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Divine Doctor's Harem

Chapter 616 The Genius Qi Needles
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Chapter 616 The Genius Qi Needles

As the Genius Qi needles pierced into the sleeping spiritual worm, it trembled all over. Its body began to release abundant spiritual energy, which spread throughout Shen Feng's brain. With the leakage of spiritual energy, the size of the spiritual worm reduced significantly.

Realizing that something was wrong, the spiritual worm started to struggle desperately. However, its struggles were futile. The giant network formed by the gold needles on Shen Feng's head restrained it completely.

The spiritual worm was unable to escape and could only allow the spiritual energy to leak from its body. It also sealed its injuries, preventing further wastage of energy and delaying its thinning.

While resisting its own demise, the spiritual worm attempted to repair the dissolved parts of its body.

As the spiritual worm resisted, Wang Chao found it more challenging to treat Shen Feng.

"Quite interesting. It seems that I need to subdue you first before eliminating you completely," Wang Chao said coldly, feeling the worm's struggles.

He immediately activated the immense Genius Qi within his body, once again merging it with the abundant spiritual energy. The combination transformed into multiple Genius Qi needles that rushed into Shen Feng's body and into his mind.

Although the Genius Qi needles were scattered, within Shen Feng's mind, they converged into one long needle made of spiritual energy, which fiercely stabbed the spiritual worm.

The spiritual worm trembled in agony as the Genius Qi needles entered its body. It emitted a series of painful roars, the eerie sound reverberating throughout the room and reaching Zhang Long's ears.

Even as a mighty martial artist, Zhang Long couldn't help but shiver upon hearing this inexplicably eerie sound. "This, is this really coming from Shen Feng's mind?" he asked, terrified.

He couldn't believe that such a bizarre sound could come from someone's mind. It was simply inconceivable!

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"Yes, that's the sound of the spiritual worm," Wang Chao confirmed.

Zhang Long was shocked to hear the sound and felt a sense of horror, his body covered in goosebumps. Initially, he had doubted Wang Chao's claim of a worm in Shen Feng's mind, thinking it might be a wild story. However, after hearing this sound, he finally realized that Wang Chao was right!

There really was something eerie inside Shen Feng's mind!

Just hearing the sound filled him with unparalleled shock, and his scalp tingled. He could not fathom how Shen Feng endured such agony with a bizarre creature in his brain.

Even for someone like Zhang Long, who had experienced countless life and death situations, this was unacceptable.

No wonder Shen Feng had remained in a coma for so many years! With such a creature in his brain, it was a miracle that he was still alive, let alone unconscious.

"Wang Chao, can you really eliminate the worm completely?" Zhang Long looked at Wang Chao, his eyes full of hope.

"I said I'm confident, but it will take time. Right now, I have more important things to do," Wang Chao replied.

After using the Genius Qi needles to pierce the spiritual worm and control its movements, Wang Chao wiped the sweat from his forehead, his gaze becoming solemn.

"What? Is there something more important than curing Shen Feng?" Zhang Long was puzzled.

"Bingbing ran away," Wang Chao said.

"Run away? Wasn't she supposed to discuss the new medicine with Bernard?" Zhang Long's expression changed.

At that moment, Liu Yifei rushed in, looking anxious and flustered. She said, "Uncle Long, Bingbing ran away. After she came out of Bernard's office, she just ran off. I called out to her, but she didn't respond. It was like she was suffering from some kind of madness."

Zhang Long's face changed again upon hearing this and quickly took out his phone to call Shen Bing. However, he couldn't get through.

"Ugh!" Zhang Long's face changed once more.

They were in White Eagle Country, and they were not familiar with the place. Why would Shen Bing run off on her own? Moreover, why was she not answering her phone?

As a retired special forces soldier, Zhang Long instinctively sensed that something was very wrong.

"Uncle Long, Brother Wang, should we call the police?" Liu Yifei suggested, worried and anxious.

"She just ran away, not lost, so the police won't take the case. Wait a moment, I'll contact my friends here in White Eagle Country to find her," Zhang Long hurriedly responded.

"Okay, please do it quickly," Liu Yifei urged.

Zhang Long didn't waste time and took out his phone to contact his friends.

"Let's all calm down first," Wang Chao uttered calmly. "Instead of calling the police, we should try to find Bernard first."

"Uncle Long, let's split up. I'll look for Bingbing, and you stay here with Shen Feng."

"Remember, until I come back, do not let anyone administer any medicine to him. No medicine is allowed."

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"Alright, Wang Chao, I'm counting on you to find Bingbing and bring her back safely," Zhang Long emphasized.

Wang Chao's strength was much greater, and he was more methodical in his approach. It made more sense for Wang Chao to search for Shen Bing than Zhang Long.

Wang Chao patted Zhang Long's shoulder and immediately left, heading straight to Bernard's office.

"Wait, I'll go with you," Liu Yifei also hurriedly followed.

About two minutes later, they arrived at the door of Bernard's office and knocked.

"The door isn't locked, come in," Bernard's magnetic English voice came from inside the room.

Wang Chao pushed the door open, and Liu Yifei followed.

"What are you doing here?" Bernard asked, lowering his head and working in his office. When he saw Wang Chao, his eyes turned cold. "I do not welcome you here. Please leave immediately."

"Bingbing is missing! She disappeared! You bastard, what did you say to her?" Liu Yifei angrily accused Bernard.

She believed that Bernard must have uttered something to Shen Bing, which caused her to ignore everyone and run away. So, in her eyes, everything was Bernard's fault!

"What? Miss Shen is missing?" Bernard's expression changed drastically upon hearing this. He quickly stood up, his eyes filled with deep concern. "What happened? When did she go missing? Have you tried contacting her?"

Wang Chao remained silent, staring at Bernard intently.

However, Bernard's expression and eyes were genuine, full of worry, without a hint of acting.