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Devil's Son-in-Law-Novel

Chapter 365 - The Ideal Life Partner for the Fairy Dragon?
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Chapter 365: The Ideal Life Partner for the Fairy Dragon?

Grats! Here’s another 2 chapters for achieving patreon community goal 2!

Rainbow Valley.

“Be slow when you enter. Don’t be too rushed.”

“Just like that. You won’t be able to stand it if you push too hard.”

“Okay, you can speed up after getting used to it.”

“There should be a very special feeling.”...”

Although the above words could easily make people think crookedly on another occasion, Chen Rui did not think crookedly at all because it was the fairy dragon who said all these words.

Zola was using a special magic circle to help further deepen the territory power. This magic circle was not simple. Moreover ,it consumed a lot of Zola’s own magic power. This was also a rare welfare for the handyman, chef, experiment subject and assistant who worked for free.

“Your territory is very unique. It has faintly approached the real territory. Although your level of physical strength can only barely be regarded as early of the Demon Emperor.” The fairy dragon explained in detail, “You must remember that a real territory is not an illusion state or force field created by your own power. It is a “world” that is self-centered, uses natural power, and combines various qualities such as will, strength, and spirit. It is a ‘world’ perfectly structured with various qualities. Every territory is a unique piece of art no matter how strong or weak it is...”

“Okay, slowly launch your territory now. Then use my elemental pressure to feel the existence of that kind of space.”

As the true powerhouse at peak of the Demon Overlord and the top magician of the Demon Realm, Zola’s views on the territory were naturally unique. Some explanations were similar to those of Paglio, but some had taken a different approach by depicting the territory’s mystery more clearly from a research perspective. Coupled with the special magic circle effect, Chen Rui had a new understanding and knowledge on the [Autumn Territory] especially in terms of control.

Zola was very satisfied with Chen Rui’s progress. She then said, “Through some rare ancient data and my understanding of ancient runes, the God powerhouse’s territory is different from Demon Overlords and Demon Emperors. It’s not just the use of nature’s power to structure a scene. It’s the existence of life instead. This kind of life can provide a powerful power of faith. It is called the [Kingdom of God]...” Faith life? God’s Kingdom?

Territory? World?

Chen Rui seemed to faintly grasp some keywords, but was unable to determine what it was specifically. He fell into deep thought suddenly.

After a long while, he finally shook his head. However, he believed that after these inspirations slowly gather and accumulate, some kind of epiphany will eventually arise. By then, he could truly master a higher level of realm and power.

Chen Rui dissipated the territory power and walked out of the magic circle tiredly. Seeing the faint fatigue on the face of the fairy dragon, he couldn’t help saying, “Ms. Zola, thank you.”

This sentence was the most genuine and sincere sentence he had said since he came to the Rainbow Valley. Whether it was the knowledge of ancient runes, or the experience of space magic and territory, Zola had taught him unreservedly. At least she treated him as a real assistant at these moments.

“I just want to get a territory experiment subject...” the fairy dragon whispered.

“What?” Chen Rui did not hear clearly.

“What?” The same sentence copying started again. She was a pro in faking daze.

“Although Chen Rui did not hear what she said just now, he could infer from Zola’s expression that it was definitely not a good thing.

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“Ms Zola.”


“Can the demon-breaking test be cancelled for a while? I really can’t bear it...”

“Huh?” (Continue staying, pretending not to hear)

“Why are you so enthusiastic about the devil-breaking experiment? You must conduct an experiment every day?”

The fairy dragon did not pretend to be foolish this time. Instead, she said seriously, “Because I have a fatal enemy who is immune to magic. I must try to crack his immune physique.”

Chen Rui knew that she was talking about the crystal dragon Jacob. His thoughts shifted, “Immune to magic? It is a very troublesome enemy indeed, especially to you. However, even if the enemy is immune to magic, you can also use magic to cause physical damage to deal with him. For example, explosion, impact, collapse, and other effects. The more I learn the ancient runes, the more I feel that the mysteries are endless. Once I can master these mysteries, it is equivalent to cracking the physical power of God-level powerhouses. I’m pretty confident to deal with your enemy. So now the focus should be on the ancient runes. If you trust me, then I hope to help you deal with him by then.”

The sentence behind ‘so’ were his true intentions of beating around the bushes. There were no lack of attempts to take advantage of the opportunity to gain benefits.

The fairy dragon was not a fool. She nodded initially, but then she frowned slightly. Recalling Chen Rui’s recent words kept mentioning the ancient runes, she couldn’t help showing a hint of suspicion.

