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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 676- Secret Dealing
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Chapter 676- Secret Dealing

"The race of demon nobles was confined to the demon continent. The consequences of ever breaking it would be disastrous. Of course, the humans who were equal perpetrators in all of this if not more, were also appended in the treaty".

"However, compared to the heavy sanctions and rules imposed on the demons, the humans got it easy. The repercussions that they suffered weren't everlasting and with time, they recovered from all those damages".

Oswell glanced at Simon and seeing his perplexed look, he clarified. "I know what you are thinking. If the humans and demon nobles were an equal perpetrators in all of this mayhem, then why were the human race not penalised equally? Why did they come out of this treaty relatively better than the Demon Nobles?"

"The reason for that was simple. At that time, four of our demon lords had fallen, the primordial Demon Lord of Sloth was gravely injured and Wrath refused to join in all of this. He had completely given up on the world and was unconcerned about what happened to the race of Demon Nobles".

"No matter how powerful she is, lady Lilith alone couldn't defy the powerful Dragon Lords and the coalition of other mighty clans. As such, our race of Demon Nobles even though unwilling, had to accept the short end of the stick. Whereas, the race of humans got lucky. Although they too had suffered disastrous losses, a new beacon of hope, the Seraphim of Chastity appeared amongst them and led the race of humans to a new dawn. As the result of the Seraphims' intervention, they were spared from suffering heavy impositions".

So that is why, Simon nodded his head, one of his doubts was cleared now.

"Anyways, thanks to the treaty's provisions that laid the foundation for lasting peace, boundaries were established, demarcating the territories of each clan and race, ensuring a delicate equilibrium that allowed for coexistence and cooperation".

"Economic agreements were forged, fostering mutual benefit among the signatories. And most crucially, a framework for dispute resolution and mediation was established, preventing conflicts from escalating into all-out war. The treaty also recognized the role of the Dragon clans as the custodians of the realms' balance. With their ancient wisdom and immeasurable power, they were tasked with upholding the treaty's tenets, and serving as impartial judges and enforcers".

"Their presence served as a constant reminder to all signatories of the consequences that awaited those who dared to defy the peace. As time passed, the treaty became ingrained in the fabric of our world. Thus creating the era that was now".

Oswell took a pause here and glanced at Simon: "I could keep on talking about the treaty; however, with this you should have a basic understanding of what this treaty is and why some of the demons are unwilling to breach it".

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"However, the actions of the humans are a testament of the fragility of the treaty. This delicate peace is nothing but a deception. Chaos is still present in the world, fights and battles are still fought everywhere under the guise of politics and clans being subjugated hidden from the eyes of the dragon clans".

"As new generations are rising to power, the memories of the Second Apex War are beginning to fade, and of course, the once old rivalry is threatening to resurface once again. Even I am unable to predict which direction the world will shift from this point on".

"However, what I am clear is that, the times are starting to change. We the race of Demon Nobles no longer hold the advantageous position due to the treaty. If the demon nobles continue to maintain their current self indulgence, we are sure to fall sooner or later".



In a realm veiled in darkness, where the boundaries between worlds grew thin, a figure slowly walked forward. The figure had the head of a goat, half of his face was skeletal and one could see the muscles and veins spasming through it.

They had long twisting thorns, razor sharp teeth and peculiar crossed eyes with ring shaped patterns. They had a pale purple skin and wore a black hood over. Their arms were long and thin and held a weird staff that was made of bones. A pungent smell of corpse wafted off from them.

The figure was none other than the Merchant of the Damned, Grimvul.

TAK… TAK… As he walked forward, in this ominous dark world, the sound of his footsteps echoed through the expanse of this place.

"Merchant of the damned, my lord has been expecting you".

Suddenly, an old voice sounded out, the darkness shifts and an old man stood waiting in front of the merchant. If Simon was here, he would have immediately recognised the old man with a serene look Auction of the Damned.

and having orbs like nebulas surrounding him while levitating a few feet off the ground, as the old hermit he had seen back in the Auction of the Damned.

"ShiShiShi… So he saw through my arrival huh, as expected of that being. Lead me to him, I have a piece of news that being would definitely want" Grimvul spoke, flashing his wretched smile.

Acknowledging the merchant's request, the old man nodded and led him deeper through a series of labyrinthine paths and in front of a grand chamber that loomed like a colossal beast before them.

The chamber, bathed in an eternal twilight, was an embodiment of ancient dread and unfathomable power. Its immense size stretches beyond the boundaries of one's eyesight.

The walls here were made of an eerie material with pulsating veins running along its sides. The pillars supporting the place rise to towering heights, disappearing into the dark depths above.

Ancient glyphs and symbols, etched with precision and purpose, were carved along the walls as if recording the secrets lost to time.

The air within the chamber was heavy with the weight of ages, suffused with a chilling aura that sends shivers down the spines of even the most stalwart souls. An unnatural silence pervaded the place.

In the distance, a faint glow like an ember emanates from a series of torches strategically placed throughout the chamber. Their ethereal flames cast flickering shadows upon the chamber's vast expanse, painting macabre images upon the walls.

The flickering light dances with the darkness, creating an eerie chiaroscuro.

At the centre of the chamber, elevated upon a dais of obsidian, rests a throne. Carved with intricate detail, the throne seemed to meld seamlessly with the encroaching darkness, its jagged edges and sinuous curves evoking a sense of unease.

Seated upon the throne was an enormous and shadowy figure emanating a palpable aura of power and darkness. Their form was obscured, shrouded in a cloak of obsidian hues that seem to drink in the very light around them. Only the gleam of their glowing eyes burning intensely could be seen penetrating through that cloak.

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As the Merchant and the old man approached near, the chamber fell into an eerie stillness. Whispers of ancient incantations and infernal rituals echo through the air, as if paying homage to the shadowy figure upon the throne.

"Master I brought the merchant. He came here as you had foretold, it looks like he has some kind of news for you" The old man spoke respectfully towards the figure seated on the throne.

The ancient incantations and the echo of chants stopped, the shadowy figure turned its gaze toward the Merchant. Their eyes glowing with an otherworldly light pierced through the darkness as if they held the weight of tens of thousands of years and could see through all kinds of deception.

Feeling the gaze upon him, the merchant of the damned realised once again that he stands before a being of immense power and knowledge, a figure who has witnessed countless rise and falls of the world, and who holds the strings that bind fate itself.

A being of unparalleled significance, and power that could not only shape the destiny of the entire Demon Continent, but all of Althaea.

In front of that being even Grimvul had to bow his head in deference.

"Speak Grimvul, why did you come to my domain? Are you tired of living or did you come here bringing some good news for me? Speak, do not waste my time".

A voice resonated through the chamber, deep and commanding, as if the very fabric of reality could be bent to the speaker's will.

"Oh primordial one, I have come bearing some good news. The information relating to that thing you are searching for, I have it with me. However, before I pass this information to you, I have two simple requests of you" Grimvul requested.


The merchant of the damned steadied himself so as to not show any fear in front of the figure and made his requests.

 "My first request is that in exchange for the value of the information that I'm about to provide you, I want something of equal significance".

Shadowy figure: "So, the Merchant of the Damned seeks my possessions, how amusing. You stand before me trembling, yet you make such demands? Alright, I grant this request. If the information you have is of great value to me, I shall provide you with something with equal value. Now, make your second request".

Grivul continued "My second request is that you guarantee my life. During my time here and when I leave this place, I want you to guarantee that no one will harm me".

The ancient shadow, seated upon the throne, gazed deeply at Grimvul with a penetrating intensity as if he was angered.