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Devil's Son-in-Law-Novel

Chapter 341 - Rainbow Valley
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Chapter 341: Rainbow Valley

In the capital, Chen Rui took a sum of funds provided by Obsidian and set foot on the portal to the “human world”.

The financial resources of an empire were naturally far more than an estate. Obsidian was quite generous. He directly threw out 1 billion black crystal coins. The regent was still very bold for paying such a huge sum of money to a human whom he recently met. However, Chen Rui was very clear that this number was far from the opponent’s bottom line. It could be said that it was a test.

Chen Rui claimed that this capital income far exceeded his original plan and it could activate most of the projects. Therefore, the profit could be rebated as soon as half a month. The interest rate was 10%. Due to the high amount of investment, Obsidian could make a net profit of 100 million a month. This rate of return was considered quite high.

Chen Rui left the capital and did not return to the Dark Moon, but he went to a mysterious place.

Rainbow Valley.

Compared with the poetic name of Rainbow Valley, Chen Rui’s current location could only be described as “barren hills and turbulent rivers”.

It was spacious, dangerous, and barren. Besides the few seven-colored flowers that he occasionally saw, which could barely be the highlight, nothing valuable could be found at all.

However, the origin of Rainbow Valley was not because of its beautiful scenery. It was said that every time a rainbow appeared here, a mysterious valley would appear. When the rainbow disappeared, the valley would disappear again.

Chen Rui came here for the requiem fruit that could repair the elemental heart, but there was no fixed time for the appearance of this rainbow. The interval might be months, years or days. When there was no rainbow, there would be no trace of that mysterious valley.

When Chen Rui came, he did not see the rainbow. Naturally, he did not see the legendary Rainbow Valley. He was not the first person to explore on a normal day, but he was the only one here now because for thousands of years, none of the people who came to explore got anything. So as time passed, no one was willing to waste their time.

Unlike those who were purely curious explorers. Chen Rui came here for a purpose. However, this was completely different from the “artificial treasure” he made in the Dark Moon. He didn’t find anything like a magic circle, but he still didn’t give up. He took out the tent he carried with him and stayed there.

The whole day passed, but there was still nothing. No rainbow appeared.

Chen Rui had obtained the true inheritance of Paglio’s Dragon Inscription, and he gained a lot of magic circle knowledge from the Mechanic Association, especially from the mysterious magic circle of the ancient magic tower. It was not limited to the category of mechanics. The rainbow was probably the trigger of a certain magic circle, or its appearance could be caused by a certain key point being triggered. Regardless of whether the trigger existed, Rainbow Valley must be truly existing. However, it was usually concealed. He just could not find the entrance to the teleportation or space.

As someone who was proficient in magic circles (almost considered so), Chen Rui had a faint feeling that it was too “reasonable” for him to get nothing in the valley as if everything was produced under the guidance of environment and conditions. This showed some artificial traces. If it was an ordinary adventurer or magic circle researcher, he wouldn’t feel this way.

Of course, it could also be an illusion.

If this feeling was true, then the plants and trees that he saw now may even be part of the concealed Rainbow Valley. In other words, this “magic circle” had been perfectly integrated into nature with almost no flaws.

If it was artificially set by a person, then the person who set up the magic circle... had reached an unpredictable level.

With this assumption, Chen Rui began to pay attention to some details and recorded daily natural changes such as the shadows of the 2 moons, the wind direction, and the location of the hills.

After spending another day, he entered the refinery and connected to the training ground 100 times the time rule. This time, he did not train or craft

equipment, but he carefully sorted out the Dragon Inscription, magic circle knowledge, Mechanical Association notes and information in his mind. He also did some corresponding experiments and calculations in the refinery.

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When Chen Rui came out from the refinery, his vision of the valley changed again. After applying the results of his calculations to reality, he searched all the way and finally found a “point” in a rotten waterhole.

This point could not trigger the emergence of the Rainbow Valley. Perhaps it was just an auxiliary node of the mysterious space that was not very useful. For Chen Rui, it was a major breakthrough which fully proved the feasibility of his assumption.

In the next few days, Chen Rui devoted himself to research and calculation and found more points one after another. Some were in caves while some were buried deep under the roots of big trees...

