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Divine Path System

Chapter 799: Neptune's Crisis
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It had been six hours since the Abyssals first struck.

While Mars was partially stabilized by Enigma, the rest of the planets were also doing their best.

Under the leadership of Sovereigns and level 9s, humanity was able to withstand the initial shock and tried to stabilize the situation.

But things weren't going as planned.

Level 8s weren't your average soldiers. They were just a step below the highest level. True pillars of the federation.

When an excess of such powerhouses came knocking on the door, the human army didn't have many options.

Right now, the strongest and most brilliant human level 8s were tasked with fighting two or three Abyssal level 8s.

Using their skill, experience, and talent, these genius level 8s were holding back multiple Abyssals.

But this wasn't an ideal solution.

Firstly, genius, by definition, were few and far in between. So, they couldn't completely salvage the situation.

Secondly, the Abyssals didn't just bring in new level 8 Abyssals. They brought in a different set of problems.

Mercury was facing beast tides. Venus was facing poisonous rains. Earth was facing Berserk Abyssals. And so on.

None of these were things that could be solved easily.

The military knew this too, but they were doing the best they could and hoped to find a way to reverse the situation.

"Level 8, huh. He is growing too strong, too fast."

On one of Earth's planetoids, Julius narrowed his eyes at the report from Neptune and clenched his fists.

According to the eyewitness, Varian's strength wasn't just a level 8. He absolutely slaughtered twenty mid level 8 Wyverns.

"When I'm worried about his growth, the Abyssals start their petty schemes," Julius' eyes flashed with golden light and his body morphed into that of a giant golden titan.

The next moment, the artifact space ring on his body flashed and he teleported to the next planetoid.

Here, humans were occupying one continent while the Abyssals took another. In between was a huge ocean.

Appearing above the Abyssal continent, he glanced at the aliens with utter loathing. "Die!"

A huge fist fell from the sky.


Demon King was a second late and could only watch Julius attack the planetoid.

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Even before Julius' fist reached the ground, the sky shook and the air exploded. The shockwaves spread out and reached half of the entire planetoid!

Whatever stood in the way of these shockwaves—mountains, military bases, level 6s, level 7s, and even level 8s were blasted away!

A huge crack spread in the continent as if someone was drawing a thick dividing mark on its map!

The Abyssals looked at the huge fist in shock before their world went blank.

In the next second, the continent was split into two!

A huge empty area was formed in the ocean with no water and due to the sheer pressure from the punch, numerous tsunamis began on the planetoid.

"Julius!" Demon King appeared in front of the golden giant with sharp killing intent. "You'll die a dog's death!"

Julius craned his neck and looked at the Demon King in contempt. "I am not the one barking."

The two Sovereigns locked their gazes and in the next second, their figures blurred.

The space cracked and the sky split as a battle of gigantic proportions began in outer space.

— — —

"Bo-Boo, num..ber?" Leaning against a hill and panting heavily, Varian asked.

In front of him were the corpses of twenty low level 8 Wyverns as well as ten mid level 8 wyverns.

He didn't get any injuries. But since he was jumping from one planetoid to another, it was exhausting.

"This is the fourth planetoid, master. There are four more." Boo said and pulled Varian into the ghost ship and put him in a special care unit designed to relieve his fatigue.

"Four more, huh. Should be done in two hours," Varian said and closed his eyes.

A few minutes later, Varian was on the fifth planetoid of Neptune.

The war between both sides was going on intensely. The human army was being devastated by the wyverns until he arrived and casually slaughtered a couple of them.

As a result, the wyverns banded together and faced him.

"The closer the planetoid is to Pluto, the stronger these guys are." Varian let out a sigh.

High up in the sky, twenty low level 8 Wyverns and ten mid level 8s were facing him with half-caution and half-rage.

And an extra wyvern.

A high level 8.

Compared to the remaining golden lightning wyverns, it had a tinge of purple.

But it wasn't just that.

Varian could sense something about it was different. It was the same feeling he got during the Mermen in Ruins.

"Alpha of the pack." Varian clicked his tongue.


