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Devil's Son-in-Law-Novel

Chapter 450 - Everyone Knew
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Chapter 450: Everyone Knew

Chen Rui seemed to be in disbelief as he exclaimed, “Teacher, you...”

“You should be honored to be part of your teacher’s ability, my student. Just like the talented student, Vanim, I accepted 20 years ago. Horford is actually pretty good too now. He is able to understand duo-specialized, but it’s a pity that he’s still not good enough. He also has Gustav supporting him, otherwise he would have become my ‘food’. There are also many guys like you including the masters of the association who have become part of my ability. However, compared to them, you are the real feast!” Nate’s smile became more wicked, and he revealed all the words in his mind.

“Teacher, what do you want? Don’t come over or I will yell!” Chen Rui shouted, but he felt very awkward in his heart. This line seems too easy for people to misunderstand.

Nate laughed more creepily, “No matter how loud you yell, it’s useless. I have set layers of magic circles here. Even the masters of the nearby Mechanic Association cannot hear any sound.

Don’t worry, you won’t have any pain soon after I steal your magic eyes talent with my secret method.”

With that, Nate approached Chen Rui step by step. He looked like a hunter looking at a prey that successfully fell into a trap.

Chen Rui was unable to struggle. He said angrily, “Unexpectedly, the Demon Realm’s top mechanic master, the president of the Mechanic Association, is such a despicable villain! Those mechanics who have gone through hardships to become masters or geniuses actually died because of your despicable means to steal their talents or skills. Are you not afraid that you will be cast aside and boycotted by the association and even all the Demon Realm’s mechanics when matters fail?”

“Who would know?” Nate laughed unscrupulously, “Those who know the truth no longer exist in this world like Master Fonerro 20 years ago. Everyone thought he died on the 4th floor of the Book Collection Hall. In fact, I killed him. To put it bluntly, the mechanics or masters in this Mechanic Association are actually the food I raised in captivity. The more talented and outstanding the person is, the faster he will die because only me alone can be the strongest!”

Chen Rui gritted his teeth and said, “This is how you became the top master? Shameless!”

“So what if I’m shameless... I’m the top master now!” Nate laughed loudly, “Unfortunately, there are too few skilled or talented people left now. If there are no special abilities, it is not worth taking the risk. But you are different. Your magic eyes talent is too great. It has reached the ultimate form now. As long as I get your magic eyes, my mechanics can rise to a higher level. I can even have accessories proficiency, then I will become a trio-specialized super master who far surpasses the recent genius, Arthur! You are simply a delicious food bestowed by Demon God! Your real power is at best at Higher Demon... Don’t try to resist or delay time, no one will come to save you.”

Nate’s footsteps suddenly stopped because Chen Rui’s gaze suddenly changed. It was a special calmness or even coldness.

“You talk so much nonsense just to destroy my will. Your secret technique should be a combination of dark power and talent that can devour the memory and skills of others.” Chen Rui sneered, “Unfortunately, you need to pay a considerable price to activate your secret technique. Besides, the stronger the opponent’s will, the harder it is to be successful. There will even be recoil unless the subject is willing to surrender. This is perhaps why many masters can temporarily survive, right?

Nate’s body trembled slightly. The smile on his face stiffened. Disbelief appeared in his gaze, “You... How do you know?”

“If you don’t want people to know it, then don’t do it!” Chen Rui said coldly, “Do you remember Master Fonsaq who was held hostage by you with despicable means? You used tricks to secretly poison and imprison him for his strongest leather skills. In order to force Master Fonsaq to submit, you took his wife and daughter to threaten him. Finally, his wife committed suicide. After he escaped with his daughter under the cover of his apprentice, he was betrayed by Young Prince Teris. In the end, he was surrounded by your chasers and fell into the abyss of Poison Cloud!”

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Nate was extremely surprised, “You... So you are Fonsaq’s apprentice! Isn’t he dead?”

Master Fonsaq was one of the most respected senior masters in the Bloody Empire’s Mechanic Association. He had the reputation of being the best in leather proficiency in the Demon Realm. His current identity was Skye of the Cloak Gang. He had the grace of teaching Chen Rui indeed, so Chen Rui did not deny the “master and apprentice” relationship. He shouted, “Today I will expose your true colors in front of everyone as a revenge for my teacher!”