After many deductions using the time rule in the refinery, these “points” were finally connected into veins. After trying to activate the entire “plane” and failed countless times, he finally successfully opened an oval channel which was like a door.

This channel was not like a teleportation point. Instead, it was an entrance to some kind of space. Unknown space was a very dangerous concept as there was a danger of being caught in space turbulence at any time. After the entrance was opened, it immediately began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a blink of an eye, it was only the size of the water tank mouth.

This kind of channel was a temporary “variable” with considerable randomness. It would take a lot of effort to deduct next time. Chen Rui gritted his teeth and shook his figure before rushing in.

As soon as he rushed into the space channel, he felt that his body and soul had encountered an irresistible enormous force. He couldn’t see anything in the dizziness. He only felt that the world was spinning and twisting. This twisting feeling continued for nearly half an hour before it gradually disappeared.

Chen Rui who recovered felt his internal organs were tossing. He almost vomited. After he settled down, he was immediately stunned by the sight in front of him.

Looking around, there was greenery everywhere. Clear water was visible from the mountain stream. The air was full of the freshness and fragrance of plants. The forest in front was filled with a thin fog, while the song of birds chirping could be heard from time to time.

Chen Rui suddenly thought of a sentence, “The clouds are bluish like it was about to rain, and fog arises from the water” [1]. It was completely different from the previous look of badland. The beauty in front of him was like a fairyland.

This should be the real Rainbow Valley!

However, this “fairyland” was not simple. It could be described as skating on thin ice. Chen Rui could feel that there were irregular dangers everywhere. The “veins network” was dozens of times more complicated than the outside. If one walked rashly, the lightest consequence was to be teleported out of this space.

From his current position to the forest in front, there were at least 3 unavoidable dangers. He must “crack” them step by step. This dangerous vein network had integrated with Rainbow Valley to become an element. It was very profound and by no means comparable to a simple magic circle. Even if Chen Rui had the experience of entering this place, he couldn’t resolve the secrets in it within a short time. He could only use the most silly method to solve it one step at a time. Fortunately, he stored a large amount of food in his storage warehouse. He could also use the time rule to conduct research and slowly find the requiem fruit steadily.

At the same time, in a strange house, a curvaceous figure in a long dress controlled a strange instrument at a distance of 2 meters in the sky.

“This is the last piece of the best thunder fire crystal, it will start to soften under pressure for about 3 hours. This time, I must grasp the heat and the best time to extract the purest compound elements.” (Self-reminder)

“Will you succeed?” (Doubt)

“Of course, don’t you know who I am?” (Confidence)

“Thunder fire stone is the most unstable crystal. What if you fail again?” (Worried)

“If I fail again, I won’t take a bath for a week, no, a month!” (Gritting teeth)

“It will surely be successful!”

Her white jade-like fingers pointed to the mirror... It turned out that the conversation just now came from the same person.

At this time, the huge crystal ball on the side flashed a red dot brightly.

“Wait! Some little bug seems to have intruded? Strange. I don’t think I have done any blasting tests these days... Forget about it! Anyway, it will disappear soon.”

The little red dot on the crystal ball began to move.

“The little bug actually moved forward. There is a big gift waiting in front of it. He will disappear in 10 seconds. Countdown in 1, 2, 3...”

“Eh? It still doesn’t disappear? Then I’ll give you another minute. If it doesn’t disappear within a minute, I will cut my favorite nails!”

(The red dot still existed)

“The last time! If it is still there after 10 minutes, then I will not eat lunch later!”

(After 10 minutes, the red dot still did not disappear)

“How lucky is it? I’ll give you one last chance! Anyway, there are still 3 hours before I can extract the element. So I can have some fun first... Half an hour! I’ll bet on my dinner tonight!”

(After half an hour, the red dot actually moved forward.)

“Is it the [Divine Blessing] that increases luck? Hmph! Even with the magic blessing, it can’t hide from the vigorous flame circle in front. Poor little bug, you are to disappear at first, but now, you’ll be gone forever! The last hour! I’ll bet on my breakfast tomorrow!”

(In less than an hour, the red dot passed through the vigorous flame circle again and moved on.)

