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Debuff Master

Chapter 377
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Chapter 377


Siegfried was flabbergasted when the phlegm-riddled spit smeared his face, but he did not even have the time to think about what happened as he instinctively twisted.

‘Is this guy a madman?’ He fumed inwardly and turned toward his attacker, but…


Bjergsen threw a low kick at Siegfried’s shin.

It was an utterly despicable ambush. He pretended to be friendly before spitting at his opponent’s face and throwing a low kick.

‘Why this little!’

Siegfried didn't evade the low kick. He infused mana into his legs and prepared to meet the kick.


Bjergsen’s leg connected against Siegfried’s leg.


A crisp noise reverberated across the tower floor, and it was followed by Bjergsen’s scream.


His leg was bent at an awkward and grotesque angle, and anyone would be able to tell that it was quite a serious fracture.

“Ack! Aaaaack!” Bjergsen screamed in agony as he rolled on the ground.

Siegfried glared down at him with contempt and grumbled, “What the hell is wrong with this guy?”

He proceeded to flash his Rune of Insight at Bjergsen to take a look at his stats.


[The owner of the second floor, which is the very first floor that a challenger of the Sky Tower will have to surpass.]

[He is quite shameless and will do whatever it takes to win.]

[Caution is advised against him.]

[Type: NPC]

[Race: Undead (Vengeful Spirit)]

[Level: 150]

[Class: Dirty Fighter]

[Remarks: He is extremely despicable you might end up cussing without intending to.]

“Geez, does Bjergsen mean despicable where he comes from or what?” Siegfried grumbled after reading the repetitive warning about how despicable Bjergsen was.

“Aaack! Ack!”

“I guess you look as despicable as it says now that I've taken another look at you.”


“Just die, you dirty bastard,” Siegfried said in a spine-chilling voice before he swung Horse Fly at the squirming floor owner.


Bjergsen’s head popped like a watermelon.

“Oh? It’s quite neat,” Siegfried said while sounding a bit impressed.

Was it because he was a vengeful spirit? No blood or brain matter was splattered anywhere as his body started fading away as soon as his head was smashed open.

Sparkle! Sparkle!

Bjergsen disappeared and left behind a sparkling purple bead in his place.

“Is that it?” Siegfried wondered as he picked up the bead.

[Alert: You have obtained Lowest-Quality Essence of the Strong!]

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Bjergsen dropped the currency required to exchange for the Graduate Gears.

‘I will continue,” Siegfried told the viewers as he walked toward the magic circle located on the second floor.

[Sky Tower: Third Floor]

The next floor owner waiting for him was a knight wearing full plate armor.



Siegfried swung Horse Fly and smashed the knight’s face before he could even finish speaking.


Horse Fly hit the knight so hard that both his helmet and head shattered into pieces.


The knight crashed to the ground and…

Sparkle! Sparkle!

Another Lowest-Quality Essence of the Strong dropped, and Siegfried picked it up before chucking it into his inventory.

—SP0012: Did he just smash his head open right away?

—Arashi: Sieg-san is so scary…

—FootS: Omg! So cool!

—Hani: He was trying to say hello;;;

—TornadoPotato: This guy’s so cruel;;

—MainRock: He didn’t show any mercy…

The viewers were shocked at what Siegfried had done. They somewhat understood why he would be wary of the NPCs from now on after getting spat on while exchanging pleasantries, but they couldn't help but think he was a bit too cruel this time…

“There are ninety-nine floors, so I’ll speed it up,” Siegfried said without caring about the viewers’ reactions as he headed to the magic circle.


Siegfried climbed the Sky Tower quite fast. He started by killing Bjergsen, and he repeated the process until he reached the twenty-fifth floor in less than an hour.

The owner of the twenty-fifth floor wasn't a human being but some kind of black slime.

[Black Slime]

[This black slime is a very rare species of slime.]

[Type: Monster]

[Race: Slime]

[Level: 200]

[Warning: It is a very tricky monster to fight. You will have to find out how to defeat it.]

“Black Slime…” Siegfried muttered while inspecting the slime that was the size of an ox.

He gripped Horse Fly and walked toward the slime while saying, “I will try to hunt it.”


The Black Slime started moving after noticing that Siegfried was moving toward it.

‘Let’s go easy for starters,’ he thought as he swung Horse Fly at the monster.


The Black Slime’s body caved in after getting hit by Horse Fly, but what happened next was the problem…


Horse Fly bounced off of the Black Slime, and the momentum flung Siegfried back.


He crashed into the wall.


He forced himself up and muttered in disbelief, “W-What? Did that thing just reflect my damage back to me? No, I think I just bounced off of it…?”

The Black Slime possessed extremely high defense and elasticity. It was capable of absorbing the kinetic energy produced by Horse Fly and returning it to Siegfried.

[Black Slime]

[HP: ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]

In fact, Siegfried failed to deal even one point of damage against the monster.

