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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 662 662- Drow
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Seeing his expression, Oswell couldn't help but chuckle, he was reminded of his own time when he foolishly believed everything in front of his sight.

"Do you know what the adventurers of today call the Asphodel Meadows?".

Simon looked askance "What?".

Oswell gave a wicked smile that was very true to his race and answered "The pearl of the Demon Continent, that's what they call it. They associate it with tranquil and peaceful, the only place in the Demon continent where nature and magic intertwine, offering a sanctuary and tranquillity to those who seek it".

"Of course, the reality is far from what they think. You will also understand what I mean once we reach our destination, the Empty Lagoon".

Oswell had told him on their way that the Empty Lagoon was the name of the pond that was the only thing in this place that reflected the truth of this land. Additionally, the pond was also their destination and the place where the Hexennacht will be held.

"Oh! If it isn't Oswell, what a coincidence meeting you here"

While Simon and the others were making their way towards the pond, a high pitched voice that had a touch of feminity, suddenly rang out.

Immediately afterwards, a couple of figures appeared in front, blocking their path. The group that stood in front of them, was led by a demon so fat that he looked almost like a ball. What's more, he had heavy make up on and was dressed in such striking and ridiculous clothes that he stood out in a very unique way.

How could Simon forget who this demon was? The demon duke who became the centre of attention in the auction by bidding against the Demon Archdukes. The demon against whom even an idiot might look smart.

He was the genius who purchased all the garbage items that appeared in the auction. Apart from the Eye of Enigma which turned out to be a genuine article, this demon was completely ripped off by the Merchant of the Damned. And now, he had come to attend the Hexennacht along with his two subordinates.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Simon wouldn't have bat his eyes if it was any other demon noble appearing before him. However, this guy was after the twins at the auction and judging by the way he was lying in wait for them, this guy clearly didn't have any good intentions.

"What coincidence? Cut the crap. Why did you block my path Famoon?" Oswell spoke in an annoyed tone. He didn't have a very good relationship with this Demon Duke.

"Haha, you misunderstand. I am not blocking your path. You are free to go, my business is with the guy beside you" The Demon Duke who was called as Famoon, pointed at Simon, his eyes did not hide his perverseness as they roamed around the twins.

"Zerul is he the Demon Earl that blocked your path the last time?" He looked towards one of the two subordinates beside him and asked.

"That's right master, he is the very same demon that mocked you"

Zerul flashed a disdainful smile as he looked at Simon. Because of the latter, he was unable to complete his master's orders thus making him lose favour. As such, he bore some hatred towards Simon.

"Hoh!!" after hearing that the other party dared to mock him, Famoon made an amused face as he observed the Demon Earl even more closely.

"To think that a time would come where even a lousy Demon Earl would mock me. It appears that it really is the case of not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth. Usually, I would have punished such behaviour until you begged for death".

"However, I'm in a very good mood right now so I'll caution you not to do anything to off put it. Listen well young blood, I came here with a proposal. Nullify the contract you made with those two and hand them to me".

"Of course, I am not an unreasonable demon, I shall offer you [20,000,000] DP each for them. How about it? I am even offering twice the amount I offered you last time"

After making his proposal, Famoon stood in the sky with his hands behind his back. Although he said it was a proposal, this was no different than an order. The opposite party was just a Demon Earl after all, as such he did not need to put them in his eyes.

Usually, he would have acted more brutishly and directly snatched the twins away from the Demon Earl. However, as he said before, he was in a very good mood after purchasing all sorts of things from the auction.

Hence he was generous enough to even make an offer to the Demon Earl.

Famoon thought that the other party would gladly latch on to his offer and willingly give the two children to him. But to his surprise, not only did the other party not take his offer, they even sighed in exasperation and cursed him out.

"You fucking jackass... I told you before too, but let me repeat it once again. They are my family and not for sale. If you get that, then buzz off you clown"

Simon spat glaring at his opponent with his crimson eyes. He had done his best to avoid trouble but it came looking for him at the end. He knew that those words would piss off the Demon Duke and he would be unable to avoid making a scene here.

However, he had no choice. He cannot just allow the other party to climb on top of his head and do whatever they want.

"I guess it was a waste of time to discuss it with a lowly Demon Earl. I told you before didn't I, not to piss me off? Since you refused my offer, I have no choice but to do things more crudely. Sigh… and here I was in such a good mood"

Famoon exaggeratedly shook his head and pointed at his subordinate "Zerul since this is your mess, you will be the one to clean up. Give the container of the Eye of Enigma to Salvas".

Since the Eye of Enigma was a sentient item, it couldn't be stored in a space ring. As such, he had one of his subordinates hold it the entire time.

The Demon Earl named Zerul did as he was told, after passing the container to the other guy, he had just stepped forward towards Simon and his entourage, when…

"This looks fun, why don't I join in too"

Oswell stepped between Simon and the Demon Duke "Famoon let me check out how powerful your subordinate is. Aisha why don't you teach this fellow a thing or two"

He glanced at his subordinate Aisha who immediately understood his intention. Just as the latter was about to step forward and engage the enemy, Simon stopped them.

"I know, you are doing this as a show of goodwill. However, this is my fight. I cannot allow you to get into my mess".

Oswell looked like he had something to say but when he saw the smile of reassurance on his friend's face, he chose to stay silent.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Oswell, I don't care if you are favoured by the demon lords or the other factions. In the end, you are someone who was born much later than me. If you get it, then behave like one. Even if it's you, I will not hold back".

Famoon threatened; however, he also understood that his threat meant nothing to Oswell. The latter's status and dungeon was much higher than his own. In terms of influence and power, in the demon society he could even match some ancient Demon Archdukes.

Famoon wanted to possess the twins; however, they weren't worth enough fighting it over with Oswell. So when he saw Oswell backing down, Famoon was inwardly a little relieved.

On Simon's side, Theodore insisted that he leave it to him.

"Master, just leave it to me. I want to teach this bastard who dared to grab the hands of my sister, a lesson that he will never forget. Plus, it just so happens that one of my kindred is itching to try her new powers".

Seeing the boy insist so much, Simon could only nod his head. "Who are you sending?" Even he was interested as to how much of the Vecna's power those six have assimilated with.

"Hehe, Drow it's time for you to shine"…

"Yes my master".

As if reacting to his own, a voice came from the void. Immediately, the shadows cast by the surrounding objects, started bending and twisting in a weird way.

The sky darkened and a bloody glow descended onto the place. A figure emerged from the enlarged shadow of the boy.

Covered in a red black piwafwi, light leather armour and footwear of the elven kind, the Dark Elf who was called as Drow appeared beside Theodore.

At this moment, she was kneeling on one knee with her head bowed towards the boy.

"It looks like assimilation with the power I have given you is going well. Though it seems it will still take you all a lot of time to completely absorb it. Nevertheless, your current strength should still be enough to handle the likes of that guy".

"Go drow, show them the power of a true vampire. Also, make sure he regrets laying his hands on my sister"

With those words from Theodore, the Dark Elf raised her head. Immediately, two blood red pupils hiding underneath her ash grey hair, came into view.