“Woo... damn bug, I’ll give you one last chance...”



Chen Rui did not know that he had successfully won a certain lady several times. He finally reached the woods and began to search for the whereabouts of the requiem fruit.

The requiem fruit generally grew closer to the water source. When Chen Rui searched forward along a stream in the woods, he unlocked 2 magic circles, but he found nothing. On the contrary, the surrounding environment had undergone a strange change. There was no way out. Chen Rui, who was lost, walked around aimlessly. He found another spring in front of a deep cave.

This spring exuded mist while revealing a strange breath, giving Chen Rui a familiar feeling. Fountain of Resurrection!

Rainbow Valley actually has a Fountain of Resurrection. This is not like the artificial Fountain of Vitality in the Blue Lake Mountain Range that I faked. It should be a real natural Fountain of Resurrection.

Chen Rui’s mind shifted as he searched around the cave. He finally saw a blue plant under a rock wall with 4 walnut-sized purple fruits hanging down. This shape matched the requiem fruit perfectly!

Not only that, there was also a complex magic circle in front. It seemed to be able to maintain growth and protection. While Chen Rui was studying this magic circle, there was a muffled sound in the distance. It sounded like something burst.

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Chen Rui was taken aback. At this moment, there was a strange distortion in the space, and an figure appeared.

“Damn it!”

It was a female voice. She sounded furious as if there was some deep hatred.

“Not only you ruined my most important experiment and made me unable to take a bath for a month, but you also shamelessly took away my 3-day food! It is simply unforgivable!”

This was a slender young woman wearing a long dress with a curvy body. Although she was not comparable to Isabella’s “deadly weapons”, she looked voluminous and well-proportioned. Her long purple hair was casually braided in a bun, and her facial features were delicate and exquisite. Wearing a pair of glasses, she was full of intellectual and amazing beauty.

However, the face of this intellectual beauty was full of resentment and anger. The strange thing was that the beauty just casually set foot in the center of the magic circle. The magic circle that was supposed to explode seemed to be as meek as a cat without even the slightest sign of activation. Chen Rui could be sure that if he stepped in like this, he would definitely end up in pieces.

Unless this magic circle carries a certain strange “intelligent recognition” ability, that is, when it is set, it has been given the highest law of “exception”, and this “exception” is the beauty in front of me.

What surprised Chen Rui even more was that she probed angrily- Ruined her experiment? Made this lady can’t take a bath? Also took away her food... for 3 days?

What do these have to do with me? Chen Rui was puzzled. It was clearly the first time I met her!

This innocent guy didn’t know that he had become the object of “betting”. Not only did he “win” her foods and drinks for 3 days, but he also caused this lady to be distracted which led to the complete failure of her important experiment.

At this moment, Super System’s [Analytical Eyes] showed the beauty’s profile.

Race: Dragon (Fairy Dragon).

Comprehensive Strength Assessment: Unable to judge.

Fairy... Fairy dragon? Chen Rui was immediately stunned. Even when he saw the crystal dragon, Jacob, in the Crystal Valley, he was not so shocked.

How many fairy dragons are there in the Demon Realm?

Could it be...

Chen Rui’s heart began to throb violently.

As soon as he was about to speak, he saw the silver light flashing in the sky. Before he had the time to react, he fell to the ground with strong silver lightning sparking all over his body- He felt a strange elemental power quickly eroding in his body. This elemental power was not a pure wind element, but a mixed power of wind, fire, and darkness. It spread rapidly in his body like a spider web, destroying his resistance in an instant. He was almost immobile.

Compound magic! Moreover, it is a three-element compound. It is launched in an instant without any preparation. She has almost surpassed the cognitive field of the magic trainer!

The trio-element compound was by no means a simple effect of triple stacking. Although Chen Rui possessed the characteristics of [Anti-Magic] and [Damage Absorption], which could greatly reduce the damage and effectiveness of magic, he was still unable to resist this terrifying trio-element compound magic. He quickly launched teleportation to pull away as he struggled to shout, “Wait a minute, listen to me first...”

[1] A stanza from a poem by Li Bai, a famous Chinese poet.

Indeed, all the dragons really had a weird temper...