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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

399 Chapter 399
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'Could it be that both the function hadn't actually disappeared and just got incorporated with the new option instead?' Simon pondered. He thought that he might get some clues if he discussed it with the maid sisters.

"Annette… you said that you all were in a different plane and were aware of my existence after I created you? What kind of plane were you in before I summoned you?".

"Yes Master, the plane we were in after you created us, was a void that had nothing.  There was no concept of time and space and things would always be stagnant there. Everything was in a state of suspended animation".

"While we were conscious and aware of our surroundings, we couldn't move. Nonetheless, things weren't all that boring since we all could see master from there, experience his feelings, memories and the things he was going through". Annete replied, her tone was respectful and filled with adoration and devotion for Simon.

The other sisters nodded their heads agreeing with her.

Simon closed his eyes and mused, according to Annette, they were in a void-like plane fully aware and conscious of their surroundings after he created them. He did not know whether these changes occurred to them who were supposed to be characters from the game Laplace because of him reincarnating in this world or due to the merger of the two options.

He needed more information to arrive at a definite answer. Nevertheless, the experience today at least told Simon that the Twelve Heroes from the [Heroes Altar] function he created, might not have completely disappeared.

Just like the Valkyrie sisters, they too could be in a special plane waiting for him to summon them. The reason for him being so fixated with the option was because they were the character he had created after days and weeks of deliberation and efforts.

Although they were meant to be characters to be summoned by the players to aid them in their journey, in a way they represented the people or friends that Simon wanted to have in his life when he was all alone.

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Simon did not think that Annette was lying since he could easily tell so when they do because of the bond he had with them. Furthermore, those words made more sense when she said that they could see him from where they were; after all, they seemed to know about Irene, Cecilia and the dungeon even before he introduced it to them.

Irene who was listening to their conversation, made an amused face. She was no stranger when it came to [Main Menu] and its bizarre functions; after all, she herself was summoned through the [???????] option.

"Could it be…"Irene narrowed her crystal blue eyes and mumbled in a voice that only she could hear.

At this moment, the five sisters that were sitting on the sofa, stood up in perfect synchrony and got on their knees to perform a bow.

"Master, it was no coincidence that the portal that opened in the void led us to you. On behalf of all my sisters, please allow me to say this. 'We want to devote our lives to you, Master Simon. Please allow us to serve you".

"Please allow us to serve you" All the Valkyries said in a unison.

The target of their devotion, Simon silently observed them. Thanks to the bond that was established when he summoned them, he could tell that they were being absolutely sincere which could also be seen from their conduct and how they looked at him.

Simon nodded his head and accepted their fealty.  He used the option in the first place to summon powerful subordinates, there was no way he wouldn't accept them especially when they were so loyal to him. He would be a fool not to do so.

The Valkyrie sisters that he summoned using the five emblems, were not ordinary maids but instead one of the 'Twelve Heroes'. They were incredibly powerful and trustful companions for the players.

After Simon accepted taking them in, the sisters got up looking extremely delighted, one could even feel their excitement and happiness from their aura.

DING… [New Role has opened up, the 'Valkyries' are now eligible to be the administrators of Laplace. Set the Valkyries as Administrators? YES/NO].

Of course, just like how the Forest Spring Spirits were taken in as the inhabitants, the moment he accepted them, a prompt came from the dungeon.

Administrator was a role that was two levels lower than Guardians which was the most powerful position after the Dungeon Master. It granted them many access and control of the dungeon and was only given to those subordinates that are powerful and are trusted by the dungeon master.

Some of the privileges that include in this role are the usage of [Teleport] to any floors of this dungeon, altering areas of the floors, absolute command over all the spawned monsters and over the role that are lower than it.

Just like the Guardians, the Administrators are also able to use some of the functions of the [Main Menu] such as [Shop], [Archive], [Dungeon] and [Spawn]. Although their degree of access is a little lower than Guardians like Irene, Cecilia and Wisp.

Simon pondered over bestowing them the role or not for a while before pressing the YES button. In any case, they were loyal subordinates summoned by him to guard and take care of the dungeon. How else were they supposed to do that if they were not given any authority?

Not to mention from his recent experience of coming back to find the dungeon in peril, he understood how important delegating some of the authority over the dungeon to others was. It was a good thing he came in time, if he was a few days late, the adventurers might have been able to reach the thirty sixth floor, their last line of defence.

Worse, if they breached it, it would be the workshop and the Forest Spring Spirit village next that would have been in danger.

His Main floor was protected by Irene so the dungeon might not have been in immediate danger but the inhabitants of his dungeon would have been endangered. Therefore, Simon decided to make a mental note to increase the degree of authority of his Guardians and make it so that they are also able to add, update and install new floors and mechanisms to the dungeon.

Right after he pressed the YES button, Simon felt a new link establish between him and the Valkyrie sisters. It was not only him, but Irene, Cecilia, the [Helpers] and the sisters themselves felt this link establish.

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Simon always felt that the [Delegation] feature of the [Main Menu] wasn't simple, it was not only about simply handing down some of the access of the dungeon to others, but had a lot more areas about it that were yet to be understood.

For example, when he granted the role of [Helpers] to Coleus and the other Forest Spring Spirits. At that time, he felt as if his influence and even his control over them increased a lot. That link, as days passed was growing stronger and stronger.

Simon felt like in the near future, he would be even able to influence and read some of the memories of the [Helpers]. Although right now the effects he could achieve could hardly be called influencing, Simon could tell his authority over them was getting stronger with the strengthening of the link.

p Perhaps he was not the only one who felt that, Irene who was also connected to this link via the role of Guardian, felt that too. As the second highest position after the dungeon master, even she could influence the roles under her if she wanted to in the future.

There was so much more about the role that was yet to be understood and discovered. However, what Simon did know was that the link that was established through the role, cannot be broken unless he relieves them from their role.

From this, one could see how mystical the function was.

"Master Simon is truly benevolent. Not only did he take us in, he also bestowed us this incredible position of the [Administrators]. I, Annette on behalf of all us sisters, am truly grateful for being thought so highly by Master. We shall work hard to be worthy of this position" Annette stated performing a deep bow of gratitude followed by the other Valkyrie sisters.

It seemed that they had received the notification of them being appointed as the [Administrators] of the dungeon.

Simon who was not used to such mannerism and formality, told the Valkyries to raise their heads up and disperse with the ceremony only to be turned down in return.

"How can we do that, Master Simon is our lord and must always be addressed with respect at all times. As your battle maid who has sworn to serve you till my last breath, I cannot forgive anyone that disrespects you" Bea spoke, her second nature that was masked underneath her gentle appearance was coming out.

"That's right… that's right, Master please don't worry about all this minor stuff. As your creation, it is only but normal for us to bow to you…hehe". Alice the youngest amongst the sister, added innocently.

While Annette, Emma and Bianca repeatedly nodded. Seeing that things were progressing nowhere, Simon decided it would be quicker for him to adapt and get used to their form of address.

After the issue of how they will address him was resolved or more like forced upon him, Simon changed the topic of conversation.

"I don't see Mercedes, was she not there with you on that plane?".