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Debuff Master

Chapter 329
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Chapter 329


[The chieftain of one of the five barbarian tribes in the Great Jungle, the Bullman Tribe.]

[He is an expert with the spear, and it is impossible to gauge his expertise with the spear.]

[Type: Semi-Named NPC]

[Level: 250]

[Affiliation: Bullman Tribe]

[Position: Chieftain]

[Class: Gore Spear]

The chieftain’s class, Gore Spear, sounded quite terrifying for some reason. His vicious appearance screamed—I am a barbarian—while his mouth was as filthy as one would expect a barbarian’s mouth to be.

“Which one of you goat fucking maggots dares to invoke the Great Jungle Challenge against me?! Is it you?!” Mak’Tui exclaimed and pointed his spear at Amundsen.

“N-No! It’s not me!” Amundsen jumped up and cowered while profusely shaking his head and hands.

“Then it must be you,” Mak’Tui muttered while inspecting Siegfried from head to toe, and then he looked at Dwaitka and said, “You should be ashamed of yourself for losing to an anchovy like that, Dwaitka. Why are you still alive? I would’ve killed myself out of shame if I were you!”

“Y-You…!” Dwaitka exclaimed as his face turned red.

The Bullman Tribe and Hogwa Tribe had always been at odds with each other.


The Bullman Tribe trained their spear and only their spear their entire lives, while the Hogwa Tribe relied on their creatures to fight. These two tribes were like water and oil, and they never mixed well with each other. Their relationship was something like the relationship between a knight and a magician of the continent.

Dwaitka’s face was far more redder now compared to when he was sneered at by the Bullman Tribesmen a while ago.

“I would’ve killed you this instant if I had all of my creatures with me…” Dwaitka muttered under his breath.


Siegfried placed his hand on Dwaitka’s shoulder and said, “Hey, I already told you to relax, right?”

“Ah! Yes, sir!”

“What did I say?”

“People that talk too much get beaten to a pulp!”

“Then what’s going to happen to him?”

“He will be beaten to a pulp!”

“Good, just sit back and watch then.”

“Yes, sir!”

Siegfried lightly shoved Dwaitka aside and walked toward Mak’Tui.

“Ha! This is preposterous. He lost to an outsider, and is now his dog? I guess the Hogwa Tribe’s demise is not that far,” Mak’Tui said as he spat on the ground.

“Hey, can you shut up and start the duel? How do you want to do this?” Siegfried grumbled.

“Hmm? Great Jungle Challenge? Do you really think something as sacred as that suits a greenhorn like you? I will rip your mouth apart and feed it to the beasts if you dare speak of it one more time!”

“Wow… This guy can’t shut up, too…” Siegfried muttered as he flashed an evil smile, and then he asked, “Is yapping before a fight a part of your culture here?”

“Y-Yapping…?! I’ll skewer your mouth with my spear!” Mak’Tui shouted in anger.

Mak’Tui was different from Dwaitka. He was hot-headed and quite aggressive, unlike the careful Voodoo Shaman.

“Die!” Mak’Tui shouted as he grabbed his spear—Will of the Jungle before lunging at Siegfried.


A spear carrying powerful kinetic energy flew toward Siegfried’s face.

Mak’Tui seemed to be serious when he said he was going to skewer Siegfried’s mouth.

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“H-Hey, Siegfried! Hurry up and avoid it!” Amundsen screamed.


Mak’Tui’s spear was blocked by a steel rod Siegfried had pulled out and thrust with lightning-fast movement.


Mak’Tui’s eyes shot wide open as if they were about to pop out of his eye sockets.

‘Impossible! How can an outsider use a spear like that?!’

Mak’Tui was an expert spearman, so he could tell from a single glance that Siegfried’s movement was beyond ordinary. The barbarian chieftain was absolutely right, as Siegfried’s skill with the spear was far from ordinary.

Lightning First Form.

It was part of the spear art that Weapon Master Shakiro had made. Siegfried used the skill he had inherited from Shakiro to block the tip of Mak’Tui’s spear with the tip of the Rod of God.

“Are we just going to slug it out? There’s no rule or anything?” Siegfried asked.

