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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 712- No way of escape
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Chapter 712- No way of escape

"We can't all stay here and fight. If we do, our pursuers will catch up to us. I'll stay behind and hold off the monster while you two run ahead. I'll catch up with you soon," Marba said firmly, sacrificing herself to buy time for her companions.

Alvara was torn with emotion, biting her lip so hard that blood trickled out. Nevertheless, she grabbed Cynthia and pressed ahead leaving her comrade behind to deal with the monster.

She was fully aware of what would happen if Marba a mage were to fight a monster without any frontliner that can protect her. However, she also knew what would happen if they were to stop here and engage the beast.

In the end, Alvara had no choice but to grab Cynthia's hand and flee with her highness, leaving Marba to face the beast alone. It was a difficult decision, but it was the only option to ensure their safety.

However… "No!! No more, I have lost enough people already" Cynthia broke away from her hold and refused to move.

"Princess what are you saying. This is not the time to be stubborn. Think about the sacrifices the other made to get you here. Just hold on a little more longer, I'm sure that guy will come…"...

"He won't" Alvara tried to reason Cynthia into moving but after seeing the adamant look in the latter's eyes, she couldn't help but swallow her words.

"He won't. Think about it, if he had any intention to come he would have shown up already. It's already been a week and I have lost many precious subordinates in this cat and mouse chase inside the dungeon".

'It needs to stop now. Instead of clinging to and waiting for some hope that would never arrive, I would rather fight and do what I can at this moment. And besides you should know more than anyone that Marba cannot win against that monster alone. Even if her magic is powerful if the beast covers the distance between them, she will die. If I can save her then I will fight" Cynthia made her decision.

"But Princess if you stop here now then…"…

"If that is my fate then so be it. I am tired of losing people close to me". Saying that, Cynthia turned around and rushed towards Marba to aid her.


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"Eat this... Lightning Magic Mastery- [Lightning pulse]" Marba cried out casting a magic of the lightning attribute. Powerful lightning bolts released out of her staff and bombarded the salamander.

However, the monster's hide was just too tough for the magic to pierce. Other than electrocuting and infuriating the monster, the magic didn't seem to have achieved any other effect.

"Damn," Marba clicked her tongue and tried to open some distance from the monster. But the Salamander was uncannily fast, it was already upon her. Its wide open jaws that were decked with sharp elongated teeth threatened to tear her apart.

"Is this where it ends? Sigh, in the end I couldn't buy much time. I hope they used this chance to get far away" Marba closed her eyes in resignation of her fate.

However, the expected death did not come. Instead, she felt a tight grip around her body and the sensation of being embraced.

Hurriedly opening her eyes, Marba saw the image of Cynthia who holding onto her with a gentle smile.

"Your Highness?!!" in shock, she couldn't help but question "Why are you here?".

She should have used the few minutes she bought her to get away from here. Yet the person came back to rescue her.

"I have lost enough people already, I cannot afford to lose you too. And so I decided to stop running and fight".

 Right after saying that, Cynthia unleashed a torrent of elemental magic, each attack imbued with the strength of the peculiar golden white markings that appeared on her body at this moment.

"Argh… let's defeat this beast as soon as possible then" Marba, no longer helpless, joined in the assault. With renewed vigour, she chanted incantations, her own magic intertwining with Cynthia's.

The Salamander roared in fury as Cynthia and Marba unleashed a relentless barrage of magic upon it. Fire, Ice, wind, lightning and earth, a dazzling array of magic was cast by Cynthia.

However, the monster's tough hide and resilience wasn't for show. Even after taking that many attacks, it did not flinch a single inch.

BUZZ… at this moment, the salamander opened its maw wide, flames beginning to condense into a breath. The very air seemed to distort at this moment from the intense heat indicating the power bestowed in that attack.

Just when the fiery breath was about to be completed, a sword pierced its maw causing the breath to blast in its own mouth.