Under the orders of the alpha, the pack cooperated and wove a lightning net around Varian.

And to prevent him from escaping, they started to bombard him with lightning spears, whips, and other weapons.

The sky turned golden under their attacks and it looked like a scene from an apocalypse.

But having fought these creatures for four planetoids already, Varian didn't flinch. In fact, from his 'experiments' on the previous planetoids, he already knew what they were capable of.

So, he just created several layers of armor around him using space, water, and lighting.

Even if these three failed, his final armor was his superhuman body!

When Varian finished propping his defense, the lighting net was finished and began to rapidly close.

It was a special move and if trapped inside, even high level 8s would suffer terribly.

Even if a high level 8 survived the lightning net, they'd die under the Alpha Wyvern. Perhaps that's the plan. To severely injure him and then kill him.

The lightning wyverns saw him fight with bare hands earlier and thought he was a body awakener.

Too bad for them.

"You're doomed," Varian smirked and teleported out of the lightning net, right behind the mid level 8s.

The lightning wyverns were dumbfounded at the sudden turn of events. But the Alpha was quick to react.

Turning into a streak of lightning, it shot towards Varian to stop him from attacking its subordinates and if possible, land a big attack.

But Varian was faster. He abruptly grabbed the tail of a lightning wyvern and ripped it into two. In doing so, he also stacked his telekinetic power.

The lightning wyvern tried to resist by turning its body into lightning, but Varian's mind sense struck it right then and created a small delay.

And that delay was enough.

Like tearing a paper, he tore the lightning wyvern into two parts.

The wyverns shrieked and moved away from him instinctively.

Even though it was just a single kill and even though they had more members than him, seeing the young man stand calmly as the blood and guts of their pack member spilled out was a horrifying experience.

Before the pack could act further, a golden light clashed with Varian and a huge explosion occurred in the sky.

When the pack members came to be, they saw the young man in the same position with a bleeding hand while their Alpha had a small injury on its face.

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"High level 8, huh." Varian stretched his fingers and under the dumbfounded gaze of the Alpha, his bleeding stopped! Even his injury was gone!

Taking advantage of the wyverns' distraction, Varian snapped his fingers.

A mid level 8 wyvern screeched and opened its mouth as a foreign force directly controlled its mind and body for a small moment. In that small moment, an ice sword materialized in front of it and entered its mouth, and pierced its heart.

Another wyvern roared as the space around its neck exploded, creating several deep cuts near a dangerous area. Before it could sigh in relief for surviving, an invisible force, in the shape of a spear, pierced through the cut and ended its life.


Varian's actions enraged the wyverns. So, without holding back, they rained him with lighting attacks.

Without fighting them head-on, Varian teleported and started using a combination of two or more divine paths to take down the wyverns one by one.

Under this strange offensive, the Wyverns quickly fell one by one.

The ten mid level 8s were cleaned up in three minutes.

The twenty low level 8s took only two.

And finally, only the Alpha was left.

"Let's decide with one shot."

Varian's left arm flashed golden and turned into a lightning spear while his left hand turned into an ice spear.

The telekinetic energy, along with space power wrapped around him like armor.

The planate power was ready to assist him in case of any injuries.

Varian's superhuman gave him the tremendous strength to strike the Alpha.

Finally, his psychic power wreaked the Alpha's mind so that the latter couldn't turn into elemental form and negate physical damage.


Varian's figure blurred and in the next second, a large golden light appeared above the planetoid, like the third sun.

The world dimmed for a moment before a huge golden explosion swept the planetoid.

An eerie silence filled the planetoid as both armies had no idea who won.

Then, as if to erase their doubts, golden bolts of lightning descended on the Abyssal army.

The human army cheered and looked at the sky for the spaceship they couldn't see.

The ghost ship was already on the way to the next planetoid.

"I killed a bit of the Abyssal army on each planetoid. This way, our army should be able to recoup the losses or even establish dominance on the planetoids." Varian muttered.

"Only four more to go, then this problem can be solv—"

"Master! Bad news! New batches of lightning wyverns from Pluto have entered the planetoids!"
