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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 667 667- Invitations From The Various Factions
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Just as Simon wondered what the Celestial Oculairs wanted from him and why did it show him that vision, he felt his clothes being tugged and saw the twins looking at him in concern. The time was starting to flow normally once again.

"Master, are you alright? It looked like you were in immense pain?" the twins asked.

"My friend, are you alright?" It was not only the twins even Oswell and his subordinate Aisha, were glancing at him with worry.

Simon nodded his head and spoke a few words to disperse their concerns "Yeah, I'm alright now. I'm sorry for worrying you all".

"You don't have to say sorry, we are just glad that you are alright" Oswell laughed patting Simon's shoulder. The group started becoming merry once again when Prime interjected in between.

"Brat how is your eye? Do you feel anything unusual?".

"This…" Simon thought for a while before deciding to keep the vision he had, a secret from everyone. "Its fine, it would take a little time to get used to the new eye. However, other than that, there seems to be nothing unusual".

He did not lie, in fact, the left eye felt no different than his original eye. Apart from it feeling a little foreign, the left eye was no different than an ordinary eye.

"I see…" Prime seemed to have realised something and did not press further. He simply jumped back inside Simon's pocket leaving behind a few words of his.

"Although I'm sure you are already aware of it, but brat be careful from now on. You now possess one of the items that existed since the dawn of time and to top it off, the colour and patterns on your left eye are very unique and unfathomable. I'm sure many demons will inadvertently get drawn to it. Never let them know what eye it is".

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The words that Prime spoke, was low enough for only the two of them to hear.

Simon glanced at his pocket, this guy seemed to be quite knowledgeable about the eye. Well given the latter's advanced intelligence and the fact that they were the ones to tell him the eye was a genuine article, it was not surprising.

Still, the words that Prime said about the eye being an item that existed since the dawn of time, really intrigued him. Simon planned to learn more about it from him later. For now, he decided to focus on what's ahead.

The group after resting for a bit, resumed their journey through the Asphodel Meadows and after travelling for five days, they finally reached the place of their destination.

Simon and the others might have arrived here sooner had they flown here straight. However, they chose to take rests in between and slowly make their way. Hence when they arrived at their destination, most of the demons who were lagging behind them, had already arrived.

'So this is where the Hexennacht is going to be held' Simon muttered inside his heart and tightly clenched his hands for what was going to come next.

Up ahead in front of him, was a vast clearance filled with the serene ambience of the meadows. A grand open stage reminiscent of the ancient architecture, stood at the heart of this place. Its towering columns and elegant archways exude an air of regality and mystique.

This magnificent stage was the venue for the Hexennacht, a momentous gathering that is held every ten years.

Standing on the stage, attending to the various demon nobles were servants adorned in elaborate and ethereal attire. They moved around gracefully, their captivating beauty attracting the eyes of every demon noble and their enchanting presence adding to the grandeur of the event.

The atmosphere on the stage is filled with celebration and the air resonates with the melodies and songs performed by skilled musicians. Various food and delicacies lined up the tables, their aroma attracting the appetite of all the attendees present.

"Haha, don't look there for now. We will also be going there but first, we need to make a trip to the Empty Lagoon" Oswell commented, leading the group towards the pond.

Located a few dozen miles away from the venue and hidden amidst the tall overgrown trees, was a seemingly unremarkable pond known as the Empty Lagoon.

At first glance, it appeared no different than any ordinary pond; however, this ordinary pond holds the key to uncovering the true nature of the illusory landscape that envelops the meadows.

The Empty Lagoon stretches out like a mirror, its still surface reflecting the distorted beauty of the Asphodel Meadows above.

"Hehe, this is our destination. Only those that possess the knowledge about the pond, are granted the ability to look beyond the veil of illusion. Lets go, we will meet on the other side" Oswell did not explain further and immediately dived into the pond. Aisha followed behind him.

