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Dungeon of Pride, Laplace

382 Chapter 382
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At this moment the whole place started shaking as if a terrible earthquake with a richter scale higher than10 hit the place. The walls of the hall, the pillar crumbled and fell one after the other.

The statue in the middle of the hall depicting a man with six pairs of wings had numerous cracks nonetheless, it was the only thing inside that refused to fall down.

"So he has reached this place already".

As soon as Yela's voice fell, five gigantic pillars inserted themselves onto the roof of this place and tore it down like it was made of paper. With the roof gone, the night view of the sky with numerous stars twinkling came into sight.

Looking at those five huge pillars, Simon finally realised what they were. They were gigantic figures connected to a hand that was protruding out from a large tear in the sky.

Simon was tongued tied by this astonishing and mind-boggling of a scene that he was witnessing right now. A ginormous being was extending his hands from the tear in the sky that spanned for who knew how long.

"ZiZiZiZi… I have finally found you, you should know by now that running from me is useless. Because of your pointless running and resistance, millions had to die… ZiZiZiZi" a deep grating noise that seemed to come from the abyss itself, rang out from the tear in the sky.

"Hm? It seems that you have been left behind. ZiZiZiZi… how truly noble of them. Give up little girl, every struggle you can put up is futile, you must know that you are not my match by now. I might spare your life and this empire if you obediently hand over that item".

The voice continued with a booming noise that could instantly dispirit any low levelled person. However, even in front of an enemy whose might Simon couldn't even begin to fathom, the woman stood tall and heroic.

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Yela arched her head and looked up at the gigantic tear in the sky and the being that was gazing down from it. She flashed a smile and snorted at those words.

She then extended her hand and a golden sword with a sleek design appeared in her hands. At that moment, her body started floating up and the very air around her started changing.

"Hmph, you think those words are enough to cower me? I know very well that you cannot enter our world due to the restrictions placed on the laws of space. I chose to stay behind to face you and banish you from our world. You shall no longer corrupt our empire and this world with your presence".

Yela said, her hair and clothes started shining with a brilliant golden light. Four pairs of beautiful white wings appeared behind her giving her an otherworldly angelic look.

"ZiZiZiZi… it seems that you have no intention to hand over that item. Little girl do really think the was you are now, you can stop me? Even if I can't enter this world, this single-arm of mine is enough to beat you and decimate this empire of yours… ZiZiZiZi" the eerie voice from coming from the tear bellowed.

Instantly, the gigantic hand, started moving and bore down on top of the hall they were in, bringing along an armageddon like power.

Yela moved at the same time, she positioned her golden sword perpendicular to her body and erupted forth with blinding golden energy. That was not all, ancient markings started appear on her body and a huge avatar of an angel with four pairs of wings materialised behind her.

Just as the gigantic hand of the being was about to flatten down this place, Yela extended her hand which was holding the golden sword and hacked forward. The huge avatar of the angel mimicked her movement and hacked towards the enormous hand with its sword.


Their attacks had not even touched yet the clash of energies was so terrifying and powerful that space was shattered apart as if it was made of glass, dozens of miles of land was instantly flattened down with earthquakes and natural disaster occurring everywhere.

And when finally the two attacks connected, there was no sound nothing. With a bright flash, everything in thousand kilometre radius had become silent.

The scene that appeared after, could only be described with one word, Armageddon. Simon who was watching the scene was awestruck by the power of the two beings.

Space fissures appeared all over the sky, with natural disasters appearing all around. The clash lasted for a while before both of the parties were pushed back.

Yela held her chest, blood leaking from the corner of her mouth. Her expression was of anguish as traces of negative energy could be seen permeating out of her body.

On the contrary, the enormous being that was peeking out from the tear in the sky, other than not expecting his hand to be pushed back, seemed completely fine.

"ZiZiZiZi… looks like my World Decaying Curse Poison is tormenting you. Do you want me to relieve you from its torment? ZiZiZiZi, hand over that item and I promise to take that poison back. Little girl, you should know by now that after being afflicted by my poison, you cannot even use thirty per cent of your power. You have no chance against me give up".

The eerie voice of the being mocked. However, even in the face of such anguish and despairing situation, Yela held onto her composure and did not falter. Her bright golden eyes which contained no mirth, glanced towards the being hiding inside the tear, a smile hanging on her lips.

p She knew that with her being afflicted by the poison, there was no way she was a match for the atrocity in front of her. Despite that, she chose to stay behind because she knew that other than her, there was no one else in the Empyrean Empire who stood a chance against the Atrocity.

If she didn't stand her ground and confront it, the empire and all the people along with it, wouldn't survive to see the next day.

The world decaying curse poison was a technique that tormented the being it was inflicted with little by little until they were truly on the gates of despair. It was so potent and powerful that even she a being with a level above 900, fell victim to it and have no way to cure it.

Although the method was a cowardly one, it more or less guaranteed her opponent the victory. However, if the atrocity thought that she would go down without a fight, it had underestimated her, way too much.

While suffering the onslaught of the poison internally, Yela's eyes continued to shine brighter and brighter. The ancient symbols on her body too ignited with a brilliant golden light.

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At this moment, Yela stretched her hands and lifted the crown off her head. With one hand holding the crown and the other the sword, Yela's head turned towards a distant direction and became a little melancholic.

She closed her eyes and said. "Master was right, the nature of evil can never be changed. No matter who it is, they will fall in its grasp as long as they have an affinity with it.  Begone Atrocity, I do not know of any item that you seek. For the crimes of massacring millions of innocent people of my empire, you will be punished for it".

The moment, the being inside the tear heard what she said, it couldn't help but erupt out in laughter, its grating voice was excruciating to the ears.

"ZiZiZiZi… such a naïve and foolish girl. It seems that you have lived a sheltered life all this time to not know the true colours of this world. Have your master never told you anything about it? What a hypocrite" the voice contained traces of anger towards the end.

Yela did not bother what the Atrocity was talking about, for all she care the being responsible for massacring millions of innocent life was evil through and through and she must purge it before it could extend its hands any further.

The World decaying Curse poison was so… there was no way she was falling for another of its tricks.

"Master, little brother Royce, I hope you can forgive me for being selfish, but I must see it through" Yela mumbled, a tiny droplet of tear trickled down her face.

At this moment, she did something that was completely unexpected. Simon's eyes widened to their limits, when he saw Yela stab her heart with her own sword.

He had been witnessing their conversation and knew that the pretty woman was inflicted by a power poison by the entity indie the tear and hence cannot use all of her powers. As shocking as the fact that the clash earlier was not even their full power, that was not the point.

From the way she stayed composed and even stayed behind to face it, told Simon that she had some kind of plan in mind. Never did he expect that she would suddenly stab herself in the heart in the midst of the battle.

Simon had no way of knowing what was going on inside her head nor could he tell what she was thinking doing something like that.

It was not only him, even the being inside tear seemed surprised by her action but it only lasted for a while before a jubilant voice laced with mockery rang out.

"Hmph, it seemed that you chose to end your life own on your own. A cowardly choice but one that is understandable. Being afflicted by my poison, you would have died the most horrible death there is".