start now. The replica Blade of Dawn is activated. You are now able to use three skills of the legendary sword. Ut Videaris Victores]. The final part of the Fifth Trial was starting, and the two gigantic statues of Gaelen and Viridian started becoming active as they hummed as if alive.

In the midst of the tension that hung in the air, Simon's heart beat with a mixture of nerves and excitement. He tightly clenched the sword in his hand as a droplet of sweat trickled down his face.

The battle next would decide his fate, whether he would clear the Fifth Trial or die trying. It would be a lie to say that he wasn't nervous; however, more than that, the emotion that he was feeling right now, the feeling that was overflowing within was… excitement.

The exhilaration that he felt when challenging an opponent that was far stronger than him. If you think about it, he was about to face an opponent from the ancient times. A creature that spread terror and calamity all over the land.

The unknown level of power it possessed, the abilities it could unleash — all of it added to the exhilaration that surged through Simon's veins. He was about to confront an adversary who hailed from an era long past, a time of legends and myths.

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<nulli>[Warning- Malgrum the Vile has found your position. It is about to appear]

And finally, the warning from the notification came in big bold red letters.

A sudden ominous chill enveloped the place and the entire chamber seemed to hold its breath as the tension reached its peak. And then, as if answering Simon's own anticipation, the door across from him shuddered.

The massive entrance trembled on its hinges, the sound of metal scraping against stone filling the air. It was time. With every nerve on edge, Simon's gaze remained fixed on the door as it slowly swung open.

As the door parted, the colossal form of Malgrum emerged. Simon's eyes widened at the sight before him.

The creature's sheer size defied comprehension, it had hundreds of limbs and a body that was grotesque and distorted. It resembled a monstrous being from the abyss, chains coiled around its limbs and an aura of darkness enveloping its form. Cancers and growths marred its flesh, giving it an otherworldly and abhorrent appearance.

As if a sudden epiphany hit him at this moment, Simon finally realised why all the doors here were so huge. He had wondered about it ever since the start of the fifth trial. Now the answer presented itself in front of him.

It made sense now that he thought about it, the doors were huge because they were made with Malgrum in mind.

The hideous appearance of the creature that somewhat resembled hecatoncheires was one thing, but what captured Simon's attention the most was the door it dragged behind it.

The door was immense, its size seemingly enough to just fit through the chamber's entrance. Chains extended from the door and wrapped around Malgrum's body, binding it like a prisoner.

The door's surface was etched with intricate runes and symbols, pulsating with an eerie energy. It was as if the door held some hidden power, some connection to the entity itself.

As Malgrum moved, the door emitted an ominous resonance, as if it held secrets long forgotten by time. The moment Simon saw the door, the creature was dragging behind, he instinctively understood that it was the exit he was looking for.

The door that the trial told him to find, there was no doubt about it, it was the right door.

"Haha" A laugh bubbled up from deep within Simon, a mixture of amusement and astonishment.