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Devil's Son-in-Law-Novel

Chapter 357: Negotiations and Enemy
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Chapter 357: Negotiations and Enemy

3 days passed.

There was still no news.

Chen Rui felt a little strange in his heart. Although he didn’t know whether Isabella encountered any problems, he would not completely pin his hopes on that woman.

At this time, he himself was the most reliable.

However, he had unexpectedly obtained a gain in the past few days. It was actually obtained from the imprisonment shackles and the weakening magic circle of the cage.

Chen Rui tried it. Both the imprisonment shackles and cages had a special effect of restraining the power of territory. As a great expert in the magic circle and also a top mechanical master, the imprisonment magic circle aroused Chen Rui’s intense interest.

He was not only interested in the magic circle itself, but he also had a sudden idea- deduced the mystery of the territory through this magic circle.

Even the makers of these appliances, the masters or grand masters who had passed away, did not expect that one day someone would have such an unthinkable idea; nor did they expect that this person was a super mechanic and magic circle master with a kind of abnormal skills like “[Deep Analysis]”. Plus, he really put that idea into practice.

In the midst of difficulties, he saw a glimpse of hope.

After looking at the problem from another perspective, Chen Rui unexpectedly explored some areas that he hadn’t thought of before. Of course, the knowledge of magic circle and mechanics played a key role. With the progress of the [Deep Analysis], even if he could not completely crack the complex and profound magic circle, the deduction of the territory had begun to seem possible.

These imprisonment magic circles made Chen Rui unable to experiment with his new territory realizations, but he had a Super System. He could use any skill in the training ground, plus there was no time and frequency limit like in reality.

After his body adapted to the [Thunder] “baptism” and entered the training ground state, combining both his realization and his own understanding, Chen Rui’s originally stagnant Megrez Experience Value had finally begun to rise continuously.

Some people also brought him food these days. They were placed outside the cage. This cage was very strange. It had a gravity field inside... but there was no feeling outside at all. Chen Rui was not afraid of poisoning, but he was really not interested in eating these disgusting foods. He had many food in the storage warehouse... However, in order to prevent surveillance, he usually ate late at night.

On the surface, “Charles” hadn’t eaten for 3 days. No one knew if he was on a hunger strike or he was tortured so much that he didn’t even have the strength to reach out of the cage for food.

On the fourth day, a person finally appeared in front of the cage of Prison 13.

However, it was an unexpected person.

Minister of military affairs, Rommel.

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“Sir Charles.”

Chen Rui’s eyes, which had been closed, slowly opened... He glanced at Rommel.

“I’m sorry to let Sir suffer.” Rommel had a faint smile on his face.

“Sir Rommel, you came to make fun of me?” Chen Rui said with some effort as if he was trying to maintain a calm tone under the pressure of gravity, but couldn’t hide his weakness.

Rommel noticed it and shook his head, “I’m here to help Sir Charles. Plus I, brought a reason that sir can’t resist.”

“Can’t resist?”

“Don’t Sir Charles want to leave this damn place?”

Chen Rui’s tone was scornful, “3 members of the elder families plus the royal family, especially the heir of the Lincoln Family, died in my hands... Do you think I can leave as I wish? Perhaps the time when I’m going to leave would be my execution.”

“Well, let’s look at it from another angle... It’s true that Lordan is the heir of the Lincoln Family, but he was given birth by a madam who was married to the collateral royal family, so he was also of the Fallen Angel Royal Family bloodline. This identity of heir was mostly due to the pressure of the royal family on Patriarch Sartre. No one wants the family business he has built so hard to eventually merge into the royal family, especially the elder family. Lestin is just a son-in-law. Although he has the strength and potential, he is an outsider after all... Besides,he’s a dead person now. How can he compare to the value that a living person can provide? As for the loss of Pierce and the collateral royal family... I can make a promise on behalf of the elder family. As long as sir provides enough benefits, everything in the past can be forgiven.

Rommel paused and glanced at Chen Rui’s expressionless face, then he continued, “As far as I know... Sir Charles should be the same as Sir Nero, a royal family of the human world... There is no need to conceal this information, I have confirmed it. What I’m interested in now is what benefits sir can bring to me? Maybe it can match the title of palace high rank consultant awarded by Royal Highness Obsidian?”

