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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 655 655- The Showcase Item
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It was for that reason Simon had given up on all the other items he had his eyes on and saved his DP. He reckoned that if he truly went all out, with the amount he had with him, he might just be able to get the thing he wants.

That said, the one demon he was truly amazed by, was not the Demon Archdukes but by the guy sitting adjacent to his room. A large portion of the things that were sold, were purchased by him.

The demon that he was talking about was none other than Oswell. The wealth that the latter posses was so great that it made Simon's mind spin. He could even compete with the ancient Demon Archdukes and snatch majority of the things from their hands.

Oswell did tell him that he was very rich; however, he didn't think that it would be to this extent. A demon possessing more wealth than even most of the Demon Archdukes. No wonder, the Demon Lord of Envy was so interested in him.

"That guy is a very unique demon no doubt" At this point, even Simon found himself being curious about Oswell. However, he didn't have the time to ponder it any longer because the thing that he was waiting for, finally appeared on the stage.

"ShiShiShi… distinguished guests, connoisseurs and collectors of the extraordinary. Please pay extra attention to this one. From the race of Lumynars that are said to be one of the, if not the most intelligent beings in this universe".

"They are a highly elusive and ancient race that is said to have once created a highly advanced civilisation a long long time ago. However, their extreme intellect seemed to have worked out against them as they ended up destroying themselves".

"There are only a few Lumynars surviving to this day and age and each and every one of them had shut themselves in places that make them almost impossible to find them. Even I, stumbled upon one through some incredible stroke of luck".

Grumvul took a pause here for his words to sink inside the brains of his audience before continuing.

"Behold the Lumynar, a race of beings whose luminous appearance is the testament to their advanced intelligent and extreme mental capabilities".

The auction hall fell into a hushed silence as all the eyes curiously glanced at the entity on the stage. It was tiny, about around six to seven inches, its body was translucent and shimmering with an inner light.

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It had elongated limbs, an out of size head and profound eyes that seemed to be gazing and evaluating the crowd in front of it.

"ShiShiShi… These extraordinary beings have devoted their existence to the pursuit of knowledge, creation and unlocking the mysteries of the universe. What's more, the Lumynars are also called inventors for their unparalleled craftsmanship and creation ability".

At ths point, Grumvul spread his hands and said grandly "Distinguished guests, the opportunity to become the master of a Lumynar is once in a lifetime chance that will never appear again".

"These beings hold the key to unlocking new frontiers of knowledge and expanding the boundaries of understanding. I wonder who among you can become its master".

Right after saying that, Grimvul opened the bidding. A being that couldn't be analysed naturally drew all sorts of attention, especially from the ancient Demon Archdukes.

Simon was no exception, if there was anything that drew the most attention from him in that exhibition, it would be this being who was introduced as a Lumynar by Grimvul.

At that time when he was observing the various items and races that were kept in that hall for display, he came across this tiny little guy. It was sitting inside that barrier while lazily gazing at the spectators that came to observe him.

Its attitude was as if it was the doing the observing and not the other way round. Anyways, when he stood in front of it, this Lumynar seemed to have sensed something and sent a mental transmission inside his head.

The thing that it told him, stunned Simon to his very core. He tried to initiate a conversation with it, but the Lumynar did not speak another word to him. Left with no choice Simon decided to question it later after purchasing it.

This was the reason why he was interested in that Lumynar. Even now, its eyes were looking through the VIP room and at him.

Although he did not what that little fellow was thinking, but he could more or less guess his intention. 'Buy me' that's what those eyes were trying to convey.

Simon sighed and joined the bid. The starting bid set for the Lumynar was more ridiculous than even the [A] rank Dragonkins.

[200,000,000] DP... it started from this price point and went as high as [300,000,000]. However, the fierce bidding was yet to slow down. Among these ancient Demon Archdukes, there were many collectors wanting to collect the rare and the extraordinary and those seeking to gain higher powers and understanding.

There was no shortage of demons wanting to possess them, and they wouldn't let this opportunity slip from their hand.


At some point, the bid soared to a point where Simon's heart bled just to place the counterbid. He had his own reason not to back down and so... [410,000,000].

Fortunately for him, the guy adjacent to him did not participate in this bid. Maybe the other party realised he wanted the Lumnynar or if he simply wasn't interested. Whatever the case may be, it was a big relief that Oswell was not in the picture.

That said, it was not like there was no competition at all. There were still many others who were bidding fiercely against him. Every time that they bid, they would raise the price quite high. Even Simon was starting to reach his limits.

[500,000,000]... he had already gone beyond the amount he set aside for the auction. If he went any further, it might affect his dungeon and even halt its growth.

Inside one of the VIP rooms…

[That's enough Bellial, we have already expended quite a bit of DP on other items. If you bid any higher, we might lose the showcase item to the subordinates of the other demon lords or those Demon Archdukes]

The Demon Lord of Envy who was about to raise the price once again put down his hands after a mental transmission sounded in his head. It was from his father, the Demon Archduke Gareth.

"Right, I'll stop" Bellial stopped bidding.

Most of the demons sitting inside the VIP rooms and those subordinates sent by the Demon Lords came here for the showcase item of the auction which was guaranteed to be a treasure beyond a treasure. It would be unwise to spend any more DP lest they fall short of DP in the end.

Call it a stroke of luck or just fate, Simon who was desperately wishing for no counter bid, did not hear any offer come even after a while. And therefore, the Lumynar was sold to him. it came for quite a price.

"Hahh…"... As if a weight had been lifted off from his shoulders, he who was on edge flumped to his seat without any energy. Truly, the wealth of the demons on the VIP floor couldn't be looked down upon.

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Each of them must have already bought quite a few items and spent more than [1,000,000,000] DP already, yet they kept bidding for the item as fiercely as before.

Simon had a speechless space when he saw the following races that appeared on the stage were all bought by them.

"Master, are you alright?" Theodore and Maybell asked in concern.

"Yeah, I'm alright" Simon flashed a tired smile. It was ironic that he hadn't even moved from his seat yet he was he felt so exhausted already. This went to show the tension and the ferocity the auction hall was engulfed in.

Well, in the end, he was somehow able to get what he wanted. Now all he had to do was wait for the auction to end and then he go and check out the being he bought.

Simon enjoyed the following bidding war like an observer. After the last item was sold, it was finally time for the showcase item of this year's auction to appear. The atmosphere inside the hall was so heavy that it was palpable.

"And now, esteemed guests… there is only one item remaining before the auction of the Damned comes to a close. However, this item is a spectacle of unprecedented magnitude and is far different from all the things and items that came before it".

"It is something that transcends the boundaries of understanding and stands at the precipice of power. Be warned, this item is not for the faint of the heart. Behold the showcase item for this year's auction…"

Grimvul words were like a chant that drew the attention of every demon in the hall. All eyes present went towards the platform that slowly rose from the ground.

Lept on top of it, inside those multiple layers of arrays and barriers was a bizarre and foreboding item that radiated an aura of malevolence. The object was a large ornate box made of dark unknown material that seems to move and shift in an otherworldy way.

The surface of the box was adorned with intricate engravings of some unknown bizarre beings and strange, pulsating veins ran along its sides. The artefact although strange and enigmatic, it possessed a weird temptation that immediately seized the attention of the crowd like a demonic grip.

A palpable sense of foreboding descended into the auction hall as soon as Grimvul released a few of the arrays binding the item. 


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