Simon hesitated for a while before making up his mind and diving inside the pond with the twins in tow. He thought that he would have to submerge inside the pond for a while. However, to his surprise as soon as he dived inside the pond, he surfaced almost the next second.

Splash… Displacing a large volume of water, Simon appeared out of the pond and landed on the shore.

What was going on? He should have been diving inside the pond, so why did he surface out? Tilting his head in confusion, Simon searched for Oswell and Aisha when suddenly his gaze froze and he stood rooted in his place.

His calm expression crumbled, giving way to a slack jawed dumbfounded face.

"Haha, that's the exact same face I made when I first came to the Asphodel meadows and surfaced out of that pond. Welcome to the actual Asphodel Meadows, my friend" Oswell laughed.

Simon could hear Oswell talking; however, at this moment he did not have the additional concentration to pay attention to anything else. The reason for that was because as soon as he surfaced out of the pond, the world he had seen up until now, seemed to have morphed and transformed into something else entirely.

"Woah, master this place is nothing like the land we had just seen," said the twins who emerged out of the pond after him.

The illusory beauty of the Asphodel Meadows that had been gazing up until now, faded away revealing a grim and desolate realm.

The vibrant greenery and blooming flowers transformed before their eyes. The once picturesque scene distorts into twisted, sinister forms. The meadows became overgrown with thorny vines that writhe and coil, eagerly seeking their next victim.

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The flowers, once radiant and enchanting, reveal jagged teeth and emit toxic fumes, their sole purpose to deceive and harm.

Streams that once seemed pure and inviting, now run black with poisonous liquid, their gentle flow hiding treacherous currents and unseen creatures lurking beneath the surface.

The mist that wafts through the air is no longer benign but becomes a suffocating fog, obscuring vision and disorienting those unfortunate enough to be ensnared within its embrace.

The fauna and flora of the Asphodel Meadows reveal their true nature. Trees, gnarled and twisted, stretch out their branches like skeletal arms, eager to ensnare unsuspecting victims in their grasp. T

he grass underfoot becomes razor-sharp blades, cutting through flesh with malevolent glee. Even the air itself turns toxic, laden with invisible spores that bring illness and decay to any who dare to breathe it in.

True to the Demon Continent there is no peace in this land, only a constant struggle for survival. Every element of the landscape, from the seemingly innocent petals to the towering trees, is imbued with a dark purpose—to deceive and to kill.

Simon couldn't believe that this was the true nature of the beautiful Asphodel Meadows he had been glancing all this time. 

"I can tell that you are surprised. You can interpret this land of deception in any way you want. But you know, every time I visit the Asphodel Meadows, it is like a reminder to me that many times appearances can be deceiving and that the darkness can lurk beneath even the most captivating façades".

"There is no true peace and solace in this world, only deception spun inside a cocoon of illusion. If one wants true peace they need to create it with their own power" Oswell spoke uttering some deep words at this moment.

Simon snapped out of his daze and nodded his head as if understanding what the other party was trying to convey. Now that the true essence of the Asphodel meadows was laid bare in front of him, he could see the duality that exists in the world.

The pond, the Empty Laggon that acts as a medium, a gateway between the illusory realm above and the stark reality beneath. It serves as a conduit for those seeking to see beyond the deceptive surface, offering a rare opportunity to witness the truth that lies hidden in the depths of the meadows.

"Alright, let's go. All the other demon nobles must have arrived by now, the Hexennacht will be starting very soon" Oswell stated turning around to fly where the venue was.

Seeing that no other demon came from the direction of the pond after them, Simon guessed that they were among the last demons if not, the last ones to arrive. He and the others hurriedly unfurled their wings and took to flight.

Soon, the venue appeared in front of their vision. Having dived and submerged himself inside the Empty Lagoon and seeing through the deceptive façade of the Asphodel meadows, Simon saw a stark contrast from what he had witnessed of the grand stage before.