“I have to compliment that your sense of smell is very sensitive. You actually smell the taste of interest.” Chen Rui praised him, but he was not really surprised in his heart, “Samuel’s identity will definitely be included in the investigation due to this incident. I probably can’t hide my human identity from insiders. Some things about the Red Spirit, such as the cooperation with Kanita and Josh, will also be exposed.”

“Unfortunately, I don’t have the benefits you can get.”

Rommel’s expression looked slightly different, “Even the elder family that I represent does not have this qualification?”

Chen Rui did not answer Rommel, but he asked with interest, “I remember that General Doren once ordered that no one could come here to see me without the order of the regent. Is Sir Rommel’s visit today representing all the elder families or the regent Royal Highness?”

This was already a disguised refusal. Rommel frowned slightly, “Sir Charles, you seem to be very calm. Are you still holding some hope on a woman... or maybe you can call it a fantasy?”

Chen Rui didn’t speak up. He just waited for Rommel’s following words.

“Sir is a very persistent person. It is admirable, but I regret to say that you have been used by that woman all the time.” Rommel sneered, “You know, Isabella and I are political enemies. You killed Jardel, the coachman I placed, at her instigation. Thus, in order to get rid of you, my enemy on her side, I instructed Lordan to launch an ambush against you. Unfortunately, they all died in your hands. This is the case in your view, right? Would you believe it if I say that the mastermind behind the ambush is not me?”

Chen Rui remained silent.

“According to my latest intel, you should have given her something before you were taken away by General Doren. You told her to transfer it to the regent Royal Highness, but what you don’t know is that she has never seen the regent to date.”

Chen Rui’s gaze finally flashed a hint of surprise. Rommel’s intention today is obvious. He is interested in the huge benefits I may have at hand... From this perspective, the probability of the elder families or Rommel directly sending Lordan to ambush me is very small. Of course, it was possible that he learned the existence of a certain benefit after this incident happened .

Although it sounds very illogical that Isabella is the mastermind... in any case, she is worthy of being suspected.

If it is true, what is her motive? If “Charles” dies, Obsidian’s benefits will be gone. Could it be to provoke the relationship between the elder families and Obsidian? Isn’t Isabella a confidant of Obsidian? Or this decision is related to that secret force?

On the surface, that woman is intimate with me, and there is even a hint of flirtatiousness between us, but she actually commanded such murder behind my back. It seems that she lives up to the name of Devil’s Snare Flower.

Chen Rui thought of the scene when Lordan’s self-detonation was induced and the time when he had the “evil voodoo”, then he had a realization.

Rommel saw Chen Rui’s contemplative look, so he took the advantage to propose something, “With your current situation, I don’t need to deceive you. As long as you agree to cooperate, we as the elder families and the victim of this matter can naturally exempt your accountability. When the truth is revealed, that cruel woman will get the punishment she deserves, then you can deal with her however you want.”

This proposal made Chen Rui’s mind turned quickly for a while. Isabella is the cadre under Obsidian and Obsidian has always been restricted by the elder families. If I cooperate with the elder families, it may cause some conflicts between the 2 parties. In the long run, it can shake Obsidian’s status. However, my identity and business in the human world are fabricated. I am currently paying in advance the so-called huge benefits. It is not time for harvest yet. In addition, Obsidian is the center of activation in my plan, so he cannot be changed. Therefore, I can’t cooperate with the elder families now. Plus, I must use this to prove my determination to Obsidian.

In fact, as long as Obsidian is on my side in this matter, the conflict between the two sides can already be severed. This is also the reason why I didn’t destroy the corpses after killing the 4 people. To achieve this goal, the only way is to show Obsidian a greater benefit that is enough to openly stand against the elder families.

“It’s a pity that I can’t believe you.” After Chen Rui figured this out, his eyes looked determined. He raised his hand a little bit arduously, and he pointed to the cage. “Even if what you say makes sense, even if... in this situation.”

Rommel’s pupils contracted slightly, “Sir Charles, this joke... doesn’t seem to be funny. Although I have always been patient with yo,... the old guys behind me are really lacking patience at this moment. You must consider it carefully. This is a matter of life and death!”