Alvara landed in front of Cynthia and Marba after dealing some damage to the monster "It's Endurance is off the charts, however, it should still have some weakness. I will use my attacks to break its scales. Princess, Marba.. the both of you match your attacks and concentrate on that single spot" Alvara came up with a plan.

The level 410 salamander wasn't an opponent that they can take out so easily. Its level might be low compared to them, but it was a monster belonging to a powerful species. Attacking it head-on was utterly foolish.

"Understood!" Cynthia and Marba replied in unison.

Alvara skillfully drew the monster's attention toward herself, deftly manoeuvring around the creature and striking its thick scales with her sword, causing them to crack and shatter.

Meanwhile, Cynthia summoned her elemental prowess from the backlines, while Marba employed her lightning magic. Over time, their coordinated assault gradually wore down the Salamander's defences.

Each well-timed strike chipped away at its red-scaled armor, exposing its vulnerable spots. The creature howled in pain and thrashed about violently. In its berserk state, its enormous tail, capable of snapping trees and shattering boulders, struck Alvara, sending her flying and spewing blood.

"Alvara!!" Cynthia called out in concern.

"I'm… alright…" The guard captain replied picking herself up. Even though that last attack shattered some of her bones, the guard captain refused to fall down.

 "The monster is on its last legs. Keep attacking those spots, let's finish this" Alvara declared, her attacks were like a dance, and her sword strokes were precise and intense. Every strike and movement was calculated and aimed at further weakening the creature's defences.

"Alright" a fierce determination also shone in Cynthia's and Marba's eyes. The former channelled all her energy into her next attack, pouring the combined strength of fire, ice, wind, lightning, and earth into a single, concentrated blow.

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Meanwhile, Marba continued diverting the monster's attention, providing crucial support to Alvara.

The Salamander writhed in agony, it's once imposing red skin now marred with cracks and burn marks, and its roars grew more and more anguished. So when the attack that had the fusion of all those elements came targeting its weak spot, it created a devastating blow that finally brought the monster down.

BOOOM… clouds of dust rose high up to the ceiling and the air was heavy with the aftermath of the intense battle. All that remained was the sound of heavy breathing and the echo of victory.

"Huff… Huff… It's finally down. Is everyone alright?" Alvara turned towards Cynthia and Marba behind her.

"Yeah, we are fine"…

Battered and exhausted, everyone sat on the ground and collected their breaths.

"I can't believe we won against a monster like this" Marba spoke, a little out of sorts. As the dust settled down, it revealed the scorched earth the large crater and the monster lying motionless amidst it.

The mage was still unable to believe that they were able to prevail over such a powerful monster.

"If we were to believe the information from the adventurers, the Salamander should be a monster that should be on the middle or lower middle floors of the dungeon. The fact that we encountered one here, goes to say how dangerous the special area is. This place is filled with such monsters. We cannot waste any more time here and…"

Before Alvara could finish her sentence, a voice, dripping with anger and frustration, echoed through the area.

"Found you all" Black shadows rushed out of the forest and appeared before Alvara and the others. The figures were none other than their pursuers who finally caught up to them.

"I must say those subordinates of your highness gave us quite the trouble. However, no matter what tricks you use, its useless. You cannot escape. Give up before I run out of patience" Herm shouted walking up from behind the adventurers.

As always, the tall person in the hood followed closely behind him. Although Herm's voice sounded arrogant and conceited, judging from the haggard state, it was clear that they had to fight a series of difficult battles to get to here.

Alvara hurriedly rushed towards Cynthia, even while bleeding from her head, she stood in front of her like a shield. Her worst premonition finally came true, their pursuers had caught up to them.

"Sir Herm this is a Special Area, this was not part of the deal" one of the adventurer leaders grunted.

Their teams had taken heavy losses on their way here, many of his comrades had died. This wasn't the part of the deal.

"Huh?! As if I give a damn if it's a special area or not. The deal was for you guys to guide us inside the dungeon and aid in capturing them" Herm spat back, not in the best mood.