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Devil's Son-in-Law-Novel

Chapter 431 - Flower
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Chapter 431: Flower

Outside the Crystal Valley, under the close protection of the army, Master Rummenigge looked at the changes in the sky in the distant valley. Like many soldiers, he couldn’t help to be surprised.

Even at this distance, when hearing the sound of interlaced screams coming from a distance, it still made people feel frightened. Those sensitive war horses seemed afraid. If they were not well-trained and under the soldiers’ control, they would’ve fled one after another.

In the distance, the purple light and green light were constantly changing. The ground was slightly trembling. Even the magic circle couldn’t hold it. One could imagine the intensity of the battle. But none of these troops acted rashly; they just stood by the defense line outside the Crystal Valley.

This was because when someone handed over Master Rummenigge to them a few days ago, the person had already shown the magic badge representing the Bloody Vine Flower Estate Lord. He ordered the army to protect the master and hold on to the position. No matter what happened, no action was allowed, and all outsiders were prohibited from entering or leaving, including Master Rummenigge himself.

In fact, what these troops saw was only the combat scene after the restrain of the ancient runes power. Of course, Chen Rui’s ancient rune power still had a considerable gap compared with Zola. If Zola set it, the effect would definitely be different, but the Dark Moon was too far away from the Crystal Valley. It would take too long to go back and forth, and the required time and material for Zola to build the space channel were quite complicated. Therefore, Chen Rui did not alarm the Ms. Fairy Dragon who was guarding the Dark Moon this time.

In the Crystal Valley, many of the crystal pillars that seemed to connect the sky and the ground had been broken; some of them were badly damaged. The crystal dragon was panting heavily. His huge body was full of cracks, and the crystal scales were scattered all over the ground.

Opposite him was Paglio in black armor, exuding green mist all over his body. Although he was also slightly panting, he was much more calm and relaxed. There were many scratches caused by the paws and teeth on the black armor, but it was not broken. Some bloodstains appear only in the insignificant parts that couldn’t be protected by the armor.

The translucent light blue snake eyes of the crystal dragon stared at the black armor on Paglio’s body. Since the dragons were mostly treasure collectors and connoisseurs, the crystal dragon could conclude that this armor was definitely not ordinary legendary grade equipment. It is not even the best elite legendary equipment. Could it be an artifact? It is at least a quasi-artifact?

Most likely it is! This armor is unusually strong. It can cover his whole body after changing to the dragon form. The faint light that appears seems to have the special effect of weakening the enemy. Fortunately, the crystal body was immune to this hateful skill, otherwise Jacob’s injury would be more serious.

I haven’t seen him in 2,000 years, and this terrifying poison dragon actually got an armor artifact that dragons can wear!

He’s stronger than me! His strange poison can restrain my crystal physique!

What’s more, he has an artifact!

That’s too unfair!

A strong sense of frustration surged in the crystal dragon’s heart. The poison dragon saw the chance, and his strong tail smashed the crystal dragon’s left wing to pieces. Under the strange force of the territory, the broken wing instantly recovered its skeleton form. It was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, but in return, those crystal pillars shattered into pieces. His territory power was suppressed to even lower. Many crystal pillars disintegrated into liquid due to the effect of the green mist, and the liquid quickly evaporated into a new mist that filled the entire space.

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The sharp drop in territory power coupled with serious injuries made the crystal dragon staggering; he was almost unable to support it.

No way, if this continues, I will definitely be killed by the enemy!

At this point of time, I can only use that thing. Although I can’t control the true strength of that thing and will pay a considerable price, it is my only hope to knock down the opponent!

I do not care anymore!

The crystal dragon gritted his teeth and made up a certain determination.

Paglio had always had the upper hand. Just as he was feeling proud and about to take advantage of the victory to attack, he saw the crystal dragon’s pupils suddenly turn blood red. A dangerous warning suddenly appeared in his heart.

The poison dragon didn’t dare to let his guards down. He immediately gathered his strength and waited defensively. The crystal dragon spat out a round light red bead which instantly bloomed into a strange flower shape. Its color changed from light red to blood red, even the [Poison Territory] could not cover the light of the round bead.

The 2 moons seen in the space turned from the original alternate purple-green to a completely blood-red color due to the effect of the bead.

Under the moonlight, the strange red flowers suddenly split. A red mist with powerful breath covered the appearance of the crystal dragon’s body. He began to distort and swell rapidly, causing abnormal changes.

