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Devil's Son-in-Law-Novel

Chapter 394 - Six Major Initiatives! The Beginning of the Rise of Dark Moon
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Chapter 394: Six Major Initiatives! The Beginning of the Rise of Dark Moon

The Dark Moon’s result in the war of lords shocked the entire Fallen Angel Empire. In the people’s minds, the Dark Moon was just a dilapidated estate under the control of Regent Obsidian, and it was barely sustained by Princess Shea who was the daughter of Crown Prince Grimm. It was only a matter of time before the remnant glory of Lord of Midnight Sun was lost.

This battle completely subverted many people’s perception – The Red Spirit Estate and Blue Lava Estate of the 4 major estates joined forces to attack the Dark Moon. In the end, The Red Spirit Estate failed miserably, and the Blue Lava Estate was wiped out!

This is an unbelievable victory. When has the strength of the Dark Moon risen to this level?

Although the Dark Moon won, the people were still not optimistic about it. Obviously, the war of lords this time is due to Regent Obsidian instigating the 2 major estates’ lords. The Dark Moon showed such a dazzling light, which is equivalent to exposing its own strength. Obsidian will never allow this hidden major threat to continue to grow stronger. He will definitely act on it.

What’s next? Sanctions? Leading the army personally?

Even if he is not leading the army personally, the Red Spirit’s suspension of food supply to the Dark Moon is enough to cause a heavy blow to the Dark Moon. After all, such a large estate cannot be self-sufficient in food. Even if it can be imported from the Dark Shadow Empire, it is also difficult to meet the needs of the entire estate. It is nothing more than transferring the vital point from the Red Spirit Estate to the hands of the Dark Shadow Empire.

At this moment, a surprising news came from the Dark Moon.

According to the captured capital envoy, Diak, the Red Spirit Estate and Blue Lava Estate were instructed by Regent Obsidian to attack the Dark Moon this time. This was not surprising, but Obsidian’s purpose was actually to seize the wealth accumulated by the Dark Moon and the treasure!

In order to seize the property of the estate, a regent actually instigated and launched the war of lords! Diak also divulged the news – Obsidian has been doing everything possible to plunder the properties of major estates. The former lords’ “fundraising” is the biggest scam!

Krobelus, who was also the capital envoy, also issued a public statement confirming the truth of the incident. She also expressed strong indignation toward Obsidian, claiming to leave the capital to join the Dark Moon.

The news quickly spread throughout the empire. Although there were some problems with these “statements”, due to the vital interests, especially the large amount of black crystal coins, various estates and major families began to feel uneasy. Many had already used various reasons to request the capital to refund the fundraising money in advance.

As a result, Regent Obsidian became even more frustrated. His initial intention of the war of lords was to divert the attention from this aspect as well as a way to plunder properties. Unexpectedly, it was actually counterproductive. At the lord meetings, he had made a guarantee. Now that the date of the final return was getting closer and closer, and there were so many estates and families requesting to withdraw immediately. He was suddenly in an unprecedented predicament.

Contrary to the capital which was in an unfavorable situation, the Dark Moon Estate was immersed in a celebration atmosphere at this time. The predicament that had originally enveloped this estate was swept away by an unexpected victory. Princess Royal personally led the army, and she took the initiative to attack. Everyone cheered her heroic deed of defeating the Red Spirit Army with an inferior number of army in the wilderness of Town Leith.

In contrast, the incredible war result of silently destroying the Blue Lava Army was strange and mysterious. It was said to be the work of the mysterious powerhouse invited by Athena who was the sheriff and garrison guard commander. Some people said that it was General George’s secret power in the Dark Moon. The opinions varied for a while.

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As the winning heroes, the mysterious powerhouse who defeated Josh and beheaded Rus; the West Road Army commander, Tim, who attacked the Red Spirit Army; Old Ford and his son who subsided Mellon Family rebellion; the brothers and sisters – Cavalry Commander Kaguli, and wyvern legion commander and imperial guards commander Kaguron; the brave human financial officer who was the first to raise his weapon and charge to the enemy in the face of the temptation from the Red Spirit; and the Dark Moon’s mysterious wyvern legion which rivaled the capital, had become favorite topics of the Dark Moon’s militaries and civilians.

This victory not only boosted everyone in the Dark Moon, but it also revealed to all the estates of the Fallen Angel Empire that the Dark Moon, whether in terms of military or economic, was already the largest estate of the Fallen Angel Empire!

A large number of people gathered at the Dark Moon’s central plaza. Shea was giving an inspiring speech on the high platform of central plaza. Many people realized that this Princess Royal seemed energetic and vigorous. She showed unprecedented confidence.

In addition to the public announcement of the award of meritorious officials and the punishment of removing the names of traitors such as the Mellon Family, Princess Royal Highness also announced 6 major initiatives. It could be considered to be 6 unexpected good news.