Nate had recovered from the shock. He gritted his teeth and said, “I didn’t think you were actually Fonsaq’s apprentice. Hmph! He was lucky to escape back then. Everyone knew that Fonsaq is dead now. Even if there is a fake one who wants to come back and take me down. I have a way to deal with him! Besides, you can’t even protect yourself now, how can you expose me? Since you came to me today, don’t think of leaving alive. I’m surely going to take your magic eyes!”

“I didn’t plan to leave alive. I came to the capital just to expose your true colors!” Chen Rui laughed loudly, “Your true colors have been exposed to everyone now!”

Nate snorted, “I have laid out magic circles around here. The laboratory you live in is a separate small building. No matter how loud the sound is, it will not be heard at all!”

“I forgot to tell you that I made a small item called a microphone. It can magnify and transmit the sound. The source is located in this room. As for the sound transmission location, there are office buildings, laboratories, dormitories as well as the streets and alleys of the capital...” Chen Rui’s laughter was full of disdain, “I knew you would harm me. You know why I have to go out and walk around these 3 days?”

Nate was utterly shocked, “Impossible!”

“There is nothing impossible. What you just said is not only heard in the Mechanic Association, but even the entire capital. Everyone on the street is a witness to your numerous crimes!”

What Chen Rui said was not an exaggeration. The current activities in the Mechanic Association and even the capital’s streets had almost stopped. They were all surprised to listen to the clear voices from all corners of the streets, including Beluan beside Turia and Mavinna.

In fact, most of these loudspeakers were prepared previously by the Dark Demon members. They distributed the loudspeakers immediately after receiving some kind of signal. Chen Rui went out in the past 3 days for the purpose of avoiding detection.

Nate’s body trembled violently. This Richard definitely doesn’t seem to be lying. Then wouldn’t the true colors I have hidden for so many years be...

“Nate! I know that I’m not your opponent. Now that my goal has been achieved, Teacher Fonsaq will rest in peace! Judging from your raging look, you want to break my body into pieces? Unfortunately, you don’t have this chance as I never plan to leave alive. I forgot to tell you one last thing. The magic eyes have another talent which is self-explosion.”

Self-explosion! Nate saw Chen Rui’s “crazy” gaze that gave him chills, and a strong sense of crisis surged in his mind. He turned around and ran without bothering the exposure of his misdeeds.

Immediately afterward, the people on various streets heard an explosion sound. At the same time, Nate’s screams appeared in the broadcasted sound.

Meanwhile, they no longer hear “Richard’s” voice.

That’s right, Chen Rui had “self-exploded” while Nate was seriously injured because of this “self-explosion”. However, no one would imagine that the moment Nate turned to escape, the martyr who “self-exploded” just quickly put down the corpse and explosive item which he had prepared in advance. Then, he opened the [Star Gate] and calmly escaped.

Even if Nate didn’t look back, it was easy to play blindfolds or knock him off with Chen Rui’s strength in order to complete the act.

When Beluan heard the word “self-explosion”, she rushed to the laboratory building where Chen Rui lived. Turia and Mavinna were even faster. However, the sound of the explosion completely destroyed the hope of the 3 people.

Beluan staggered and almost collapsed to the ground. Thanks to Mavinna’s quick move, she turned around and grabbed her daughter’s body. Beluan’s glasses fell to the ground and shattered. Tears flowed from her eyes uncontrollably.

The resolute words when he left the Whispering Manor last time echoed in her ears again, “We are not people of the same world.”

“Richard” was determined to die long ago. No wonder...

Master Turia’s eyes were a little red... There was a sudden expression of pain on his face: It turns out that everyone has misunderstood “Richard”! He is an apprentice of Master Fonsaq! The truth about Fonsaq’s “death” is actually killed by the shameless man, Nate!

It’s no wonder that even someone with Richard’s temperament would “betray his teacher”. His real purpose is to sacrifice his life to avenge his teacher by exposing Nate’s true colors!

At this time, one hand was holding Turia’s slightly trembling hand. It was his wife, Mavinna. She was still holding her daughter who couldn’t stop crying in her arms.

“Go to the laboratory building immediately! Call all the masters and mechanics! We can’t let our apprentice die in vain!”

Mavinna’s tone was filled with emotion and anger. At this time, they could still hear Nate’s wailing through the loudspeakers. This damn fellow is not dead yet!

