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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

396 Chapter 396
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"Waah, it's little Wisp!! Big brother no fair, I too want to play with it" Cecilia squealed the moment she saw Wisp and pouted her lips in frustration when she saw it landing on her big brother's hand whereas it never did so when she tried to play with it these past few months.

"Oh yeah!…" Simon suddenly remembered something and asked "Are all these Andromeda Mark Eleven controlled by you?".


"I see in that case can you send one of them here, I want to test how strong they are myself".

The Andromedas from that game can be pretty strong or weak depending on which version you are fighting. The Andromeda Mark Eleven that is being manufactured right now, was the weakest version of all the Andromedas..ie. based on the standards of that game.

Now that it has been manufactured in this world, Simon wanted to see for himself how strong they are.

[BEEP-BOOP-PING] the Null Elemental readily agreed and commanded one of the finished Andromeda in the assembly room to fly over.

Yes, the Andromedas were capable of flight through the help of jet boosters located on their feet and back.


The Andromeda landed in front of Simon and stood tall. It was almost as big as him and was glaring red in colour. Looking at the thing, that should have been in the game, Simon couldn't help but comment how well the Wisp was able to replicate it.

The Andromeda in front of him had no difference from the one in his memories. Its powerful mechanical noise, sleek design and appearance made Simon's expectations of it rise up.

If it was his previous world, the design and the build of the Andromeda would be able to capture the hearts of millions of boys and the mecha-loving society.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Alright command it to attack me, I want to see for myself if it is alos as strong as in my memories," Simon said.

"Cecilia let's move back a little" Irene on the side wasn't amazed that Simon would try to check the battle strength of the Andromeda on himself. She held Cecilia's hand and moved back a little giving both the parties enough space to run wild.

The Null Elemental's body which was a ball of light, shone brighter for a fraction of a second and immediately, the Andromeda started making noise and locked onto Simon in front of him.

"If I'm not wrong, the long-distance weapon for the Andromeda Mark Eleven is its Light Blasters, Blast missiles, Light chainsaw and a few others. If it's this distance, it will definitely…" Simon simulated the battle in his head and recalled the information he knew about the game.


ZSsssTTT… He was right, the Andromeda initiated the attack by immediately bringing out its light blasters and firing them on him.

Woosh… woosh…wooosh… Simon easily dodged the three light blast attacks that came targeting him. Each of these attacks had enough firepower of some strong novice rank magic. Of course, the attack was fundamentally different from the magic and skills of this world and comprised of the technology and logic from that game.

The light blasters also had enough speed to match up with the agility of an adventurer around level 200. Not to mention it can keep firing those light blasters without stopping for some time.

While dodging the continuous attacks from its light blasters, Simon closed the gap between it and himself so that he can see how the Andromeda would react.

'As expected, its reaction speed is quite fast… hmm maybe around level 300 adventurers' he observed.

The Andromeda standing true to its technology and being called a powerful warmachine reacted splendidly. It observed Simon's agility level, ran many algorithms and increased its own speed by bringing out it's jet boosters and redirecting more energy to its attack systems.

Just like how Simon was observing and learning the Andromeda, it too was scanning Simon and sending back the report back to Wisp. That was not all, if the Andromeda worked just like how it did in the game it should be able to adapt its attack patterns and itself according to the enemy it was facing.

"Hehh… not bad!! Then how about this, how will you deal with this…" Simon said extending out his claws and raising his speed even high. He was just a level or two short of reaching level 400 thus even with the Andromeda increasing its power output, its attacks were still not able to touch Simon.

Dodging left and right, Simon covered the distance between them and made it a close combat match thus rendering the light blasters useless.

To his delight, the Andromeda adapted well and brought out its Light chainsaw in preparation to engage with its enemy's claws.

CLANGGGG… a deep grating noise echoed out whenever their weapons collided and intense spark would generate from their clash. Nonetheless, it was still Simon who came out on top in that clash.