The crystal dragon’s entire body size had doubled. He appeared stronger, and he had 3 heads like a hydra with sharp and huge bone spurs all over his body. His body exuded strange flames from time to time. Wherever the flame went, it absorbed the green mist in the [Poison Territory].

The crystal dragon felt that his body was full of unprecedented berserk power. With a wave of his hand, the ground containing the power of ancient rune enchantment actually cracked. His confidence was immediately boosted, and he shouted furiously, “Paglio! Your death is near!”

Paglio had extremely rich combat experience. He saw that the crystal dragon’s state was different, so this should be the final killing move. There must be something wrong with it, otherwise the crystal dragon would use this power earlier on.

“Poor guy, it’s just not your own power.” Paglio said disdainfully as a psychological tactic.

“Hmph! Didn’t you also rely on that artifact armor? Victory is the final decider!” Jacob’s voice also became hoarse and weird, revealing a strange feeling.

“Want to defeat me?” Paglio sneered, “Using this power that you can’t even control yourself?”

Jacob did not talk any more nonsense. The blood-red flame on his body was blazing, and he rushed toward Paglio. His speed was actually much faster than before, and his attack and defense power was also greatly improved. It seemed that the effect of this mutation was very obvious.

Paglio, with the help of “Thunderous Sound” and “Overlord Armor” artifacts, tried his best to withstand Jacob’s tremendous pressure. Although the previous situation was reversed, Paglio’s tight defense and long endurance made Jacob only occupy the upper hand, but he couldn’t turn the advantage into a victory for a while.

Although the scene remained stable, only the poison dragon himself, who encountered the huge pressure, understood that if it weren’t for Overlord Armor’s super defensive power and its magical attributes of weakening and absorbing damage, turning the damage into physical strength, he would have been crushed long ago with his own strength.

However, Jacob’s situation was definitely problematic. He might not last long, so Paglio must hold on to these waves of attacks. When the temporary mutated power was weakened, he could counterattack to control the enemy in one fell swoop.

It was just that Jacob’s mutated time and effect seemed to exceed Paglio’s expectations. The violent and manic power seemed inexhaustible. Not only the flame could swallow poison, but it also carried a strange damage. Fortunately, he had the protection of Overlord Armor. Otherwise, he had suffered serious injuries.

Paglio also noticed that when his [Poison Territory] was being swallowed, Jacob’s [Crystal Territory] was also automatically disintegrating. It seemed that there was some kind of incompatibility between this abnormal force and his body. Paglio couldn’t help but to wonder.

He immediately activated the originally converged [Overlord Armor Reduction] and punched toward Jacob. The Thunderous Sound’s additional attribute, [Thunder], appeared. Jacob’s movements suddenly stopped as though he was paralyzed by [Thunder]. Paglio followed up with 2 lightning-like punches and hit the same part. The crystal dragon groaned and staggered back. His body turned green as the flame became weaker; he returned to normal immediately afterwards.

Paglio was crystal clear: The red bead made Jacob’s power soar. My poisonous fist that used physical force to spread poison was unable to work because the force was weakened, but because of the conflict with his own attributes, Jacob’s crystal body lost its function. In other words, he lost his greatest advantage of immunity to magical powers. Therefore, he was affected by the [Overlord Armor Reduction], even ordinary [Thunder] and poison have also played miraculous effects.

Thinking of this, Paglio immediately began to change his tactics. He removed his territory power. Instead of recklessly fighting, he focused on using poison. Together with the special effects of [Overlord Armor Reduction] and [Thunder] attack, he gradually turned the situation around.

The crystal dragon was also miserable at the moment. He had only tried a little of the red bead power previously and was secretly wary of the danger. It was the first time he activated the red bead in such a desperate effort now. Although the outburst of the strange power was above imagination and he gained the upper hand for a while, there was a strange power in the red bead that was seemingly trying to completely transform him into a creature without consciousness. This feeling caused the crystal dragon to panic.

It could be said that while Jacob was fighting against Paglio, he was also fighting with “himself”.

“Boom!” The distracted crystal dragon was hit by Paglio again, but Paglio was knocked back by a more manic force. The crystal dragon’s body twisted violently again as if it was going to expand again.

The crystal dragon roared almost miserably. His blood-colored eyes were full of sparkles. His swollen and distorted “flesh” as well as bone spurs actually escaped from his body. A flower shape with a red core faintly appeared. It was flashing turbulent light, then all these things burst open.

