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Debuff Master

Chapter 292
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Chapter 292

Right before the royal wedding, Siegfried had to greet the guests attending his wedding.

Omo! Congratulations!”


“Your Majesty! Congratulations!”

There were guests from Stone Island, Macallan Kingdom, Constantine Holy Empire, Guccio Merchant Company, Bavarian Workshop, Autonika Workshop, Mercedes Workshop, etc.

Everyone who had good relations with the Proatine Kingdom had come here to attend the royal wedding.

However, a few skirmishes had broken out as well.

“Hmm? Why the hell are you guys here?”

“I should be the one asking that. Why are you morons here?”

The Bavarian Workshop and Autonika Workshop started arguing as soon as they met, which made Siegfried quite nervous.

Bam! Crash! Clang!

It did not take long for the two sides to break out in a brawl.

“…Maybe I should’ve left these guys out,” Siegfried muttered as he deeply regretted inviting both workshops. He didn’t expect them to fight in the middle of someone else’s joyous occasion.

Tsk tsk… They’re still fighting over second place like a bunch of losers.”

The blacksmiths from the Mercedes Workshop simply laughed at the two workshops while walking past them. It was quite funny to see how they were fighting over second place rather than first place.

Ah… Yeah, I shouldn’t have called them…”

It was at that moment that Siegfried was thinking of revoking their invitation and kicking them out that a familiar voice and figure suddenly sneaked up behind him.


Ah, hyung-nim!”

Hoho! Congratulations! Who would have known you’d end up marrying Elondel’s princess? As expected of you!”

“Haha… It’s not that great…”

“You’re a real man! Your queen is not only an elf but the princess of the elves! That princess looked like a very calm yet strong knight, too! Geez! I feel so jealous now…!”

“But you’ve already married plenty of times, hyung-nim…”

“What are you talking about? I can go three more times! Bwahahaha!


“We Nordic Warriors have a tradition of marrying until we can’t get it up anymore! I’m still young and healthy down there! Bwahaha!

“What do you mean by that? What do you get up?”

Hoho! Don’t act so innocent, my man!”

“I think it’s better for me not to know what you’re talking about, hyung-nim…”

“They say women should be careful of innocent men the most! Stop feigning ignorance and just man up! I know you know what I mean~”

“I-I really have no idea what you mean…”

Bwahahaha! What’s there to be embarrassed of?”

Lionbreath was sincerely happy and congratulated Siegfried for getting married, but what he said next was the problem…

“But, brother…?”

“Yes, hyung-nim?”

“I’m just saying this, but…” Lionbreath said as he looked around before leaning in and whispered, “…be careful.”

“Of what?”

Ahem… Someone’s not so happy with the news of you getting married.”

Huh? Someone’s not happy with me getting married?”

“You have no idea? There’s someone who swore to devour you one way or another… remember?”


A thought suddenly flashed across Siegfried’s mind.

You made me like this… You enslaved my body to desire you, but here you are sucking another bitch’s lips?!”

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“Argh! Siegfried! I will eat you one day!”

Ingrid’s obsessed screams echoed in Siegfried’s ears.

“D-Don’t tell me…”

“I don’t have to tell you…”

Haha… Hahaha… Hahaha…

“That child’s obsession toward you has reached extreme levels…”

“H-How bad is it…?”

“She trained every single day with the goal of forcing herself on you and… She already surpassed me in terms of strength…”

“T-That’s crazy…”

Siegfried felt a chill travel down his spine at those words.

She’s already on the cusp of becoming a Master at her age? Just how bad is her obsession with me?’

Ingrid was much weaker than Siegfried even back then, but hearing that she was already on the doorstep of becoming a Master in less than a year was absolutely insane.

In fact, it was numerous times faster than Siegfried’s growth, whose growth rate was already overpowered.

In other words…

She’s really going to force herself on me at this point!’

Siegfried realized that Ingrid’s obsession could no longer be called an obsession but something entirely different.



“Please be careful. She suddenly disappeared somewhere after hearing news of your marriage. Although, I’m not sure if she was hurt by it or…” Lionbreath said with an apologetic look.


“She’s preparing to ruin your big day.”


“I have no idea what that child will do, so I’ll lend you one hundred of my finest warriors to help with security.”

“Thank you, hyung-nim,” Siegfried replied while trembling in fear.

“Not at all… It’s my fault for not raising my daughter right…”

“Please don’t say that, hyung-nim.”

“Anyway, I will do my best to make sure your wedding is a success, so you be careful.”

“Yes, I hope nothing will happen…”

Siegfried had this odd premonition that today was not going to be a smooth day.

“Your Majesty!”

It was then that one of his servants hurriedly approached him and reported.

“The delegation from Elondel is arriving soon! Please hurry up and get ready!”

“All right,” Siegfried replied before he rushed his steps.



The castle gates opened.

Ahh~ Aaah~ Aaaah~ Ahhhh!”

The song of the elves resounded throughout the castle as a five thousand elf delegation from Elondel entered the Proatine Kingdom’s main castle.

At the helm of the delegation was the King of the Elves, Lohengrin, riding his pegasus, and right behind him was a carriage decorated with numerous beautiful flowers.

The carriage was carrying Siegfried’s bride—the soon-to-be queen of the Proatine Kingdom—Brunhilde.



“It’s really the elves!”


The people of Proatine cheered and welcomed the elves while being completely mesmerized by the delegation. A delegation of this size from the elves was not something that a human could see in their lifetime, even if they wanted to.

“My disciple.”

Deus was standing right beside Siegfried.

“Yes, Master?”

“Here comes your bride.”


“Is the middle-aged elf at the front my soon-to-be in-law? The ruler of the elves?”

