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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 679- Territorial Feud (2)
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Chapter 679- Territorial Feud (2)

The clash of arguments between these two dukes, reverberated through the chamber, their voices laden with centuries of history and deep-seated rivalry.

Accusations and counterclaims filled the air as their subordinates and faction rallied behind them, forming a divided audience, each side fervently defending their chosen duke.

It was not only Duke Rhydion and Duchess Elysilon's sides which were fiercely arguing, but other demon nobles and their faction too.

The venue which was celebrating the formation of new alliances and unity, had now transformed into a battlefield of words and subtle machinations. The friction and electricity that hung in the air served as a constant reminder that no matter how many alliances they forged, at the end of the day, they were demon nobles by birth and would always prioritize their own interest first.

 "The Tainted Swamps rightfully falls within the boundaries of my domain. Its dark grounds and twisting rivers have long been under my control, and its resources have fueled my forces for centuries" Duke Rhydion asserted, his voice resonated with an unwavering conviction.

"Hmph, you dare spout lies even in such auspicious gathering and claim what is mine? It looks like you have no shame Duke Rhydion. The land in question is an extension of my territory, blessed by the malevolent energies that have nurtured my dungeon for centuries. Its very essence thrums with my influence, and I will not yield it to your insatiable hunger for power."

As the quarrel escalated, their words took on a sharper edge, slicing through the silence like a double-edged sword. Everywhere you see, the atmosphere inside the venue teetered on the edge of anticipation, a storm ready to unleash its fury.

"You!! What did you say?" Duke Rhydion's face was ashen when slighted in front of the whole crowd like that. How could he a powerful demon duke leading one of the mightiest factions, take this lying down?

"If you are going to be like this, then I have no choice but to declare Dungeon War on you".

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Whispers swept through the crowd, as soon as duke Rhydion spoke about declaring war on Duchess Elysilon's dungeon. The tension in the room became palpable like a tangible force that shut every arguing demon nobles up and drew them into the unfolding drama between the two powerful adversaries.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you? Fine, if you want to do things like this, I declare dungeon war on your dungeon too. It is better this way, once I destroy your dungeon, this long standing grudge will also disappear".

Duchess Elysilon unyieldingly stood her ground, her voice carrying a note of defiance.

"Duke Rhydion, the other party seems to be looking down on our Blood Ridge Faction. Let us also join this war"..

"Hmph, do you think our Nightmare Trance faction is just for show. Duchess Elysilon, give us the word, we shall declare war on their faction".

The quarrel had reached a crescendo with more and more demons joining in. With the threat of the dungeon war igniting a fire within them, the other high ranking demon nobles too joined in the bandwagon, ready to assert their dominance over their rivals.

The chaos of war hung in the air like a volatile storm. The room seemed to tremble under the weight of the animosity and the threat of war. Those onlookers who were not in any faction or those like Simon and Oswell, watched the chaotic unfolding with bated breath.

They didn't want to get caught in the chaotic waters of the territorial dispute that had simmered for decades if not centuries, now manifesting in the most ugliest of forms.

Amidst the chaos, the demon archdukes and the Demon Lord of Envy, observed the spectacle with a mixture of concern and intrigue. They recognized the significance of this confrontation and the potential ripples this could send throughout the demon continent.

If they let the argument and the tension to escalate any further, a conflict of great scale would be unavoidable. As such, they have to step in to meditate.

Belial glanced at his father and the other demon Archdukes seated near before nodding his head.

Tensions ran high as the demons in attendance, divided by their faction and interest glared at each other. Just when it seemed like a skirmish was inevitable, Belial raised a hand, calling for order.

"Enough" His voice, steady and commanding, pierced through the charged atmosphere silencing all the demons with his pressure.

"This dispute cannot be solved through bickering and threats of war. Have you all already forgotten the threats that loomed over us and the resolve and the alliances you all made in their wake?".

