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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 682- Ritual of the Blades
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Chapter 682- Ritual of the Blades

Belial prepared to give his verdict regarding the Ghastly Winding Forest for once and all, when another voice intervened his ruling.

"A moment please, Demon Lord Belial. I believe it is too hasty to rule out the claim of the Earl Simon this early".

A figure walked out and stood beside Simon. They had a chubby face, plump belly and coffee brown eyes. Unlike the time with the demon earl, the crowd did not erupt this time. The reason for that was because the one to intervene in the matter of two powerful Demon Dukes, was a Demon Duke himself.

 Oswell who was renowned among the entire demonkind, stood before the crowd.

"Oswell, this is not a matter for you to intervene in" Duke Arctaurus spat in irritation. However, his coercion had no effects on someone who was equal or even stronger than him.

"Well, just listen. I am not here to talk with you two. Demon Lord Belial, I believe you of all demons will act impartially in this matter and uphold justice for all who seek your judgement. The reason why I defend this friend here is because his statement makes the most sense".

"As fellow demonkind, we should all know that the concept of land and territory is deeply intertwined with the notion of our birthright. Us demons hold a profound connection to the land we are born upon, and through ancient traditions and customs, these territories become an inherent part of our identity and power".

"When a demon is born from the ample mana of a specific land, they inherit the essence and energy of that place, entwining their very being with the land itself. This bond runs deep, shaping their characteristics, strengths, and even their magical affinity. As such, the land becomes their birthright".

Oswell words quickly grabbed the attention of the audience. The things that he spouted were all facts and something that all high ranking demons know about. As such, they had no words for retort.

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Seeing that the audience had become silent with all the murmuring ceased, Oswell continued—

 "When a demon successfully establishes a dungeon within their land, it becomes a seal of their authority, further strengthening their claim and validating their right to rule that place. The birthright and the establishment of a dungeon are intrinsically linked, forming an unbreakable bond between the demon and the land they call their own".

"It is a testament to their lineage, a declaration of their heritage and sovereignty. To challenge the authority of a demon's birthright is to defy the fundamental laws and traditions that have shaped the demon realm for aeons, an act that often leads to conflicts and territorial disputes among the demon nobles".

"I hope that Duke Arctaurus and Gelford understand this. Rather than fighting over with each other for a territory that do not even belong to you, why not recognise this demon's claim and his birthright? So what if he is just a Demon Earl, aren't he one of the demonkind, one of us?".

 Oswell craftily glanced at Simon and both of them nodded in understanding. The two of them slightly bowed their heads towards Belial in a show of courtesy and implored him.

"Demon Lord Belial, just a few moments ago you spoke about how we need to form alliance and cease our ambitions in front of the external threats and resolve all of our quarrels peacefully. However, if you declare the forest as a neutral territory wouldn't this just create a new reason for dispute for this friend here who has birthright over that land?"

"I understand that by declaring the Ghastly Winding Forest a neutral territory, would cause these two dukes to stop fighting. However, isn't that only for a hundred years? I'm sure they are bound to fight and go after each other blood just like they have been doing up until now after this agreement is over".

"Instead of a solution that is only temporary, don't you think declaring the forest as the territory of this Demon Earl, would be a permanent solution? If you acknowledge his claims over the territory, the two dukes will have no reason to fight any longer".

 In this intricate web of schemes, where every demon noble were trying to plot and fulfil their own self serving ambitions, Oswell's speech of truth subverted all of that.

He did not only speak for Simon, but for all Demons, whether they be Demon Earl or any low ranking demon. With him bringing the fundamental laws that shaped the very demon realm, even if the high ranking demon nobles didn't want to, they couldn't help but recognise the claims of this Demon Earl.

After all, denying him of his birthright would be defying these very same laws. If that happened, the entire foundation of the demon society would be shaken and they would revert back to the era before the Second Apex War with chaos left unfettered.

Whispers filled the venue as all the demons started musing and considering the words that Oswell had spoken, their voices barely audible over the rising murmurs.

Belial, who stood as the arbiter and judge for this matter, couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease as he locked eyes with Oswell. His mind raced as he tried to figure out the motive behind Oswell's intervention.

Why would a powerful and famous Demon Duke like him support a mere Demon Earl? That said, now that Oswell had intervened, and had even brought up the words he said previously, he couldn't dismiss the Earl without giving their statements and claims a fair consideration.

"As one of the rulers of the demon realm, it is my duty to ensure fairness and justice for all demons, regardless of their rank. While the claims of a Demon Earl may seem inconsequential compared to those of high-ranking dukes, I must uphold the principles of impartiality and lead with integrity."

Belial knew that if he wanted to maintain his position, he had to show all the demons that his leadership was impartial to all of them.

As his words reverberated through the venue, many demons began to see Belial in a new light. The notion of a demon lord valuing every voice, regardless of their rank, resonated within the hearts of many.

"Earl Simon, your claims to the Ghastly Winding Forest shall be carefully considered, as per the principles of fairness that govern our realm. However, I cannot give a verdict without checking all the facts. You say that you were born and had set up your dungeon in the Ghastly winding Forest? What evidence do you have to support your claims".

 Belial questioned playing the part of the judge.

Simon who knew that he would be asked to provide an evidence, took out a parchment of paper from his space ring and started drawing. After a while, he put his drawing up and displayed it to everyone in a dramatic flair.

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"Is that a… map of the Ghastly Winding forest?" Belial spoke looking at the thing the Earl drew up.

"That's right" The intricate line and pathways he drew up, was the map of the Ghastly winding forest. It was quite detailed and looked like something an expert cartographer drew up.

For Simon who had the aid of the [Mental Map] drawing a map of a territory he was so familiar with, wasn't a big thing. Many demons gazed at the map drawn by the earl with interest. Those who had seen the Ghastly winding Forest before, could tell that it was an actual map.

 "Although the map is really of the forest in question. However, it alone isn't proof enough to support your claim. Do you have anything else that is an actual evidence?".

Simon narrowed his eyes at those words from Belial. What other evidence does he want? He even went to the lengths of providing a detailed map of the forest whereas all the other two Demon Dukes did was state a few words.

 Simon knew that Belial was deliberately making things difficult for him. His intentions were clear, although the latter did say he would hear him out to show the crowd he was impartial, they didn't say anything about approving his claims.

 On one side were two influential Demon Dukes and on the other a mere Demon Earl. It was clear in whose favour Belial would give judgement towards. But he had forgotten one thing, the Demon Earl wasn't alone.

As if to tip the balance of the scale, Oswell stepped forward. "If that is not evidence enough, then how about I say that I have seen his dungeon. I can vouch for this friend here and his claims. How about it, is this evidence enough".

The venue was rendered silent once again. the observing demons exchanged glances with one another in intrigue. With Oswell's intervention and him vouching for the Demon Earl, the latter's claim towards the Ghastly Winding Forest was no longer as inconsequential as before.

On the contrary, it might hold heavier weight than the claims of the other dukes. After all, it was a known fact that Oswell was a very famous Demon Duke and was favoured by many Archdukes and even by the Demon Lord himself.

Belial looked at Oswell and the Demon Earl. Just when he was contemplating something, Duke Arctaurus stepped forward amidst the murmurs of the crowd.

"Please hold on to your ruling Demon Lord. If this Demon Earl truly seeks to claim the Ghastly Winding Forest as his territory, he must prove his worthiness through strength and power. Mere words and birthright are not enough to secure such a prized domain."