Mavinna’s words were undoubtedly re-acknowledging the identity of “Richard” as an apprentice. This was exactly what Master Turia thought. Turia took a deep breath and nodded. He showed a very firm expression while holding his wife’s hand. They strode toward the already boiling Mechanic Association building.

The speakers disseminated by Dark Demon were in the right place. In addition to some small incitement, Nate’s affairs had created a sensation in the blink of an eye. Those who heard the sound and those who haven’t heard were discussing the matter.

Soon, Raizen the Great was also alarmed. When Great Prince Aleus was ordered to rush to the Mechanic Association, Nate was at his last gasp. He was surrounded by angry masters and mechanics.

No one knew if Nate’s injury was caused by “Richard”‘s self-explosion, or the hands of these onlookers out of righteous indignation. If it weren’t for some life-saving items on his body, I’m afraid that the top master would have been trampled into meatloaf.

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Up to now, the cause of the whole incident was already clear. Especially with all the mechanics of the Mechanic Association and almost half of the people in the capital as witnesses, Nate could not deny it.

This might be the “doubtful case” with the most witnesses in the history of the Demon Realm. The mystery of the strange disappearance and death of geniuses or masters such as Fonsaq, Fonerro, and Vanim had finally been revealed. The exposure of true colors of “the Demon Realm’s top mechanic master” caused a great clamor. The news spread to the Fallen Angel Empire and the Dark Shadow Empire’s Mechanic Association. They were filled with indignation as they issued public condemnations.

The only pity was that “Richard”, the apprentice of Master Fonsaq, exploded and died bravely. The people lamented: A future first appraisal master of the Demon Realm just died like that! However, he will not sacrifice for nothing!

Raizen the Great had ordered the removal Nate as the president of the Mechanic Association and announced that he will be imprisoned for life. The president of the Mechanic Association was temporarily vacant. After a while, all masters would openly vote for a new president.

Nate still had a certain value. In addition to his own mechanics, only the president knew how to enter the 4th floor of the Book Collection Hall, so they tried to interrogate him by force. Before that, it should be fine for Nate to save his life. However, this kind of survival “treatment” for this “top master,” who had always been respected by thousands of people, was simply living death.

A few days later, the news reached the Dark Moon’s Cloak Gang. Master Fonsaq, whose alias was Skye, trembled with excitement. His 2 daughters, Alian and Eve, cried in Lisa’s arms. The harm many years ago caused the father and daughters to lose their dearest wife and mother. Not only did they hide and fled, they also suffered from curse and poison.

The bad days were gone and they could finally see hope now. Not only had the curse and poison were eliminated, but Nate had finally gotten his retribution.

Master Xingxing on the side showed relief and comforted, “Finally, the truth is revealed! I really envy you for having such a loyal and righteous apprentice.”

Master Skye finally suppressed his excitement and shook his head, “My direct apprentice died at the beginning, and his name was not Richard. This is the first time I have heard of that magic eyes talent.”

Master Xingxing was dumbfounded for a moment as if he thought of something, and Master Skye did the same. The 2 masters looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

“It turns out to be him!” Tears of gratitude flashed in Skye’s eyes. Detoxification, curse dispel, shelter, and revenge of enemies are all the help from that man.

Xingxing’s eyes were full of unconcealable appreciation, but he muttered in dissatisfaction, “Hmph, I knew this guy likes to be in the limelight. Even if he ‘dies’, he must ‘die’ with the top appraiser title!”

“By the way, if you return to the Bloody Empire now, you will definitely be the president of the Mechanic Association with your reputation and abilities.” Xingxing suddenly said. This was also the truth. Fonsaq was the senior master with the strongest proficiency in leather in the Demon Realm. He also had high prestige in the Bloody Empire. Now that Nate was down, as long as he returned, he would definitely be valued by Raizen.

Skye looked at Lisa and his daughters, then he looked at Master Xingxing. He shook his head and said, “Fonsaq is dead. I’m Skye now. This is my home. My most important relatives and friends are here. I’m not going anywhere.”

Lisa held Skye’s hand with tenderness in her eyes while Master Xingxing nodded and smiled.

The hearts of the 2 masters were clear: Since “Richard” is the guy who has the ability to defeat the Demon Emperor powerhouse, then the so-called “self-explosion sacrifice” is just a trick to hide from the people.

The “top” indeed, top criminal... just hope he didn’t get to come back through the help of “someone”...