Chen Rui replied without hesitation, “I think I have considered it very clearly. I will not change it. Sir Minister of military affairs, it is too hard to talk to you in this environment of gravity and toxins. Please forgive me for being impolite.”

Seeing Chen Rui closing his eyes in front of him and no longer talking, Rommel raised his brows, “This may be the worst decision sir has made in your life.”

Hearing Rommel walking away, Chen Rui slowly opened his eyes. Rommel’s arrival made him more suspicious of Isabella. Of course, he had never really trusted this Devil’s Snare Flower, but he could no longer wait passively in the secret prison now. He must find an opportunity and take the initiative to attack.

Due to the deduction of the imprisonment magic circle, his realization of the territory happened to be at a very critical moment not long before Rommel came. He might break through that thin obstruction at any time. He better grasp the fading precious insights, so he went to the training ground to have a good training.

After some time in the training ground, Chen Rui was awakened by a strange warning sign. When he opened his eyes, there were already 3 people in front of him.

He only knew the leader. He was the patriarch of the Lincoln Family, Sartre. Lincoln.

The patriarch of this elder family had reached A-, the early stage of the Demon Emperor. His slanting eyes were shining with cold light.

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The other 2 people, a man and a woman, were both at the early stage of the Great Demon King-level power. They seemed hateful.

Judging from the attitude of the 3 of them, it was certainly not for a peaceful negotiation like Rommel. Perhaps after the breakdown of the negotiation, they began to avenge.

The opponent took the initiative to mess with him. It should be the best time for Chen Rui to attack. He could deal with 2 Great Demon Kings, but Sartre was a Demon Emperor. Do I have a chance?

“Charles, I don’t know what kind of hatred you and my son, Lordan, have. You used such a cruel method to make his corpse gone.” Sartre said gruesomely, “These 2 people are Lestin’s widow, Teresa, and Pierce’s nephew, Tont. You will not die too easily today.”

Strange images and sounds suddenly appeared in front of the cage.

“I should say that the reason for your failure is that someone provided the wrong information...”

“This time you are just being used by someone. I don’t want to create too much grudges with the Lincoln Family. I can let you go, but you must first tell me who provided my whereabouts and intel. Who ordered you to come and kill me?”

Then a silver light burst.

It was the scene Chen Rui “recorded” with the recording stone that day.

Sartre revealed a shocked expression as he frowned.

“Your son was not killed by me. Instead, he was used by others, and then some power in him was triggered to self-detonate by special means.” Chen Rui shook his head. He looked at Teresa and Tont. “As for the Lestin and the rest, I have no grudge with them. Since they came to kill me, they should be prepared to be killed. This is the most basic rule.”

Sartre had recovered from his thinking and shock. He said coldly, “I don’t know how you created those illusions just now, but... even if you didn’t kill Lordan, he died because of you! No matter how cleverly spoken you are, you can’t escape the end of a tragic death today.”

If you want to kill me, I have let you do so obediently? Chen Rui wanted to ridicule him, but there was obviously no point in reasoning with Sartre, let alone with the presence of those 2 enemies with death stares.

The elder families were so powerful that they wouldn’t bother about the so-called right or wrong at all. Even if they were the unreasonable party. In addition, Rommel’s benefits negotiation broke down just now. He had become the source of all guilt now, so it was impossible that they would give up today.

The fist is the real reasoning.

Many times I am reluctant to use this “reason”, but I have to admit it.

“You think you can kill me today?” Chen Rui asked indifferently. In fact, when Sartre appeared, he was already secretly preparing and adjusting his power.

“You can defeat the combination of Lestin, Pierce and others, so your power should be very close or even reach the Demon Emperor realm. I have not fought for many years. In other times, I may not be sure of victory, but...” Sartre’s body was steaming with a faint flame visible to the naked eye. He said confidently, “This is Prison 13 of the secret prison. Fighting against an enemy who has stayed here for 7 days and has not eaten, my chance of winning is 100%! What I want to ask now is whether you still have the strength to stand up to be killed after the magic circle from the prison is removed?”

I may have asked this before ???? the double or even triple spy, Isabella, what was her intention? To create more chaos?