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Devil's Son-in-Law-Novel

Chapter 424 - Fertile Yuan Soil
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Chapter 424: Fertile Yuan Soil

As imagined, the Blue Lava Estate developments were going quite smoothly.

With Sumen’s prestige and military power, the 12-year-old “Tagow”, Chandler’s son who was promoted to the lord, was quickly recognized by the Blue Lava Estate. Sumen was appointed as the new legion leader of the Azure Legion. Due to the disappearance of the original Sheriff Varit, Sumen’s subordinate, Aglas, temporarily assumed the post. Sumen also appointed the financial officer. Since then, Sumen had controlled all the power of the Blue Lava Estate. Of course, all of this had been smoothly carried out with the “help” of the Dark Moon’s Flame Legion.

With the help of Chen Rui, Sumen reformed a series of the original Blue Lava Estate’s decree, including abolishing some of the exorbitant taxes, sending soldiers to eliminate bandits, and vigorously encouraging production, which won unanimous support from the public.

When Princess Royal Shea of ​​the Dark Moon learned of the death of the Blue Lava Estate Lord Chandler, she specially sent an official representative to express her condolences and donated valuable supplies and food, effectively alleviating the famine in the Blue Lava Estate. Shea then sent a group of related talents to help the Blue Lava Estate to improve the land and reorganize the economy. This kind of repaying grievances with grace made everyone from the officers to the people of the Blue Lava Estate to be very grateful. Compared with Regent Obsidian who defrauded the hard-earned money from various estates, Princess Royal Highness was the real royal family.

Sumen and Tagow issued a public statement apologizing for some of the actions of the former Lord Titan. They claimed that the Blue Lava Estate would never forget the Dark Moon’s help.

After the replacement soldiers sent by the Dark Moon came, more than 9,000 elites of the Flame Legion returned to the Dark Moon under the lead of the legion leader, Athena.

Chen Rui did not follow Athena and Paglio back to the Dark Moon, but he went directly to Mountain Xilang instead.

The mining office in Mountain Xilang had been completely refurbished and the residential area had doubled. With the help of the earth elementals, many new mineral veins outside the main pit were explored, and the mining work was in full swing. The West Road army, renamed “Moon Shadow Legion”, was stationed in the newly constructed Xilang Fortress. Traders from the west came like an endless stream now, so the entire west road had been renovated and various checkpoints had been set up. It was mainly to clear the roadblock and protect business travellers.

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The Moon Shadow Legion leader, Tim was not very powerful, but he was very intelligent and proficient in the art of war. In the war of lords, he attacked Town Dico and severely damaged the vanguard of the Red Spirit Estate, making his first contribution. Tim’s wife Lysa was the queen of the Medusa tribe who was a Great Demon King powerhouse (just advanced). There was a powerful Medusa guards by his side, so his overall strength was not inferior to the other 2 legions. Moreover, in a legion’s internal battle ball friendly match, Moon Shadow Legion’s team actually unexpectedly defeated the other 2 legions. The Red Blood Legion and Flame Legion felt that the excellent quality and perfect cooperation were very familiar as if they had encountered it somewhere. Some people had already guessed that the Moon Shadow Legion team was the “Red Cloak team” under Joseph that almost defeated the Red Blood Flame United back then. At that time, they intentionally performed poorly. They were really revealing their skills now.

Under this kind of “old scores”, the atmosphere of competition between the 3 legions was more intense. The strength of the legions grew methodically in a positive environment.

Chen Rui came to Mountain Xilang not to inspect Tim’s work, but to go to the Earth Realm of the earth elementals in the main pit.

In Earth Realm, Chen Rui received a warm welcome from the earth elementals. Although most of the earth elementals were not good at speech and had not learned the common language of the Demon Realm so far, Chen Rui could feel their sincere enthusiasm from the [Analytical Eyes] .

In the Earth Palace, Earth Elemental King Moore had a solemn expression in his eyes after hearing Chen Rui’s experience in Town Lupin, “My friend, I have to say that it is indeed very fortunate that you can escape from the Dark Elemental King this time.”

“The Water Elemental King Lambost asked me to tell you that he is waiting for you at the Dead Sea. He wants to give you something important.”

Moore nodded slightly, “It should be something left over from the last Earth Elemental King when he died. My memory tells me that this thing is very important, but I need to reach the peak stage of the Demon Overlord to be eligible to accept it. Glorfin is the peak stage of the Demon Overlord. Although I was already severely injured before I came here back then, I still couldn’t contend with Glorfin due to the limited time of my creation. It was only with the power of Earth Realm that I destroyed his body, but the 400-year battle with his soul had weakened my strength. The earth elementals also suffered heavy losses. Even if you later repaired the elemental heart that provides that special effect, I still cannot reach the peak stage of the Demon Overlord.”

Chen Rui once heard the Water Elemental King mention this, and he asked curiously, “Is it the Elemental War? Are you all called the 3 Kings of Darkness? What is the elemental covenant?”

“The 3 Kings of Darkness is the dark element, water element, and earth element. As for the 3 Kings of Light, they are naturally light element, fire element, and wind element. We are each other’s mortal enemies. As for the details of Elemental War and elemental covenant... I will tell you again in the future if I have a chance.”