“There… was no damage?” Siegfried was stunned. He could not believe that he had failed to deal any damage against a paltry Level 200 monster.

“What kind of slime is this—“

While he was busy grumbling, the Black Slime suddenly jumped into the air and came crashing down toward him.


“W-What the f—!” Siegfried exclaimed as he hurriedly jumped back to avoid the incoming massive blob, but that wasn't the end of the Black Slime’s attack.

Boing! Boiiing!

The Black Slime repeatedly jumped as it tried to squash Siegfried. Avoiding the monster’s massive body wasn't easy at all, as it bounced around unpredictably like a rugby ball. It even bounced off of walls and the ceiling to further accelerate itself, making it extremely difficult for Siegfried to catch a break.

“Hey! Damn it!” Siegfried exclaimed out of frustration and used Flying Sword to control Horse Fly.


Horse Fly drew a rainbow-colored arc before smiting the Black Slime, but…

[Black Slime]

[HP: ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]

It failed to deal even one point of damage to it.

Whiiish! Bam!

Horse Fly was pushed back after bouncing off of the Black Slime’s massive body, and it crashed into the wall.

“How can a monster be so overpowered—“ Siegfried wanted to grumble, but he could not afford to do so.

Boing! Bam!

The Black Slime managed to finally trap him and squash him under its gigantic body!

He tried to struggle, but the squishy physique of the slime made it quite difficult for him to escape. He was slowly getting suffocated under its weight. Fortunately, the Black Slime wasn't that strong offensive-wise compared to how high its defense was, but it was still dangerous.

[Alert: Status Ailment!]

[Alert: Your character is being Suffocated!]

[Alert: Your character cannot breathe!]

[Alert: Your vision will start blurring!]

[Alert: You will pass out in twenty seconds!]

The Black Slime’s heavy body pressed down on Siegfried until he was suffocating under its weight. He tried to come up with a solution to his current predicament, but he couldn't think of anything.

‘Damn it! Let’s see if you can handle this!’ He activated Irradiate as a last-ditch effort.

Unfortunately, it was to no avail.

[Black Slime]

[HP: ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]

Slimes were monsters with extremely high resistance against poison, and the Black Slime, which was a very rare species of slime, possessed MAX resistance against it.

‘Damn it!’

He finally accepted that he was in a pinch after even Irradiate had failed to do anything against the monster.

‘W-What should I do…? Kuheok!’

He was running out of oxygen, and his eyes were getting dim.

‘If Hamchi was here…’

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

He could not help but regret the fact that Hamchi wasn't here with him. Hamchi could push the Black Slime off of him if he were here, but…

‘This is why playing solo is—‘


His eyes shot wide open as he suddenly thought of an idea.


He immediately placed down Shadow Swamp.


And a shadow that looked identical to the Black Slime emerged from the shadows.

Siegfried squeezed every bit of air in his body and shouted, “K-Keuk…! P-Push—It off of me!”

Boink! Boink! Boink!

The Shadow Black Slime bounced and performed a body slam against the Black Slime to push it off of Siegfried.

[Alert: Your character is no longer being Suffocated!]

[Alert: Your character’s breathing has stabilized!]

[Alert: Your vision has returned to normal!]

However, this didn't mean that his issue was resolved. He managed to escape the horrible fate of dying from suffocation, but the fact that he had no way to deal decent damage to the monster still remained.

‘I should reduce its Defense first,’ he decided to reduce his opponent’s Defense, which was what the Debuff Master was all about.


He pulled Horse Fly out of the wall and charged at the Black Slime.

Unfortunately, the result was the same this time around.


Siegfried bounced off of the Black Slime.

[Black Slime]

[HP: ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]

He managed to damage the monster a bit this time thanks to Blaze Field reducing its Defense, but he was only able to reduce it by one percent, so the monster’s HP bar still remained full visually.

The Black Slime’s Defense was absurdly high.

“Argh!” Siegfried let out a frustrated groan as he got back up.


The Black Slime crushed the Shadow Black Slime before it turned its attention back to Siegfried.


It jumped into the air to squash him once again.

“Hey! What the hell am I supposed to do?!” Siegfried screamed out of anger.


The Black Slime was truly an annoying monster to deal with. Its Defense was so high that even Blaze Field seemed ineffective against it, and killing it seemed like an impossible task.

To make things worse, the Shadow Black Slime was gone, so nothing was going to help Siegfried if he were to get squashed again. He would suffocate to death this time around if he got squashed, as Shadow Swamp was still on cooldown.

“Hey… I need to deal damage to defeat this thing…”

While he was grumbling, an idea popped into his head.

‘Hold on… Maybe it’s because of that?’

He came up with an idea of how to hunt the Black Slime, and if it worked, then…


The Black Slime jumped high up into the air while Siegfried was busy thinking.

‘Let’s give it a shot!’

Siegfried decided to gamble on his idea and swung Horse Fly with all of his strength.