The first news – The Dark Moon finally cracked the secret of the Blue Lake Mountain Range treasure! There was no huge wealth as imagined, but the unexpected things found were more precious than any typical wealth or treasure.

The treasure was an ancient leather scroll which recorded the secret method to improve the barren land of the Dark Moon. After the experiment by Princess Royal and Master Aldas, it was found that it really worked. Furthermore, the improved magic land had double the harvest than normal fertile soil.

At present, Shea had improved a large number of lands outside the city so that it could be cultivated by the people. One only needed to hand in a certain amount of crops each year to obtain the ownership of these magic lands. In the next step, the improvement would gradually be carried out across the entire Dark Moon Estate.

This was a huge piece of good news that excited everyone. It meant that the Dark Moon would completely get rid of the biggest dilemma of lack of food that had prolonged for tens of thousands of years, and they would never be controlled by anyone because of it. With the protection of a powerful army, a booming economy, and fertile and abundant food... All this fully proved that the prosperity and glory 400 years ago would soon reappear on this land.

No, maybe they would even be more prosperous than 400 years ago!

By then, everyone in the Dark Moon would be proud of their identity.

The second news – The Dark Moon had obtained permission from 2 major alchemy forces, the Mechanic Association and the Potioneer Association, to build a mechanic branch and a potioneer branch in the city. Master Xingxing, who was well-known in the Demon Realm, would be in charge of the mechanic branch while Master Aldas would be in charge of the potioneer branch. All mechanics and potioneers are welcomed to join. The Dark Moon would provide the best conditions and treatment.

For example, for the Dark Moon Potioneer branch, there would be free rationing of the Fountain of Resurrection located in the Blue Lake Mountain Range “treasure” area that had been converted into a military site. The potion master Aldas and mechanic master Xingxing, who were famous in the Demon Realm, would also regularly exchange experiences with the members so as to improve the standard.

The third news – In order to revive the glory of the Lord of Midnight Sun, the Dark Moon imperial guards officially changed its name to “Red Blood” Legion. The legion leader was Athena. The garrison guard was renamed as “Flame” Legion, and the legion leader was Kaguron. The West Road Army was renamed as “Moon Shadow” Legion with Tim as the legion leader. The 3 legions would recruit more warriors to defend the Dark Moon homeland. Those with strength, courage, and elders with skills could register at the recruiting office. They only needed to be screened to become a glorious soldier with favorable treatment.

The fourth news – The Dark Moon would renovate the city’s water supply, sewage and other facilities for free. The new magic water supply developed by Master Xingxing would be widely used. Residents only needed to pay a minimal monthly fee, and they did not need to go out to carry water. The filtered clean water could be used conveniently at home.

The fifth news – The Dark Moon would hold 2 large-scale events next month. 1 was the auction house trade fair, and the other was the first trade fair of the Dark Moon in 400 years. There would be many precious goods there. For example, at the auction, there would be 3 devil fruits commissioned by a mysterious guest!

The sixth news – The transformation of abandoned houses in the city had basically been completed. Before the huge business opportunity next month, these shops would be sold through bidding.

This series of radical and positive measures caused strong feedback among the people. Suddenly, there were thunderous cheers, shouting ‘Long live Princess Royal’.

Soon after, the Dark Moon Palace.

Council hall.

The irrelevant people including Old Gauss had retreated.

Although Old Gauss was Princess Royal’s most trusted old officer, Old Gauss was irrelevant in a sense, so the old man took the initiative to leave. Only the Princess Royal Highness and the financial officer were left at the council hall.

“The news of devil fruit will attract a large number of demons and merchants to come. As for the strategy of publicly carrying out land improvement in the name of the treasure, it is even more ingenious – Not only can it divert the attention of adventurers, but it can also carry out land improvement reasonably. It’s just that the credits of your real meritorious officer have been overlooked.”

“How many of my credits have been overlooked?” Someone had a distressed look, but he held the hand of Princess Royal Highness. He touched it again and again with a lewd look. “Let’s see how Princess Royal compensates the wounded mind of her subordinate.”

“Are you sure what you are doing now fits the ‘subordinate’ status?” Shea said angrily.

Although Princess Royal Highness confessed her feelings in the secret room, she still had the same majestic and cold appearance of the past when they were outside the room. However, she had not withdrawn the hand held by him. “My loyalty to Princess Royal Highness can only be proved by the 2 moons in the sky!” The guy, who was not bothered about his subordinate identity, was still indulged in the profound ideal of the employee molesting his royal female boss.