Belial looked at the crowd, his eyes carried a firmness that brooked no argument "Duke Rhydion, Duchess Elysilon... as two of the oldest demon dukes present, having lived for more than 2000 years. I expected more self control and temperance from you two".

"You all as well, I understand the significance of these territories to each of you. However, we must remember that our true enemy lies beyond our borders. It is the encroachment of the human adventurers, the angels and the rise of their conquests that threatens our very existence".

"It is not the time to bicker with each other and tear ourselves apart. We stand at a crucial juncture in our history where we need to make a stand against the encroaching threats. It is only natural for disputes to arrive when your interests are somehow affected. However, must we settle it through such crude means?".

"But Lord Belial, how can we resolve these disputes when our interests and desires often clash? Are we to abandon our ambitions and cede territory to others?" A demon duke who was unable to take his rival's attempts to cease his territory, spoke up.

 "I understand your concerns, my fellow demon. Rest assured, I do not propose relinquishing our interests. Instead, I advocate for a system of diplomacy and negotiation, where compromises can be reached and agreements can be forged. By engaging in open dialogue and by providing hard facts, we can strive for peaceful resolutions that do not involve tearing each other apart."

 "But my lord, what about those who refuse to cooperate? What if some demons seek to expand their dominions through force?".

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Belial glanced at the demon; no at the whole Hexennacht gathering and declared with a voice full of authority.

"That is why I am here. As the new Demon Lord, I believe it is my duty to lead my fellow Demon brethren. Together with the Demon Archdukes I shall convene and establish a council for mediation. This council will serve as a platform for dialogue, where disputes can be heard, and solutions can be sought. If necessary, I shall not hesitate to act against those whose intention are to threaten the peace and stability of our realm".

The final words from the newly risen Demon Lord of Envy, ceased all discontent and silent arguments going on among the audience. They all nodded their heads agreeing with the demon lord.

The image of a vast infernal horde covering the land like a black carpet and the loss of Duke Megera was still fresh on their mind. The power presentation from the demon lord served both as a caution for enemies and demons alike.

 Although Belial said it was a power not meant to be exercised on the fellow demon, they didn't want to be the guinea pig to test it out. What's more, the new Demon Lord also had the support of the Demon Archdukes behind him.

Heck even the two most oldest Demon Dukes among them, Duke Rhydion and Duchess Elysilion, set aside their pride momentarily tempered by the gravity of the situation and acquiesced to Belial's words. Much less needs to be said about other demons.

 And so, the murmurs of discontent quieted, and a newfound sense of determination began to replace the chaos that had consumed the venue. The demon nobles setting their differences aside sought out a peaceful resolution with their rivals.

Seeing the gathering, once on the precipice of chaos, now found its footing again, Belial smiled to himself. He who had just recently established himself as the leader of all the demons here, couldn't let his foundation crumble in front of his eyes as such he had to intervene before this territorial dispute escalated into a full-blown faction war.

"Duke Rhydion, Duchess Elysilion, your claims have been heard and shall be thoroughly investigated. Until a verdict is reached, I demand that you both exercise restraint. In the face of impending threats, we must rise above petty disputes and rivalries. It is time to put aside our individual ambitions and forge alliances based on shared survival."

Belial spoke, his words struck a chord among the demons, reminding them of the importance of solidarity in the face of adversity. The newly risen Demon Lord of Envy, had successfully intervened, averting a catastrophic clash and steering the demons towards a path of unity.

Discussions filled the air, as all the demons vyed for their words and claims to be heard. Belial heard each and every one of them before deciding on his verdict.

Gareth and the other demon archdukes who watched the whole scene while leaning back on their seats, had a smile on their faces from start to finish. They all grinned at the acute intellect and wits of the new demon lord.

"Elder brother Gareth, I have to say that your son is truly worthy of being chosen by the fragments of Envy. To even find the opputnity in this time of urgency, I have to give it to him" Boros remarked.

"Haha, you are praising him too much. He still has a lot to learn" Gareth shook his hand in denial, though his eyes which held satisfaction and delight while glancing at his son said other wise.