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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

Chapter 616 616- Sentiments (2)
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If any alchemist saw the numerous plants and herbs that were used to aid Simon's recovery, they would no doubt have their jaw dropped on the ground at the incredulity. All of the plants and herbs that were used for medicine were so rare that they were on the level of legendary in the outside world.

You can't even see some of these herbs these days as most of them have gone extinct. Only the race of Forest Spring Spirits known to have been blessed by the nature can grow such miraculous plants.

In a way, it can be said that the forest spring spirits played a large part in Simon's recovery.

"Big brotherrrr…"

As soon as he got into the house that was made for him by the forest spring spirits, he was tackled by a small girl with emerald green hair.

The lovely and delicate face of the little girl was at this moment, was swollen red due to crying a lot. Even the speckles of light that always surrounded her were floating around in disorder indicating her concern and worries.

Cecilia cried and cried, her loud bawling was heartbreaking to hear. This was the third time ever since losing her father and mother that she had cried in such a way. From this, it was easy to tell how great Simon's place was in her heart.

She didn't just call him big brother, but truly thinks of him as one.

Elder Fennel, aunt Daphne, and everyone who was present there, felt her pain from her cry. They knew how mentally devastated the little girl was these days when Simon showed no signs of recovering.

When she first heard that her big brother was seriously injured during the defence of the dungeon, she fainted multiple times. Every time she went and visited him, she would come back with a devastated face.

She who always had that high spirited, spring like air around her, was covered in a gloomy and desolate aura day and night.

Ever since returning that day from the main floor, Cecilia seemed to have changed. She started putting more and more effort into awakening the hidden power sleeping inside her, believing that it might be able to help her big brother. It was to the point that others thought she got possessed.

She aided in growing every kind of miraculous herb she knew or heard about from her parents, manifested new healing abilities and even strained herself to create some heaven defying effects.

To that extent, she spared no efforts for the cause of her big brother but he still did not show signs of recovery. One could imagine what pitiful state the girl was in from her thinning figure and baggy eyes.

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Elder Fennel, the last surviving elder of the forest spring sighed in relief as he arched his head up towards the ceiling. He was thanking his ancestors for blessing their clan. He could finally put down his worries now that he saw Simon healthy and recovered.

"Uwahhh… big bowdow yguu gahh bwaa..."

Nobody could understand what she was saying.

It took Simon even longer than the Valkyries to pacify Cecilia. She held his clothes and cried and cried until they became wet. However, Simon did not mind, he bent down and sat beside her.

Her crying stopped after an hour but that was only due to her running out of tears to shed and her throat becoming coarse.

During this time, Simon wondered how to console her but gave up believing that it was better for him to accept her feelings rather than to use words which would sound like an excuse. After all, he had failed to keep his promise to return safe and soundly to her.

Looking at the delicate shoulders of the girl who kept her head down, clutched his clothes and cried, he released a deep sigh. He felt even more guilty making her cry like that.

How could he not know that after losing her father and mother, he had become her next pillar, the support she was using to hold herself together? Knowing what condition his body was in, she must have been worried sick.

At some point in time, the people around them had tactfully exited the place, leaving the brother and sister to talk it out amongst themselves.

The room descended into silence with Cecilia continuously looking down and Simon having trouble finding the right words.

"Cecilia… forgive your brother. I know I made a promise to you and I failed to keep it. As such, I will make it up to you in any way you want, I promise. Whatever you want, I'll do it… so please stop crying"

Finally, Simon broke the silence. He extended his hands and caressed the emerald hair of his little sister.

Sniff.. sniff.. hic… Finding comfort from his spoiling and his words, Cecilia's trembling slowly stopped. Then, she raised her head, wiped her tears, looked straight at his eyes and without avoiding it, she asked—

"Anything I want?"

Simon who was taken aback by this abrupt change, nodded his head in confirmation "Yeah, anything you want".

If he could appease his little sister, he was willing to do anything.

"Then... please... please promise me that you will never die. Promise me that you won't leave me behind and disappear... like my father and mother. I don't want anything else... just promise me this".

Cecilia's voice was resolute, she wouldn't budge down if Simon didn't promise her that.

'To never die' Simon who was expecting her to ask something materialistic, was speechless for a second. The thing that Cecilia asked of him was very difficult.

Of course, it was not like Simon was planning to die or something; however, a promise is something that cannot be taken lightly. he had already broken one promise that is why, he didn't want to break another.

Simon wasn't a diviner, he cannot predict the future. But after living in this world for close to two years, what he can say for sure is that it is a dog-eat-dog world. The laws of the jungle reigned supreme here.

If you don't climb up the food chain, you are just another prey for someone. Your fate, your life, everything would be dictated by the person above you in the food chain. Simon who didn't want a fate like that would no doubt try to fight against it.

And when that time comes there was no guarantee that he would still be the last man standing. Of course, he would rebel against his fate till his last breath but there was no telling what the future held in hand.

The obstacles he would have to face would be multiple times more difficult and dangerous than now. There was a chance that he might lose his life, knowing that how could he make a promise like that?

Seeing the hesitation and the troubled look on his face, Cecilia tugged his clothes.

"Brother, you told me you would do anything. I am not asking for anything difficult, I just don't want you to do anything that would put your life at risk. I just want you to live".

Simon's words came back to bite him. He did say that he would do anything and cannot rake it back. Plus it was just like Cecilia had said, she didn't ask for anything big.

Simon thought for a while but after seeing the endearing and pleading look of his cute little sister, he finally melted.

Dammit if it was like this, then he would survive no matter how challenging the circumstances he faced in the future, he would doggedly hold on to his life. Come hell or high water, he would survive like a cockroach if need be.

"Yeah... I promise" As such, Simon finally made the promise.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Not like this... big brother, you have to extend your pinky finger like this and lock it like this with mine. Yes, like this and now say it".

Forced to make a pinky swear with Cecilia, Simon promised her that he wouldn't die.

"Hehe, I'll forgive you for now, but big brother, a promise is something that must be kept no matter what. If you break it again, I will never forgive you. Do you understand?"

Simon nodded his head, being scolded by his little sister, he felt a weird sense of déjà vu.

Cecilia's mood improved now that she got what she wanted. With the crying and the gloomy air gone, the two siblings though not related by blood, discussed various things.

"Eh?! Your level is above 500 now?"…

"Hehe" Cecilia gave him a bright smile.

When Simon used [Appraisal], the higher version of [Analysis] on her, he was shocked to find that she was not lying.

"Level 503" was what was displayed under her name. Now that his [Analysis] had advanced, normal blocking skills couldn't stop him from prying on their statuses as such he was able to see Cecilia's skills which he was curious about up until now.

[Matter Manipulation], [Spirit Enchantment], [Variation Correction], [Nature Empowerment]…

Although not a lot, Cecilia had skills that Simon had never seen before. And even though he did not what these skills did, he could tell that they were extremely powerful given Cecilia's background and unique power.

It also made sense that her status was different since she utilised a different system of energy than the mystical energy. That being said, she did not even have a single offensive or defensive skills which made Simon worry a little


Name-  Cecilia

Race-  Forest Spring Royal Spirit

Level- 504

Inherent Skills- Matter Manipulation, Spirit Enchamnemtn, Magical Energy Manipulation, Psionic Creation, Nature Empowerment, Nature Manipulation, Existence Creation, Random Outcome, Alteration, Organic Magic, Abjuration, Fertility Magic