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Divine Path System

Chapter 762: Desperate Struggle
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Timal watched his subordinates confront Varian and Enigma with a smile on his face.

In every organization, there were people who would be ready to die for its goals. It's especially true for an organization like Shadow Order.

After he learned that Mirage Queen was plotting against Mars, Shadow Lord Timal evacuated the secret realm that Shadow Order occupied, with the exception of a few people that were ready to face death.

When Varian entered the underground entrance, the security found someone intruding into the power block.

As the one overseeing the mission, Timal checked the intruder and was blown away.

He made no delay in informing the Shadow Order members on Mars.

And thus—

"Let's all die together." The low level 9 pointed his sword at Enigma and swung it down.

A flash of brilliant light in the shape of a sword broke through the air and reached Enigma.

Due to its sheer momentum, a fierce wind was born and broke the walls of the underground district with ease.

Enigma didn't engage in the sword strike and used her gravity power. Her toe touched the ground for one moment and the next, her body blurred and she was standing behind the seven level 8s.

Her mind sense hit three peak level 8s and the men clutched their heads. As her sword was about to end their life, a rock hammer blocked her.

"Don't forget me, bitch!" The mid level 9 Earth awakener grinned and waved his hand.

Two huge rock hands sprouted from the ground and rushed at Enigma, with the intention to capture her or crush her in the process.

Enigma's figure blurred and she was about to escape when a flurry of sword strikes targetted her from behind.

The low level 9 grinned as he finished the step in cornering Enigma.

On the other hand, the four level 8s were already engaging in a clash with Varian. Rather than calling it a clash, it was more apt to call it a beating.

Even though Enigma took the three peak level 8s, two low level 8s and two mid level 8s still remained.

And they completely overpowered Varian.

The two mid level 8s fired one shot of fire arrow after another. The fire arrows were two meters long and half-meter thick.

Just passing by a fountain nearby was enough to make it vaporize—that's how hot they were.

Varian gritted his teeth as he kept dodging the fire arrows using teleportation.

Even though he managed to dodge most of their attacks, the few times the fire arrows grazed his body was enough to melt his skin and flesh.

Varian's body convulsed as the terrifying pain broke even his tolerance and caused him to wail.

But he didn't the luxury to sit and cry.

When Varian dodged two fire arrows and appeared on top of a building, a fist landed on his back and sent him crashing to the floor.

Varian heard the sounds of bones cracking as he felt a sweet taste fill his throat. His crash created a huge crater and at the bottom of the crater was a puddle of red blood. His blood.

Two giant fire arrows rose to the ceiling before they dived down at Varian, intending to burn him to cinders.


Varian's eyes flashed with an anxious light and he channeled his space power with all his might.

Locking that one building in the power block he needed to get into, Varian teleported.

One of the peak level 8s noticed his moment and forcibly used their powers on him. Since Enigma was still interfering with their minds, he wasn't able to achieve his goal, however, he successfully stopped Varian from achieving his.

The gravity around Varian distorted right before he teleported and when he reappeared, it wasn't in the building, but a mile away from it.

Enigma, who was currently engaged in a brutal battle, noticed this and her eyes burned with rage.

"You're courting death!"

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Her bone-chilling voice caused the gravity awakener to shudder as a terrifying pain engulfed his mind.

The three peak level 8s clutched their heads as they curled up on the ground.

Enigma cut off any chances of them interfering with Varian again, but since her focus turned to them, the two level 9s fighting her took advantage and inflicted a major injury on her.

Enigma's face winced as she felt a searing pain. It hurt. It hurt very much.


'This much is nothing.'

Compared to the darkness she lived in, a bit of pain was no big deal.

Enigma gritted her teeth and engaged in the brutal brawl.

A dozen miles away from her, Varian's face paled as he realized his teleportation was tampered with. He channeled his powers to teleport again. But two arrows reached him from left and right.

When he hastily dodged them by jumping into the air, a fist punched him in the chest and sent him flying to the fourth level 8 who wasn't doing anything since the start.

His eyes were clouded as he was fighting Varian's illusion. But from the way he shook from time to time, Varian knew he wasn't going to last.

A lightning spear grew out of Varian's fingertip and was about to pierce the man's chin.



Two fire arrows sped up abruptly and shot toward him.

It's clear. If he didn't want to be burnt alive, he should stop attacking and dodge.

But Varian gave them a middle finger and his lightning spear pierced through the man's chin and fried his brain.

"Bastard! Die!"

Varian's skin started to melt as the fire arrows reached him. But an invisible barrier appeared between him and the fire arrows, stalling them for a small moment.

The barrier, made of the mix of his level 7 powers, space, water, and lightning, only lasted for a split second before it shattered.

The fire arrows reached Varian who had just a tad more time to react and managed to avoid his vitals being burnt.

Even then, the fire arrows lodged themselves in his right shoulder and right foot. Then they burned.

His skin melted away before he knew it and his blood evaporated in an instant. Before Varian knew it, only his bones remained and even they were slowly being melted.

The word pain was an understatement for what he was feeling.

A blood-curling pain escaped Varian's lips as a pain in the levels he had never experienced passed through his body.

Varian only managed to teleport himself at the last moment before two more fire arrows could burn him down.

But when he did reappear, the low level 8, who had a knack for fighting space awakeners, punched him like the other two times and sent him flying.

Varian crashed to the floor as he lay with terrible injuries. His right leg and right shoulder were non-existent as his bones were visible in more than half of the area.

Truthfully, such an injury should've crippled any low level 8 and rendered him powerless.

But Varian not only managed to cope with the injuries without fainting, but he was also able to garner the strength to stand up and float in the air.

