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Dragon Monarch System-Novel

Chapter 680 680:- Azure City Governor
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The whole City was talking about the Crown Prince and the PrMinister from the Dune Sovereignty. Even Felix heard what happened and was deeply surprised. He hadn't expected the Dune Sovereignty to send its Crown Prince to the Istarin Empire.

Somewhere in Azure City, Felix was sitting in an empty room and was staring outside. From here, he could almost see the entire Axure City.

'But it looks like the Crown Prince has messed up.' Felix thought as he looked in the direction of the Dragon Palace.

'It doesn't really have anything to do with me.' Felix only cared about selling his weapons and nothing else. Though the Dune Sovereignty was one of his biggest clients.

Just a few months ago, he had to go to the Dune Sovereignty to see the Emperor.

'From the looks of it, the Emperor was preparing for an upcoming war.' Felix thought as he took a sip of tea while staring outside. Felix then paused as he felt that his tea needed more sugar. He loved his tea with extra sugar.

Felix took out honey from his storage ring. After adding honey, he gently stirred the tea so the honey mixed well with the tea. This will give a very unique flavor to the tea.

The Dune Sovereignty was always at war with one Empire or another. This was because of their twisted ideology.

『Eternal Conflict!』

『The belief is that constant conflict and war are natural and desirable states, as they purify the empire and its people by weeding out the weak. This ideology could lead to continuous engagement in warfare, gladiatorial contests, or brutal public punishments as forms of entertainment and social cleansing.』

This twisted ideology of The Dune Sovereignty was connected with another ideology, which was called ⸢Destined Dominion⸣.

『The Dune Sovereignty believes that their empire is destined by fate or the natural order to rule over all others. This manifest destiny drives their expansionist policies and justifies their subjugation of other peoples, framing their conquests as a fulfillment of prophecy or divine will.』

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『The Empire believes that as the oldest Empire and also the first Empire in the new era in the six continents, they are the chosen ones. They think that they are destined to continue ruling till the very end of this era and lead the whole world into the next era which would be theirs. For that reason, the Empire wants to maintain its superiority in the field of magic and other fields. This is the reason why the Empire is so competitive. In order to prepare for the next era, the Empire has been expanding its territories through various means.』

Remembering the things that Felix saw while staying at The Dune Sovereignty gave him goosebumps. Compared to The Dune Sovereignty, the Istarin Empire was a Heaven.

'If you're not ruthless enough, then you won't be promoted to higher ranks.' Felix had heard this saying from one of the top-ranking military officials in The Dune Sovereignty.

'Though The Dune Sovereignty wasn't expanding its territories as fast as the Istarin Empire. It took the Empire more than 15,000+ years to reach its current size while the Istarin Empire even surpassed The Dune Sovereignty's size within a little over one year. This just goes to show just how much of a genius the Dragon Monarch really is.' Felix thought in his mind.

'Unfortunately, a clash between these two Empires will never happen. Hehe.....!! But it definitely would have been very interesting to see these two Empires fight.'

Felix put down the tea cup on the tea table before shifting his gaze to the chess board on the table. Felix slowly reached out and picked the King piece.

"I want to play chess."



Scene change______

"So this is the Azure City. This City is so beautiful." A young man said with a smile as he looked out of the carriage.

"This City does live up to its expectations." The subordinate of the young man commented.

The carriage that they were riding stopped in front of a Mansion. This Mansion belonged to the current Governor of the Azure City.

Although the Azure City was the Capital of the Istarin Empire, the Emperor or the PrMinister did not have tto govern the Azure City. After all, both of them had the responsibility of the entire Empire. Just focusing on the development of Azure City wasn't possible. To reduce their work burden and to make everything smoother, it was decided that a governor would be appointed to carry out Aditya and PrMinister Spencer's orders.

Hence, Duchess Celestina Sarlus was appointed as the Governor of the Azure City.

Duchess Celestina Sarlus was Duke Marvin Sarlus' distant cousin. Aditya trusted the Sarlus household more than any other noble family in the Istarin Empire. Even when the Istarin Dynasty was falling apart, the Sarlus household never betrayed the Istarin Dynasty. The Sarlus Household always has been faithful to the King and the Kingdom. This was the reason why currently the Sarlus Household had the most political and military power among any other noble house.

When looking for someone suitable to take the role of the Governor, Duke Marvin Sarlus suggested his distant cousin Celestina Sarlus who had studied abroad. There was no questioning Duchess Celestina Sarlus's capabilities as the Governor. After completing her studies around 31 years ago, Duchess Celestina Sarlus has been helping Duke Marvin Sarlus.

Celestina was given a noble status. In such a short period of time, she gained enough merit points to get the rank of Duchess which was really admirable.

Given the Azure City's governor, there was no need for Celestina to maintain any troops. As this was under the control of the Emperor. And the imperial troops guarded the Capital. From tto time, Celestina would be called to the Dragon Palace to meet the Emperor and the PrMinister and discuss the affairs of the Azure City.

As Silas and his subordinate exited the carriage, they were greeted by a very beautiful woman. Behind her, the guards, and maids were standing.

"Welcto Azure City.....!!" She greeted them by bowing her head. The guards and the maids also bowed their heads following their master.

She was the Duchess Celestina Sarlus.

As Silas laid his eyes upon her, he was immediately stunned by her beauty. Duchess Celestina was a very beautiful woman. She was 5 feet 7 inches tall. She had white skin and blue mesmerizing eyes. She had tied her long black hair into a braided bun. Sstrands of her hair also covered her forehead and her ears.

She was dressed very modestly. She was wearing a beautiful Red Kimono. The Kimono was loose. The Kimono hid her body very well as it was impossible to tell her body size.

"Hello, I am Silas. And this is my subordinate James." Silas introduced himself though Celestina already knew about him from his letters.

Silas looked like a young man in his 20s. He was tan-skinned and muscular. He was 6 feet tall. He had golden pupils and short black hair that covered his forehead. He was a Peak 2nd-

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order cultivator.

The Man standing behind Silas was a Beginner 3rd-order cultivator.

"Please cinside." Celestina leads them inside her small Mansion. This Mansion was a gift given to her by the Emperor.

Ever since she officially becthe Governor, she has been living in Azure City. The daughter of Duke Marvin Sarlus also lived with her. Since his daughter studied here.

Celestina took them to the living room. Once they sat down, the maids began serving them cold tea and other snacks.

"It seems the Azure City has improved its defenses," Silas said with a smile.

"I didn't think this change was so noticeable." Celestina beca little bit doubtful of how Silas had noticed this. Because the security of the Azure City was doubled in a way that the normal population wouldn't notice anything. For this matter, Celestina had worked with PrMinister Spencer.

'He is not normal.' A normal merchant would never notice something like this. Also, Celestina knew that this was Silas's first tbeing in this City. So the fact that he spotted this change was suspicious to Celestina or maybe she was being too cautious.

"As a merchant, I have a sharp eye," Silas replied with a smile.

Silas then took out a letter from his storage ring and handed it to Celestina. "This letter was written by Duke Serizawa." Celestina accepted the letter but she did not open it.

Duke Serizawa was a noble from outside of the Istarin Empire. Apparently, Duke Serizawa was in a deep problem. Due to flooding, there was a severe food shortage in his territory. He sent Silas here with the hope that the Governor of Azure City would agree to sell large amounts of grains at a cheaper price.

"I hope that a deal between us could be reached." Silas sincerely said.

"Of course." Celestina nodded her head. She then started reading the letter that she had written to her.

Meanwhile, Silas kept staring at Celestina's face. It was obvious that he had a crush on her. The moment he saw her, he had taken a liking to Celestina.


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