'Those Blast chainsaws are not bad perhaps as good as weapons made of WhiteSilver or even better' Pushing the enemy back with his powerful strength, Simon analysed. He was just about to follow up his attack when he realised that his enemy was now using its B;ast missiles which had the added function of tracing its target locked onto him.

Whoosh…whoosh…whoosh… ten to fifteen missiles came his way and attacked him no matter where he went or how he tried to dodged.

BOOOM… BOOM… BOOM all of them found their mark and detonated one after the other. A huge chain of explosions occurred and Simon was caught in the middle of it.

After the dust and the smoke from the destruction settled down, his figure appeared in front of everybody once again. There were a few scratches on his body but other than that, he looked perfectly fine.

"Each of these missiles pack quite some punch and together they might even rival an AOE novice tier magic" Simon deducted after using his body to test their firepower.

"Alright, it's time to finish this" now that he was done examining the Adnromeda, it was time he finish this fight that he started.

BOOM… Simon unfurled his wings and zipped in front of the warmachine, grabbed it and hurled it around before it could even process what was going on.

BANG… the land trembled fiercely and a deep depression appeared after he slammed the Andromeda into the ground.

"Its defence is also good… is it because of the ores that are being used as its component when manufacturing it" Simon mused landing on the ground.

The Andromeda was no longer in the condition to continue the battle. Thus, it was an easy victory for him.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After he landed on the ground, Irene and Cecilia appeared beside him.

"What do you think?" the snow-white beauty asked.

"Hmm… Although there is still a difference in actual combat experience, it is no problem for the Andromedas as they are still in their development process. The more information and data they collect from the adventurers, the more stronger and better they will become. Thus it could be said that their true potential is yet to be unveiled".

"Other than that, their firepower and their judgement is also not bad and combined that with their agility and defence, it is not wrong to say that they can easily content against a level 250 adventurer" that was his observation after fighting with the Andromeda.

Irene and Cecilia nodded their heads, Irene did so because she understood his words while Cecilia only nodded because Irene was doing so.

ZIIING… THUNK… while they were talking, two Adnromedas similar to the one Simon had fought with, landed on the depression made on the ground, picked up the disjointed comrade and disappeared inside the factory.

[BEEP-BOOP-PING] Now that the fight was over, Wisp appeared in front of him and made his usual sonar noise.

"Yeah, they are every bit like how they were in my memories. I'm not surprised that they were able to hold back the adventurer for so long" Simon praised. He was not lying, individually the Andromeda mark eleven might be around a level 250 adventurer but right now there were thousands of them being manufactured.

One also has to factor in the might of these warmachines which lies not only in their individual strength but also in their numbers. Plus, the fact that they are able to get strong through the help of data and information that each Andromeda sends back to Wisp, makes this robot army the worse enemy to face.

"Uh!.." Simon suddenly realised something and asked, "Can you also manufacture the Mark Ten, Mark Seven and the others that were in that game".

His words were incomprehensible for Irene and Cecilia who hadn't witnessed the Rise of the Demolishers game. However, how could Wisp who was linked with him through a special bond, not know about it?

[BEEP-BEEP-BOOP] it made sonar noises to explain things to him.

"I see, so you need time to set up a better manufacturing hub, equipments and materials to produce them. You are right, WhiteSilver is just too fragile to make anything higher than Mark Ten".

Simon understood how hard it was to produce a higher and stronger versions of the Andromedas and the other warmachines. Not only did they need stronger raw materials that were rare and hard to find, one also needed a super high tech and cutting edge workshop to build them.

Both of which cannot be accessed at this current moment in time. Even in that game, players rarely met the higher version of the Andromedas and the other powerful warmachines.

Since even for that Mecha Empire it was hard to make them. Nevertheless, Simon wasn't disappointed. Knowing that there was a possibility that higher versions of the Andromedas can be replicated in this world, was enough to raise his hope.