Chen Rui vigilantly discovered the different expression of the fairy dragon. Originally, the origin of the 2 ancient runes stone slabs was very “coincident.” If the fairy dragon connected and thought about it, she might follow it all the way and feel something fishy.

In order to divert Zola’s attention, Chen Rui immediately showed a frustrated look, “I knew I was useless, I was just doing my best for you. In fact, in your eyes, I’m just a weak fool... who can’t do anything.”

“I have actually considered a question for a long time. I want to leave here for a while. I will come back to study after I regain my confidence.” (Playing cat-and-mouse game shamelessly. However the capital’s plan almost succeeded and I have to go, so I better set the stage for a future show.)

It was an important juncture for the experiment now, especially in the aspect of the ancient runes. The insights raised by Chen Rui from time to time had also benefited Zola. Of course, she refused to give up Chen Rui who carried the title of good assistant which came with a series of part-time jobs.

Seeing the depression of her sir assistant, Zola blinked. Unexpectedly, she did not activate the usual fake daze attribute. Instead, she said with certainty, “You’re wrong!”

“You’re by no means a fool who can’t do anything, but a... uhm...very good man” In order to make her assistant recover his fighting spirit, Ms Fairy Dragon thought for a while and used all the rare words of praise that were hidden. “Loves knowledge; have wisdom and ability; have the spirit of research; takes care of people...”

Did I hear that right? This is talking about me? Chen Rui looked at Ms Fairy Dragon with some surprise.

After listing the advantages of the sir assistant who was also a chef, handyman and experiment subject, Ms Zola changed her tone, “It can be said that you are the most suitable long-term experiment subject... Uh, no, an ideal life partner. You once said that you admire my knowledge and beauty. In fact, I feel good about you too. Unfortunately...”

Speaking of ‘unfortunately’, the fairy dragon shook her head regretfully and did not go on. There are many reasons behind ‘unfortunately’. For instance, too short lifespan, too weak power, not being a dragon, and so on. Without these ‘unfortunately,’ this man should be a long-term experiment subject... uhm, a suitable candidate as a husband. For the first time in so many years, I have met such a like-minded (self-assumption) man.

Although there was an ‘unfortunately’ in the end, the words in front were enough to make Chen Rui stunned.




Illusion? Hallucination? Is my auditory parts broken today?

After carefully discovering a fascinating blush on Ms Zola’s face, Chen Rui suddenly felt dizzy.

Not an illusion!

Has cupid struck? Or the power of the protagonist’s halo?

Wait! Calm down! Analyse it calmly!

There seems to be a keyword in those words just now?

Unfortunately? No! Marry you? No! There is a more critical keyword!

Right... It’s “long term experiment subject”!

Chen Rui suddenly shuddered. These 4 words were enough to make Ms. Zola’s other moving words turn into ashes.

It turns out that the criteria for choosing a spouse for the fairy dragon is actually a long-term meal ticket, a long-term servant and a long-term experiment subject!

If she really fell for me, wouldn’t my whole life...

Damn! Let’s hurry up and finish the ancient runes!

Ms Fairy Dragon’s remarks were intended to inspire the fighting spirit of her sir assistant. In the end, she blushed faintly. She actually said her life partner... However, unfortunately it was impossible indeed.

Well, this passage can be considered as my sacrifice for future experiments and research.

Next, this man’s response should be uplifted? Touched? Obsessed? Intoxicated?

For some reasons, although her subjective consciousness had decided it was impossible, she was secretly looking forward to seeing the man’s touched expression.

Some females had common problems regardless of race or power.

However... this guy’s reaction was dumbfounded, “What?”



(Asshole man, how dare you imitate me! How dare you ignore me!)

“Zig zig zig...” (Sound of manic electric current)

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“Zig zig zig...”

(Weak scream)

“Zig zig...”

(The coke-shaped man was been unable to scream)

At this time, Shea of the ​​Dark Moon City was quietly listening to the report of the imperial guard commander, Kaguron. What Kaguron reported was a new magical message from the capital. Old Gauss, who represented the Dark Moon Estate at the lord meeting, was refused attendance. He was expelled from the capital by the regent.

This should have been bad news, but Shea did not panic at all as if everything was expected. However, Kaguron was surprised that a trace of joy seemed to flash past Princess Royal’s face. There were some other emotions that he couldn’t understand, but he didn’t dare to ask more. He bowed and retreated.

