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Divine Path System

Chapter 845: The Unexpected Action By Abyssals
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The Commanders of Abyss Armies across the solar system suddenly paused. Rubbing their eyes, they checked the message once again.

[Retrieve the crystal. Return it to the Head Station nearest to you.]

"Did we finish it already?" A Commander was suspicious.

He didn't know much about the 'plan'. But he did know that the Undead army was only the prelude to the actual event.

However, for that to happen, they needed a lot of death. That's why the Abyssal Army let go of their restraints and engaged in an all-out war.

According to the estimates, it'd take one more hour for the crystal to be full. Only then was he supposed to send it back.


"Is it because of them?" The Commander squinted his eyes at the figures blurring in and out of existence around the mountains in sight.

Every time a Human awakener teleported into the mountains to grab the crystal, the mountains would shake and an explosion would occur.

The human, like every other human until then, would be blasted away by the Abyssal squad lying in ambush near the crystal.

Despite multiple failures, Humans kept trying and they didn't care even if the space awakeners started dying.

What's more…

"Do you think we can't solve you if you arrange an ambush?" A cold voice sounded from the distance.

A hundred men and women in leather armor clasped their hands and pointed at the mountains.

A khaki aura surrounded these human warriors and the giant mountains started to tremble.

But since they had a lot of heavy ores, even the Earth Awakeners had difficulty uprooting the mountains.

It was then that another group of Humans stepped in. They wore very heavy-looking armor, but their footsteps were incredibly light.

These fifty humans waved their hands and pointed at the Mountain.

The heavy mountains that refused to yield were suddenly uprooted and toppled. A huge cloud of dust rose into the sky and huge cracks appeared on the land.

The Gravity awakeners snapped their fingers and the dust was blown away, revealing a huge pit where one of the mountains used to be.

At the bottom of the pit was a crystal and surrounding it were twenty Abyssals.

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The Abyssals looked at the Humans with a vicious expressions as they shielded the crystal behind them.

But compared to the nearly two hundred humans, there were only twenty of them. The crystal couldn't be sav—

"Don't even think about it." With a thunderous roar, an Abyssal dropped from the sky and landed in front of the pit.

The land under his feet cracked due to the sheer force and due to his breathing, the gravel on the ground began to vibrate.

One roar. And another rang as a hundred and fifty Abyssals landed in front of the crystal and faced off the Human teams.

With both teams having roughly equal strength, the only way to get or keep the crystal would be through an intense battle.

"If you think you can save the crystal, then think again." The captain of the Earth Awakeners sneered and waved his hand.

Sharp brown spikes rose under the crystal and were about to pierce it. Even though the HQ ordered the soldiers to not destroy the crystal in the open, it also ordered them to destroy it at any cost.

Meaning, even if there's a danger of indirectly destroying the crystal, it's better than letting it return to Abyssals.

Right when the brown spikes were about to pierce the crystal, a telekinetic force pushed it away. But even then, the spike pierced through the edge of the crystal.

A blinding black light enveloped the mountains before a huge shockwave swept across the Humans and Abyssals, blowing everyone away.

Since they were closer, the Abyssals were more affected and even had minor injuries.

Taking advantage of the situation, the human gravity awakeners locked onto the crystal and 'attracted' it to them.

The crystal was originally blown into the air due to the telekinetic energy. Now, it suddenly accelerated in the direction of humans and reached them in the blink of an eye.

But before the Gravity Awakeners could touch it, a large grey hand grasped it and disappeared.

"What the!" The woman who was about to hold the crystal was stunned. She couldn't even react when the other party snatched the crystal.

That kind of speed was only possible for one person.

She raised her and along with the rest of her comrades, glanced at the figure standing in the clouds.

The Abyssal Commander. But the Abyssal wasn't even looking at them.

He stared at the crystal with a fervent gaze before sighing. "A quarter away from being filled. Damn it, humans."

Abyssals did consider the possibility that Humans would learn about the crystals and would eventually try finding them.

But according to the plan, Humans by then should be incredibly weakened.


While its level 9s were kept occupied, Neptune and its planetoids were supposed to fall under the Wyverns of Pluto.

The Blood Heirs were supposed to destroy the Human armies across at least sixty planetoids.

Then, the Undead army was supposed to strike.

By then, Humans would've almost lost Neptune, and many planetoids and be in a very tight position.

The Undead attack at that time would give them no chance to defend themselves, much less try to search for a solution.

Even if they did find a solution, they wouldn't have enough manpower for it.


Varian destroyed all their plans.

They did expect him to disrupt some plans. But what he did was beyond their wildest imagination.

And now, they're paying the price.

"You all deserve death!" The Abyssal Commander slapped from the clouds.

The Earth and Gravity Awakeners on the ground hurriedly put up their defenses to guard themselves, but their legs shook violently and they were about to kneel under the pressure.

The land under them sunk into a giant cavity and the two hundred awakeners barely withstood the Commander's attack.

The Abyssal Commander glanced in the north, where the Human army was facing off the Undead and Abyssals.

The Human Commander was destroying the Abyssals in great numbers.

In other words, he never expected his team to succeed. They were just thrown as a bait!

"You old fox!" The Abyssal Commander cursed and threw the crystal with full force.

It shot out like a meteor and landed in the hands of an Abyssal in outer space. The Abyssal hurried into the spaceship and left.

The Abyssal Commander confronted the Human Commander and changed the tempo of the war once again.

Even though the crystal was taken away, it wasn't destroyed. The Undead still followed orders and fought against the Humans.

But thankfully, no corpses were converted into Undead since the crystal was taken away.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After realizing this, the Human army no longer needed to care about dismembering the enemy and fully focused on defense.

The war continued.

The Abyssal who took the crystal reached a distant planetoid in his spaceship. He landed in the Abyssal camp, rushed into the secret floor underground, and entered the most secure room.

He placed the crystal inside a formation, which already had ten such crystals.

"Are you the last one?" The Officer in charge asked with a gloomy expression.

"Yes, Sir." The Abyssal lowered his head and nodded.

"Damn it." The Officer cursed and waved him to leave.

Saturn has fifty planetoids. Thirty had crystals. But only eleven returned!

"I hope my Queen can figure something out." The Officer prayed and activated the teleportation formation.

The crystals shone with a brilliant light before they disappeared.

Millions of miles away, the crystals appeared on an asteroid.

The spaceship waiting there quickly retrieved the crystals and headed in a particular direction.

The crystals on all the planetoids were collected. They're then collected into a single spaceship and headed toward Despair Abyss.

Now, going from Mercury to Despair Abyss was going to take too long. They could travel to Sin Abyss and teleport, but the traffic toward Abysses was monitored by Humans.

To not arouse suspicion, Abyssals used secretive teleportation formations reserved for critical moments and quickly headed towards a location in between Uranus and Despair Abyss.

But they missed one thing in a hurry.

Varian had given Dr. Thoma's Space Detector technology to the army. The device could detect spatial fluctuations.

The army had mass-manufactured it to help Varian find the secret realms near Neptune.

More than two days had passed since then and using millions of stealth bots, the Military had already installed these bots on all planetoids as well as the general space routes.

So, the Military was already aware that Abyssals were taking something near Despair Abyss.

Since Boo was connected to the Athena group leaders, Varian also learned about this news.

Without waiting for orders, he took Enigma and used the secret teleportation formations from earlier, and rushed to Uranus.

"I have a bad feeling."