Chen Rui knew that everyone had their own secrets, so he did not probe further. The Earth Elemental King said again, “The characters of dark elements are violent and fierce, and my strength is far inferior to Hegel. The element blessing can only help you this time. Before you have the corresponding strength, try not to conflict with the dark elementals.”

Chen Rui nodded and asked, “How long will it take from your current strength to the peak stage of the Demon Overlord? Are supplementary things like black potions and devil fruits useful for elementals?”

“Although the king is already at the early stage of the Demon Overlord and has the memory inherited from the predecessor king once created, the power of the elements is accumulated. It needs to be absorbed and converted for a long time. The black potion and devil fruit have miraculous effects on ordinary demons. Even it has extraordinary effects on tauren and Medusa, but it has no effect on elementals.”

From Moore’s tone, I could hear that he can’t reach the peak stage of the Demon Overlord, the Water Elemental King would not give that important thing to Moore. Chen Rui frowned and asked, “The Dark Elemental King can use darkness sources and living beings’ sacrifice to restore his power. In your inherited memory, do you have alternative methods for quick recovery or improvement?”

“There is a kind of rare Fertile Yuan Soil that can greatly increase the strength of Earth Realm. If I have this treasure, then not only can I recover the strength I lost over the 400 years and directly reach the peak stage of the Demon Overlord, even the strength of the entire earth elementals will have qualitative changes. The creation speed of the earth elementals will increase, and the number of earth elemental elites will also increase rapidly.”

“Fertile Yuan Soil? Where is this treasure?” Chen Rui’s eyes suddenly lit up. This “Fertile Yuan Soil” is also one of the materials used to make the artifact “Secret Shadow”. I can’t find it previously. I didn’t expect that the Earth Elemental King needs it too.

“In my inherited memory, there is a Mountain Seckred in the far north, and Fertile Yuan Soil is there.”

Chen Rui’s heart moved, “Mountain Seckred? So, why don’t you go there to find what you need?”

“My memory tells me that the mountain seems to contain some kind of forbidden power that is untouchable. More importantly, due to the heavy losses of the earth elementals previously, the Earth Palace urgently needs my power to generate new earth elementals, so I cannot leave. ”

Chen Rui wrote down the name Mountain Seckred. The artifact “Secret Shadow” is secondary; Fertile Yuan Soil plays a key role in the Earth Elemental King and even the entire earth elementals. It seems that I must try to get this thing. The north land... should be within the boundaries of the Bloody Empire.

At this time, it had been nearly 2 months since the Dark Shadow Empire’s Bloody Vine Flower Estate’s Lord, General Crawford, visited the Dark Moon. During this time, the Dark Moon and the Bloody Vine Flower Estate had developed close cooperation. The effect was very obvious, and both estates showed good response. Shea decided to visit the Bloody Vine Flower Estate at the beginning of next month after being invited by General Crawford. Chen Rui was likely to accompany him by then.

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To the north of the Bloody Vine Flower Estate is the Bloody Empire. During the visit, if I have the opportunity, I might as well explore it. But for now, let’s use the intel network of the Dark Demon to find out the relevant news.

After making up his mind, Chen Rui bade farewell to Moore and came to the tauren tribe. He discussed with Chief Tauren Delong about a plan they planned long ago, which was the relocation of the tauren tribe.

Now that the bloodline curse of the tauren tribe had been lifted, there was no need to rely on the Fountain of Vitality to stay underground, and there were tauren priests like Hart. As long as they constructed the tauren temple, they could complete the baptism of the birth of the tauren baby as usual.

The “new home” Chen Rui prepared for the tauren tribe was in the newly built military site of the Blue Lake Mountain Range where the original “treasure” was located. The terrain there was dominated by mountains and jungles, and the area was wide; it was very suitable for tauren life.

As soon as they heard that they could leave this dark, damp, moonless underground, almost all the tauren cheered and began to eagerly prepare to move.

For the Dark Moon, the relocation of tauren also had a very positive significance. This group of excellent craftsmen with the most fantastic metal smelting skills in the Demon Realm would be closer to Dark Moon City. It would be more convenient to smelt metals and produce equipment. Many new weapons could also be tested and put into the use of military equipment quickly.

Moreover, Chief Tauren Delong’s strength had reached the Demon Emperor level, and the other tauren who survived the 400-year underground war were all battle-tested and powerful. They could provide considerable combat power when necessary.

With Chen Rui’s storage warehouse, the most difficult task of the relocation, material transfer, was easily solved. However, the mines that the taurens insisted on taking away filled the storage warehouse. Under Delong’s organization, the tauren travelled minimally and followed Chen Rui away from the underground where they lived for hundreds of years.

As for the Medusa tribe, Chen Rui kept them in Mountain Xilang because of Tim. With protection of the magic circle set up by Chen Rui, plus the strongest support army of the earth elementals under the Mountain Xilang, there should be no problem on Tim’s side.

During the relocation of tauren, Chen Rui did not forget another important thing which was the Fountain of Vitality and the mythical silver box soaking in the Fountain of Vitality.

I believe that the fake daze dragon lady will smile with joy upon seeing this gift.

Could Chen Rui take the opportunity to “further” develop his relationship with Shea when they were visiting Bloody Vine Flower Estate?