“You bastard…” Mak’Tui growled.

“Hurry up and decide. Do you want to slug it out, or do you want me to play by your rules?” Siegfried smirked and gave the chieftain the freedom to decide.

However, Mak’Tui didn’t have the freedom to decide, as it was impossible for him to simply slug it out with his enemy after receiving the Great Jungle Challenge. He was one of the five chieftains, after all.

“I accept… your challenge…”

Each of the five chieftains had to abide by the rules of the challenge, and this was an iron rule that even the hot-headed chieftain, Mak’Tui, could not disregard.

“Hmm? Then shall we start?”

“You will regret this, foolish outsider…” Mak’Tui said before he flashed a sleazy smirk.


The Bullman Tribe’s challenge was spear-throwing.

“Our Bullman Tribe’s challenge is to shoot down a flying bird with our spear,” Mak’Tui revealed.

“Ha! That sounds easy,” Siegfried replied with a scoff.

“Kekeke! Do you really think so?” Mak’Tui grinned and shouted, “Boys!”

“Yes, chieftain!”

The Bullman Tribesmen replied in unison at Mak’Tui’s call.

“Prepare the birds!”

“Yes, chieftain!”

The tribesmen took out birdcages holding birds as large as pigeons and prepared to set them free. Siegfried inspected the birds and found that these birds were far from ordinary birds.

[Great Jungle Hummingbird]

[A hummingbird that had been bestowed with the energy of the Great Jungle.]

[Its joints are extremely flexible. It can move forward, backward, up, and down freely.]

[Type: Neutral Creature]

[Level: 40]

[Remarks: It harvests honey for the Bullman Tribe]

Anyone who saw a hummingbird fly at least once would be aware of just how difficult it was to shoot down this bird with a ranged weapon. It was all because of its capability to fly at many more angles than other birds.

“It’s quite difficult to shoot a hummingbird down. Now, shall we see how good this outsider’s spear-throwing skill is?” Mak’Tui sneered, and then he raised his spear and riled up the tribesmen, “Look! This is the Bullman Tribe’s spear-throwing ability!”

Mak’Tui threw his spear, and it accurately shot down a hummingbird. His spear-throwing boasted extreme accuracy and ferocious flight speed. Moreover, he even took into account the tiniest margin of error possible to hit the hummingbird.


“As expected of the chieftain!”

“Our chieftain is so awesome!”

“This is the spear-throwing skill of us, the Bullman Tribe! Don’t look down on us, punks!”

The Bullman Tribesmen were riled up after Mak’Tui displayed his godly spear-throwing skill.

“I’m sure you saw it just now. We are going to take turns shooting the hummingbirds down, and whoever fails first loses. If both of us successfully shoot a bird down, then the number of birds we have to shoot down will increase by one until one fails. Now, if you…” Mak’Tui was about to continue his explanation when he was interrupted.

“Hey, give me that,” Siegfried said as he snatched a tribesman’s spear from his hand.


Then, he threw the spear at a hummingbird.


The spear nearly obliterated the hummingbird before it embedded itself on the ground in the distance.


The Bullman Tribesmen were shocked.

Goodness! An outsider actually managed to strike down a hummingbird?!

“Eh? That was easy,” Siegfried said before asking, “You said we have to hit two this time, right? Hey, release two birds for me!”


A tribesman released two hummingbirds from the cage at Siegfried’s behest.


Siegfried threw a spear, and the spear flew in a strange manner before skewering both hummingbirds.


The eyes of the Bullman Tribesmen grew so large that they almost fell from their eye sockets.

“Two is still easy. Hey, it’s your turn,” Siegfried said as motioned at Mak’Tui.

“I-Impressive, but three won’t be so easy! Watch and behold my spear-throwing!”

Mak’Tui was trying to sound as confident as possible, but anyone could tell that he was surprised by Siegfried’s spear-throwing skill. Still, he proved his worth as the chieftain by easily shooting three birds down.

“D-Did you see that? I hit three birds with one spear! Haha… Eh?”

“Three is still easy.”

Siegfried did not even give the chieftain time to boast as he shot down three birds as well.