“Yes, Master.”

Hmm…” Deus narrowed his eyes and inspected the King of the Elves.

“Why does he look so familiar? Is he someone I know?”

“My father-in-law mentioned that he knows you very well, Master.”

“Really? What’s his name?”

“Lohengrin, Master.”

“Lohengrin? Lohengrin… Hmm… Lohengrin… Who was that again?” Deus muttered as he racked his brains before he suddenly exclaimed, “Aha! It must be that shy young prince!”


“I saw him when I hunted the Terramorg back in the day. He was quite shy and introverted at the time, but he’s now the King of the Elves? Hoho! What has the world come to? Who would’ve known a kid like him would ascend to the throne one day!”

It seemed that Deus remembered Lohengrin’s dark past all too well.

Haha… Hahaha…” Siegfried awkwardly laughed while thinking, ‘Aigoo… I think you’ve already lost face, father-in-law…’

He could already tell what was going to happen a few minutes later, and it indeed happened just as he expected it would.

“Greetings, I am the Lord of Elondel, Lohengrin. May I ask who you might be? Are you the grandfather of my son-in-law by any chance?”

“Long time no see.”

Heok?!” Lohengrin gasped in horror after Deus suddenly changed into a young man.


“That’s right.”


“You’ve grown a lot compared to four hundred fifty years ago. You were nothing but a snotty little prince back then, but you’re now going to be my beloved disciple’s father-in-law?”

Lohengrin couldn’t say anything in response as his face turned ghastly pale, ‘D-Damn it! I didn’t think of this! It was obvious he’s going to attend the wedding since he’s still alive!’

The King of the Elves truly regretted bringing such a large delegation with him this time.

“Ack! Hero-nim! Please spare me!”

“Hero-nim! P-Please stop hitting me!”

“Waaah! Waaaah! I’m scared, hero-nim!”

There was no way Lohengrin would be comfortable around Deus. He could still remember how Deus had scolded him again and again when he was still young.

“It feels like yesterday that you ran with your tail between your legs because you were so scared of the Terramorg… Ah, but you’re now all grown up? Is that right, kiddo?”


Lohengrin sweated profusely after his dark past was exposed.

“But why are you still on your mount? Don’t tell me you expect me to keep looking up at you?”

“N-No, sir!”

Lohengrin jumped down from his pegasus and knelt in front of Deus.

“The Lord of Elondel, Lohengrin, greets the hero!”

The rest of the elves, except for Brunhilde, who was in the carriage, knelt and greeted Deus.


“Even the King of the Elves is kneeling in front of the elder-nim!”

Ha! Have you forgotten how he killed an ancient dragon with a single punch?”

The officials of the kingdom smiled proudly and held their heads high up at the sight of the elves kneeling in front of Deus.

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Keke! Today is a good day, so I’ll let you off just this once!” Deus exclaimed while cackling.

“Thank you very much, hero-nim!” Lohengrin exclaimed in response and bowed further to the ground.

The hero is infamous for his shitty temperament… I’m sure it hasn’t changed even after four hundred fifty years, so I have to be careful…!’ Lohengrin’s survival instincts were telling him to be on his best behavior today and not get on Deus’ bad side.

It seemed that Deus’ temper was quite well-known even four hundred fifty years ago…

“Are you going to stay on the ground? Get up, and let’s go,” Deus said.

“Yes, elder-nim!”

“Yes, hero-nim!”

All of the kingdom’s officials and the elves exclaimed at the top of their lungs in response, which signaled the official start of the royal wedding.


The wedding continued for nearly two hours.

‘Ah… I’m so tired…’

The wedding customs between a royal and a commoner greatly differed, so he had no choice but to get dragged around here and there according to traditions. Unfortunately, the traditions were so tiring and boring that not only was he already tired before the actual ceremony took place, but he had also yet to see his bride, Brunhilde.

In fact, even Siegfried’s supposed best friends, Cheon Woo-Jin and Seung-Gu, were already fast asleep in their seats after getting tired of watching the endless boring charade.

A few hours later, the highlight of the wedding finally started.


Brunhilde entered the hall holding onto Lohengrin’s arm.

They walked through the aisle until they were now in front of Siegfried.

“I know you have a lot of things you want to say to each other, but let me impart some of my wisdom first.”

The one presiding over the ceremony was the eldest in the kingdom, Deus.

“Firstly, I—Hmm?” Deus suddenly paused before he looked at Siegfried and asked, “My disciple.”

“Yes, Master?”

“Did they add snakes to the list of customs in today’s weddings?”

“Pardon me…?”

Siegfried could not understand what Deus meant by that.

“What do you mean all of a sudden, Master? I am not from this world, but I do not think there is such a tradition—”

“Well, I think there is, though?”


“Look at that,” Deus said while pointing at the sky.

All eyes in the wedding ceremony shifted up to where Deus was pointing.

“Are those snakes…?”

“Why are snakes raining from the sky…?”

“Hey, who did that?”

The guests were baffled at what they were seeing, and the same went for Siegfried.

“Snakes are falling from the sky…?” he muttered.

The reason all of them were so baffled was that there was an airship definitely belonging to the Proatine Kingdom raining down tens of thousands of snakes from it.

But the problem was…

“W-What the fuck?! Why are they so big?!” Siegfried screamed in horror as the snakes got closer to the ground.


[A close relative of monsters such as the Medusa or Basilisk.]

[It emits powerful prettification gas from its mouth. It is highly dangerous.]

[Type: Monster]

[Rating: Boss]

[Level: 250]

The snakes pouring out from the airship were powerful monsters called Cockatrice.

It seemed that someone had decided to rain down snakes on Siegfried’s wedding!