The emotions that Kaguron couldn’t understand were a mixture of exhilaration, high-spirited, excitement. There was also admiration, appreciation and a little longing for someone.

In addition to Chen Rui himself, the person who knew the plan most clearly was Shea. Old Gauss was refused from participating in the lord meeting. This meant that Obsidian had fully believed Chen Rui. Obsidian publicly proposed a large-scale fundraising plan at the lord meeting and the Dark Moon would not get any “benefits”.

Although the capital’s restrictions on the Dark Moon were becoming stronger, the current situation of the Dark Moon’s rapid development could no longer be suppressed by simple sanctions. Under the transformation of the magic powder, the crop problem that had plagued the Dark Moon for thousands of years had been successfully resolved. The barren land had been transformed into a high-yielding and efficient “magic land”. The amount of food accumulated at present would be enough to sustain for 2-3 years even if there was a war. The problem was, it still claimed to rely on the Red Spirit’s “aid” and the Dark Shadow Empire’s Custer Family’s food trade.

These magic lands were only in secret food bases. Once the time was right and the magic lands spread throughout the Dark Moon, then the Dark Moon Estate, which had always been short of food, would become the largest food production base of the Demon Realm.

Economically, a series of carefully prepared facilities and measures had come in handy due to the treasure hunting boom. After the Dark Moon’s various favorable policies such as abundant resources and low tax rates were widely known to the Demon Realm via free marketing, more and more merchants appeared in the Dark Moon. Not only the Custer Family, but also business families from other empires. There were also numerous individual merchants. Even if the treasure craze faded, the Dark Moon was still a favorable place in the eyes of the merchants.

As a brand, the Princess Retail Store’s business was very prosperous. It had signed agreements with many places, so more and more branches had begun to appear. The momentum of the night market had maintained a high standard of steadily rising, while other shops had gradually stabilized. Only the auction house was still very popular. Each auction item was spontaneously inflated to a rocket-high price by the competitive demons. According to Chen Rui’s previous speculation, it would probably take some time before it could gradually become rational.

The situation of the Dark Moon was no longer like the time when the economic lifeline was fully controlled by Red Spirit Estate’s representative, Joseph. On the contrary, after the defection of the Mellon Family, Joseph’s chamber of commerce had been completely suppressed. According to someone’s strategy, the power in Joseph’s hands would also be taken over by the Dark Moon sooner or later.

As long as she cooperated with the Cloak Gang’s Aguile in a play, the entire Dark Moon’s economy would be completely in her hands.

Compared with the economy, the development of military power was also very smooth. The garrison guards, which was originally a weak spot, had seemed to be a completely different team after Athena’s training. The battle ball had also played a big role. Not only was the arena a full house on every game, the garrison guards and imperial guards competed against each other. Shea took the opportunity to launch an internal military-style exercise competition. As a result, the imperial guards who were overwhelmed on the battle ball severely abused the garrison guard once. The garrison guard naturally refused to admit defeat. Under the leadership of Athena and Arux, they trained fiercely. In this healthy competition, the army’s combat power was increasing day by day.

Last time Chen Rui brought a large amount of high-quality iron ore from Mountain Xilang. The Cloak Gang’s craftsmen had created a very sophisticated equipment, especially the 7-shot crossbow newly invented by the Cloak Gang’s craftsman, minotaur Tonk. After being enchanted with a certain magic effect, it had astonishing lethality. It was one of the Dark Moon’s secret weapons.

Of course, the biggest secret weapon was the wyvern legion in the black rainforest. The area had long been blocked by various magic circles as a military restricted area. Everything was proceeding suspensefully and orderly according to the plan.

According to Chen Rui’s plan, the strength of the army was still in its infancy. It would take quite a while to lay the groundwork and then grow further. As that the biggest plan was approaching success now, the capital would be greatly injured by the time, and all the estates would attack Obsidian. The Dark Moon could use the precious time to continue its rapid development in order to grow stronger while the enemy became weaker. At that time, they could unite with various estates to launch a real challenge to the capital.

This was Chen Rui’s original plan. Although numerous adjustments had been made so far, the general direction remained the same. Moreover, Obsidian had been successfully lured into the trap. All these were the human’s contribution.

Shea could imagine how much effort and rish he had faced. Even though he made her unconsciously “angry” almost every time they met, there was an uncontrollable yearning when she couldn’t see him.

In fact, I miss the duo waltz under the moonlight...

Actually, I’m looking forward to those 3 words...

Actually, I really want to see that guy.

This is... how it feels to like someone?