His three opponents, two mid level 8 fire awakeners, and one low level 8 body awakener widened their eyes at Varian's valor.

If they had half of his injuries, they'd be fainting. But this guy…

Varian felt a surge of strength as popping sounds rang in his body. Even though his injuries were terrible, thanks to his level 8 plantae with crazy regenerative abilities, he didn't faint.

In fact, with speed visible to the naked eye, flesh grew on his leg and shoulder as blood was created to fill it up.

Varian's mind power locked onto the low level 8 body awakener and the man froze in his place.

Until now, Varian was using his mind power to keep the low level 8 space awakener, that he just killed, under an illusion.

Since he's dead, his mental power was freed up and Varian decisively froze the guy who was responsible for him falling into this state.


Varian's brows furrowed and he clenched his left fist. The right was out of commission and even with his increased regenerative abilities, it'd take at least a few minutes until the bone became a full-fledged arm.

"Time to end this."

Varian's body flashed and he shot toward the fire awakeners. The mid level 8s raised domes of fire to shield themselves.

But for some reason, they couldn't stop panicking. They felt that Varian had suddenly grown stronger.

They were right.

As Varian cut down the distance between him and the fire awakeners, his eyes flashed as his mind sense covered the entire battlefield, including the distant site Enigma was fighting at.

[Superhuman L8: 0/25k [Advanced]

Space L7: 5/7

Lightning L7: 5/7

Plantae L8: 3k/25k (+3k)

Psychic L8: 2k/25k

Macrokinetic L7: 6/7

Water L7: 5/7]

"We'll burn you to cinders, you hypocrite hero!"

"We'll show the burning rage of someone who's abandoned by the world!"

Two fire phoenixes rose into the air and screeched at Varian.

The air seemed to be still for a moment before its temperature spiked.


Varian didn't seem to care as he didn't change his movement despite being only a few feet away from the fire awakeners.

Rather, he raised his hand and summoned a spear.

A unique spear. Its body was made up of solidified space. The upper half of the spear was filled with lighting, the lower half was filled with ice.

An invisible telekinetic power gripped the spear and got ready to launch this deadly multi-path weapon.

The fire awakeners gulped. Since the powers that made up the spear were mostly level 7s, they weren't intimidated by the spear.

But they were utterly shocked by the man who could combine four powers into one attack.

And that's why they intensified their attacks and decided to bring him down with them.

The fire phoenixes gave a final screech before they dived down at Varian, with the intention of devouring him whole and burning him to bones.

As he's about to clash with the fire phoenix, Varian smirked.

His body disappeared at the last moment and he appeared dozens of miles away, right behind the unsuspecting peak level 8s that were under Enigma's mind suppression.

Sensing Varian's presence, the peak level 8s were about to move instinctively to defend themselves.

But without giving them any chance, Varian's spear passed through their chests and destroyed their hearts.

The first one had his heart electrocuted to death, the second one's heart was frozen and smashed to pieces, and the third one had it ripped off his body.

When the three peak level 8s died, the need for Enigma to keep her mind power on them disappeared.

'As expected of you.' Enigma's lips curled up almost imperceptibly as she increased her offense against the level 9s.

Since she could use her mind powers freely, her position improved.

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Varian swallowed his saliva and waved his hand. A lightning spear appeared behind the low level 8 body awakener who was currently under his mind suppression.

The man tried to move and was almost successful in dodging when the space around him stiffened and telekinetic force held him in place.

The lighting spear severed his neck and ended his life.


Varian's heart pounded in anxiousness as he looked at the target building in the distance.

He could sense a few lives in it, presumably the guys enacting the plan. Even though he could kill them using his mind power, the plan was already rolling. Their deaths wouldn't change a thing.

The only way to stop it was for Boo to stop it.

If it was any other time, Varian would've just thrown Boo and asked it to reach the building by itself.

But now, he didn't dare to do so.

The previous attacks by the fire awakeners and all the attacks by the abyssals and mirage queen minions until now did a severe number on Boo.

Right now, Boo was repairing itself.

If the level 9s fighting Enigma threw caution to the wind and attacked it, then there's a high chance ghost ship might be gone forever.

Even when mars was under the threat of destruction, Varian didn't have the heart to risk Boo's life.

So, instead of dodging the fire arrows thrown at him, Varian channeled his space power and decided to teleport to the building.

But before he could, a huge fire dome enveloped the building.

"We're not letting you pass." The fire awakeners declared.

"Fuck you!" Varian cursed as he teleported to them and decided to make it quick.


The mid level 8s erected fire walls from all directions to prevent his attack.

Varian's eyes flashed with a ruthless light.

The only way for him to finish off the fire awakeners fast was to attack their body. Trying to kill them with elemental attacks was much harder.

[00: 05]

"Haha! It's over!"

"You'll die! Everyone on this disgusting planet will die!"

Varian's eyes burned with rage and instead of backing away from the fire walls, he jumped into them.

The fire awakeners widened their eyes as they saw the man jumping out of the fire with injuries so terrible on him that he could barely be called human.

Yet, his eyes burned with such a frightening gaze that the two of them felt a jolt of fear down their spines.

"The only ones dying," Varian raised his half-burnt fists and punched the heads of the fire awakeners into pieces.

"Is you!"


Varian forcibly ignored the pain in his body and locked his space sense into the building.

He teleported into it and realized he was on the ground floor when he should be on the second underground floor.


Varian didn't even have the time to curse as he teleported once again and this time, he appeared in a huge underground room with giant screens in it.

There was an old man overseeing the entire operation with a blank light in his eyes.

He fell unconscious without any resistance and Varian placed the invisible ring on the screen.

Boo shone with a brilliant light as it hacked into the network.


That was the last thing Varian heard before he lost consciousness.