Paglio had a bad feeling when the red bead flashed rapidly. He instantly reverted to human form and crossed his hands in front of him defensively. However, this explosive force was extremely powerful. Although he transformed into human form to greatly reduce the area of impact, he still flew back due to the tremor.

Even the ​​Crystal Lair area which was blocked by the power of ancient runes experienced violent shakes. Huge cracks visible to the naked eye appeared in the space.

In fact, Jacob himself was the most disadvantaged. Just now, at the verge of death, he tried his best to get rid of the control of the red bead and finally regained his sobriety. However, as he was closest to the explosion plus the poison’s dragon’s powerful attack previously, his injuries were extremely serious. In addition to some side effects of activating the red bead, he almost collapsed on the spot.

After all, the crystal dragon was the peak stage of the Demon Overlord powerhouse. He roared wildly, ignoring the abnormalities and injuries of his body. He used his last bit of strength to flap his wings and rushed out of the space crack. He broke free from the restrain of the ancient runes and flew all the way. He disappeared into the night sky in an instant.

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After the explosion, Paglio cleared away the smoke and realized that Jacob was nowhere to be found. There were actually a series of tiny cracks on the Overlord Armor. He was shocked. Fortunately, this armor had a self-healing effect, but he couldn’t use it again in a short time.

In this battle, Jacob escaped again luckily, but he was severely injured. Judging from the abnormality of the red bead, it seemed that he would be subjected to some terrifying recoil. His combat power should be greatly reduced and he would not appear again for the time being.

The entire battle was more intense than Paglio expected. The one that impressed him the most was the red bead that could induce some kind of terrifying mutated power. What exactly is this thing?

By the way, I wonder how the cunning human is progressing. Thinking of the crystal dragon’s wealth, the dragon’s eyes suddenly brightened. The pain and wound that he suffered just now became insignificant.

Paglio didn’t know that just when Jacob had an abnormal change, the space entrance of the underground hall had already completed the reverse transmission. In other words, Chen Rui had already received all the wealth of the crystal dragon. The tremendous amount of wealth was even more valuable than the treasure of Paglio in the Silent Night Wetland. After all, the poison dragon was 2,000 years behind the “collection” of wealth.

After Chen Rui informed Paglio that day, he disguised as Rummenigge and began to quietly lead the miners to transform the magic circle of the hall. To prevent being exposed, he did not use the Dragon Inscription, but he used ancient runes combined with magic circles. The crystal dragon obviously didn’t take an ant like “Rummenigge”to heart, so he didn’t even check it once.

Chen Rui wiped out the remaining crystal men, placed the miners in a safe cave, then he gradually eliminated the Dragon Inscriptions set by the crystal dragon. The battle above him was not something that he could intervene with his current strength. If he appeared rashly, he would become Paglio’s burden instead.

Just when he came to the road intersection where he first encountered the crystal men, he suddenly had a strong feeling in his heart. It seems that the breath of the ancient runes suddenly became 10 times more intense!

No, not only the ancient runes, but also a special power breath which seems to be calling me faintly.

Perhaps the target of this power was not him initially, but he clearly sensed this calling now, or maybe that power had already noticed Chen Rui.

Chen Rui subconsciously began to walk toward the passage below.

Along the way, he could feel the strange breath from time to time. It seemed to carry a strong tempting force. He came to a place subconsciously.

This place seemed to be in the underground of the crystal mine. It seemed to be a separate space that could be entered through a certain underground passage. If it was not for the breath of the ancient runes suddenly amplifying; if it was not for the temptation force, he probably could not enter this place even if he searched the entire underground.

He saw only blood red which was actually lava, but the color gave people a sense of horror as if it was a hot blood river.

The whole space was a volcanic cave. The blood-red heat distorted the scenery in sight, and there was boiling magma everywhere. A dangerous and narrow passage led to an unknown depth in front.

The terrifying heat forced Chen Rui to channel his power for protection. He was still sweating all over as if he was in the furnace of hell.

Chen Rui carefully stepped on the black rock under his feet and walked forward step by step. After walking for a long time, at a corner, he found that the magma actually had a special thing which was floating up and down. It actually did not melt as if it was generated from the magma.

This was a strange flower which was about the size of 2 fists. Unlike the blood-red lava, a more enchanting red exuded a strange beauty.

Magma flower?? Could it be the place where Jacob got the red bead?