“T-To think that an outsider can hit three… Impressive, but four will be—”

“Geez, let’s stop wasting time. Hey, you! Release ten birds!” Siegfried shouted at a tribesman.

“T-Ten?! That’s impossible! None of the chieftains in the history of our tribe managed to shoot down ten birds with a single spear throw!” the tribesman retorted.

“Just shut up and do as I say. I’m the one who’s going to die if I fail, right? It’s not you, right? So just do as you’re told.”

“A-Alright, but you will regret this…” the tribesman grumbled before releasing ten birds from the cage.


The ten hummingbirds flew haphazardly.

It would still be possible to shoot down a few hummingbirds at once, but shooting down ten with a single spear throw was nearly impossible. The only way one could skewer ten hummingbirds at once was if the birds lined up in a straight line and the spear traveled at the speed of light.

Even a Master would find it difficult to do such a thing.


However, Siegfried simply smirked and muttered under his breath, “Did they say I need to hit them in a single trajectory? Nope! I just have to shoot them down with one spear throw, that’s it.”

He nonchalantly threw the spear.

Puuuk! Puuuk! Puuk!

The spear flew through the air and skewered four birds, but there were still six birds remaining. To make matters worse, they were quite distant from where the spear was going.

“Fool! Did you really think that’s—” Mak’Tui exclaimed.

“Flying Sword~”

Siegfried activated a skill, and…

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…the spear twisted in mid-air as if it were sentient and changed trajectory.





Puk! Puk! Puk!

Seven, eight, nine…


The tenth hummingbird...

The spear Siegfried had thrown flew as if someone invisible was swinging it, and it skewered all ten hummingbirds.

“Impossibruuuuu!” Mak’Tui screamed in despair. He never imagined that the outsider would possess the otherworldly ability—Flying Sword.

“Hey,” Siegfried looked at Mak’Tui and said, “It’s your turn.”

“M-My turn…?”

“Ten hummingbirds. You’re dead if you fail.”

“That is…”

“I’m going to pull out one tooth for every bird you miss, capiche?” Siegfried revealed a smile that made him look like the devil himself.



Mak’Tui was punished for yapping his mouth after losing the spear-throwing challenge against Siegfried.

“Kekeke! Serves you right! Anyone who yaps their mouth deserves to be beaten! Yes, that’s the new law in this town! Kekeke!” Dwaitka burst into laughter as he thoroughly enjoyed the sight of Mak’Tui getting beaten to a pulp.

“M-Mercy! P-Please spare me—Argh!”

“Be grateful I can’t beat you more because I’m busy,” Siegfried said before he placed his +15 Gaia’s Fist on his waist.

“Hey, give me your insignia.”

“Y-Yes, sir!” Mak’Tui instantly replied and ran off to get his tribe’s insignia for Siegfried.

[Alert: You have obtained the Bullman Tribe Insignia!]

[Alert: The progress of Quest – Great Jungle Challenge has increased by 40%! (2/5)]

A message popped up in front of Siegfried’s eyes after receiving the insignia from Mak’Tui.

“Hey, you know where the other tribes are, right?”

“Yes, sir!”

“Lead the way.”

“Yes, sir!”

Mak’Tui was now Siegfried’s guide number two as he led the way to the Dagwa Tribe’s village.

Siegfried made quick work of the Dagwa Tribe’s chieftain.

[Alert: You have obtained the Dagwa Tribe Insignia!]

[Alert: The progress of Quest – ‘Great Jungle Challenge’ has increased by 60%! (3/5)]

The Ddali Tribe suffered the same fate.

[Alert: You have obtained the Ddali Tribe Insignia!]

[Alert: The progress of Quest – ‘Great Jungle Challenge’ has increased by 80%! (4/5)]

Siegfried headed for the last and final tribe, the Amazoness Tribe, after winning against the chieftains of the Dagwa and Ddali tribes, but…


A scream reverberated from the Amazoness Tribe’s village when Siegfried was about to reach it.

“SAVE ME! Somebody save me! HEEEELP!”

A skinny bald man abruptly emerged from the bushes and ran toward Siegfried’s party.