“In that case, there is no substantive proof?” Shea snorted coldly, “You have hidden well all this while. Tim is actually your servant long ago. There are 2 powerful tribes in the underground of Mountain Xilang, and the Earth Elemental King as an ally. You also have hundreds of thousands of undead army and a corpse necromancer close to Demon Overlord in Town Yankou! With your current strength and financial resources, let alone subverting the Dark Moon, I’m afraid it is not a fantasy to subvert even the entire Fallen Angel Empire! ”

Chen Rui told Shea about the strength he was managing and many things. Since returning from Town Yankou, he had to “report” to Shea alone for a long time almost every day. Of course, it was in the secret room.

The relationship between the 2 had heated up rapidly, but Princess Royal Highness was actually a very shy or perhaps, a very conservative woman. She was extremely restrained even if it was just holding hands and kissing. As for the last step, it seemed that there was still a considerable distance, so his ‘revolution’ was not successful yet. Let’s go with the flow.

“I’m a lazy person. I don’t want to be a lord or emperor. I just want to hide in a leisurely place, flirt, dance, and be at ease with my beloved women.”

Hearing the word “dancing”, Shea’s face blushed slightly. There must be someone else who he flirts with, but this dancing with “beloved woman” should be no one other than me for the time being.

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“By the way, what do you think about the weapon enhancement for the undead legion on Guradam’s side that I mentioned to you? This powerful undead army will be one of our most important forces in the future.”

Shea deeply agreed with this, “We can see how terrifying this army is from the complete annihilation out of the Blue Lava Army. Fortunately, that place is an ancient battlefield, so there are enough raw materials for the undead. Together with the Blue Lava Army this time, it should take the combat effectiveness of the undead legion up a notch. You can make a decision on this matter. As for the establishment of the ‘Dark Demon’, do you have a better idea?”

“We humans have an ancient proverb, ‘know the enemy, know yourself, and in every battle you will be victorious’. Dark Demon must be established as soon as possible so that we can grasp the movements and the intel of all parties quickly. Perhaps we can still use the team of Cloak Gang in the Dark Moon, but it is definitely impossible for the Cloak Gang to work across the entire empire or even the entire Demon Realm. Many things have to be trained from the beginning. I have 2 reliable partners who are also close friends of Athena. One of them had helped you deal with Rus. I can ask them to help out temporarily. Actually, I still have the best candidate for the commander in my mind, but unfortunately her whereabouts is unknown. Let’s talk about it later if we have the chance.”

“Alright.” Shea nodded slightly, “At present, the Blue Lava Estate is no longer a threat. But for the Red Spirit Estate, their remaining power is still very large, so we can’t take it lightly.”

“No, it’s the opposite. I think that with the recent death of the Blue Lava Estate’s lord, and his son Chandler is insufficient in strength and prestige, all forces are tempted to take action. So, we should focus more on this estate. As for the Red Spirit Estate... For the time being, don’t worry about them. Perhaps this former enemy will become one of our indispensable and important supports.”

Josh was seriously injured, and he was dying. His son, Kanita, was in control. All decisions were conveyed through Kanita.

Kanita had become the puppet of the God-Eating Mask during the beheading operation in Town Leith.

These 2 conditions alone could explain a lot.

“Really? Then we have to step up the investigation for Blue Lava’s intel.” Shea’s eyes brightened, and then she became shy, “Your hands... behave!”

“I just want to feel Your Highness’ outstanding... great... uhm, ambition(also meant chest). Why is the size bigger in the secret room? Princess Shea, don’t restrain your soul. You should give it a loose and comfortable environment... Ouch!”

“Enough! Sir financial officer, you can leave now... Asshole, what are you trying to do... Hmm hmm hmm...” (sound of mouth being blocked)

For a long time, the imperial guards at the palace gate, also known as the Red Blood guards now, heard the angry voice of Princess Royal Highness coming from the council hall from a distance. However, without Royal Highness’s order, no one took a step forward. They then saw the human financial officer walk out dejectedly while covering his mouth. He seemed to be scolded, so he did not even dare to speak loudly.

Sure enough, even if he showed considerable courage on the battlefield, and the Dark Moon won a huge victory, the human financial officer succeeded in angering Princess Royal Highness as usual, and he was kicked out.

Could it be that his courage to face the Red Spirit Army is... trained on normal days in the fiery rage of Princess Royal Highness?

When the human saw the weird gazes of the Red Blood guards, he shrugged with a smirk. He walked out in a grievous manner while covering his mouth. No one would imagine that the reason this guy covered his mouth was just because his action was too intense, so the Princess Royal Highness bit his lip in shyness.

Although I paid the “price of blood”, I still managed to feel her warm red lips and... “the outstanding ambition.” It is definitely a value-for-money action.

The moons tonight are really round.

Looking at the 2 hook-like white moons in the bright sky, this irrelevant remark surged in a certain person’s immanent heart.

Another woman joined the harem... When would Alice’s turn be?