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Debuff Master

Chapter 242
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Chapter 242

“Show me what you got,” MassacreGod said.

However, his target wasn’t Siegfried.


The one who dropped dead was Seung-Gu.

“Seung-Gu!” Siegfried shouted, but he received no response.


[HP: ??????????]

And it was all because he had already died and was no longer in the game.

Seung-Gu got struck by one of the MassacreGod’s infamous skills—Headshot.

It was a skill that allowed MassacreGod to bury a bullet in his target’s forehead accurately, and those below a level threshold would die instantly from it. It was a bit similar to Sword Emperor Betelgeuse’s Quick Draw.


Siegfried turned around and stared at MassacreGod.

Oh? Your movements are quite nice. I would’ve wasted a bullet if I shot you just now,” MassacreGod said with a smirk.

He was quite impressed by Siegfried’s reaction time. Siegfried had immediately moved the moment he raised his gun, which forced him to change his target from Siegfried to Seung-Gu.

Of course, the consequence of that was Seung-Gu getting killed by Headshot, and the Iron Golems that lost their master disappeared along with his lifeless body.


Of all things, Seung-Gu dropped his main weapon—the Mechanic Force.

Tsk… That guy always drops his main weapon whenever he dies…’?Siegfried clicked his tongue after seeing the Mechanic Force on the ground. Siegfried thought that Seung-Gu was quite the unlucky one, but this wasn’t the time to think about it.

I’m in quite a pinch…’?he gritted his teeth.

He never imagined in his wildest dreams that Massacre God would be waiting for them at their escape route along with the high-ranking Buffers and high-level DPS of the Genesis Guild.

He had a strange feeling that he had been getting quite lucky these days, and it seemed that his luck had run out today.

“Allow me to riddle your body with holes.” MassacreGod gripped his twin revolvers.


Siegfried slammed his +15 Gaia’s Fist into the ground.

Crack… Kabooom!

He split both heaven and earth.


Siegfried immediately used Splitting Heaven and Earth to cast his debuff fields.

He had to react as fast as he could because he was up against a powerful enemy.

Strike while the iron is hot! I should throw everything I got plus the kitchen sink right now!’?he gritted his teeth as he placed his debuff fields.

There was no way he was going to easily win this fight because his enemy was one of the pillars of the Genesis Guild. The so-called pillar was also in charge of the Genesis Guild’s offense.

Frankly speaking, it was a stretch for him to expect to emerge victorious against them, and he would be lucky if a few of his guild members managed to escape alive.

He had been having it easy until now against the Genesis Guild, but it was a totally different story now that he was up against a truly powerful member of the guild.

Siegfried had to give one hundred percent to make it out alive from this.

Seuk…! Seuk…! Seuk…!

Shadows rose from the ground.

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Fwaaa! Fwaaa!?

And Blaze Field pervaded the surroundings.

They’re probably in rags right now after getting hit by Splitting Heaven and Earth…’?Siegfried thought as he gripped his +15 Gaia’s Fist.

Bang! Bang! Bang!?

Three gunshots rang, and bullets suddenly appeared in front of Siegfried. In addition, the other DPS members of the Genesis Guild, who were not as powerful as MassacreGod but were strong enough in their own right, made a run for the Head Crusher Guild members.

Siegfried was shocked. ‘They’re all fine?! How?!’

He was sure that he had taken them by surprise when he used Splitting Heaven and Earth, but the enemies looked uninjured.

Their control is… these guys are different from the ones I have been fighting until now!’?Siegfried finally realized that his enemies this time were way stronger than the usual Genesis Guild members.

Shockingly, even the ten Buffers at the rear were unscathed from the surprise attack.

They were experts. Actually, it should not have come as a shock to Siegfried as the key members of the top ten guilds were famous for their abilities that far surpassed ordinary Adventurers regardless of class.

Unfortunately, MassacreGod was on a whole different level compared to the Adventurers Siegfried had been facing until now.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bullets infused with mana rained down on Siegfried.


Siegfried immediately activated Adamant Body to take advantage of its Super Armor.

Ting! Ting! Ting!

The bullets ricocheted off Siegfried after hitting him.

[Siegfried van Proa]

[HP: ??????????]

However, he instantly lost twenty percent of his HP.

The bullets carried enough power to put him on the ground if it hadn’t been for Adamant Body.

This damage…?what?the hell is this insane damage?!’?Siegfried was shocked at the bullets’ power.

Ironically, it shouldn’t have come as a surprise at all as MassacreGod’s weapon was a powerful weapon called Renegade Revolver Set that was enhanced fourteen times, and he had also received many different buffs from the Genesis Guild Buffers.

I have to get close. I have to narrow the distance between us.’?Siegfried gripped his +15 Gaia’s Fist and rushed at MassacreGod.


He unleashed Irradiate. He could now fight while Irradiate was active because of his increased MP Pool after consuming a dragon’s heart.

“Oh? You’re approaching me? That’s a great idea, but…” MassacreGod muttered. He smiled and continued. “All right, I’m curious about just how good you are, so I might as well fight you from up close.”

Surprisingly, MassacreGod didn’t attempt to widen the distance between them despite being a ranged combatant. It was an amazing display of confidence. MassacreGod was confident in his abilities as the flag bearer of the Genesis Guild’s offense.

In other words, he was treating Siegfried as a nobody.

Just like that, the showdown between MassacreGod and Siegfried began.


Fwaaaa! Fwaaaa!?

The battle between the Head Crusher Guild and the Genesis Guild was as fierce as the burning vineyard. Siegfried was fighting MassacreGod while the remaining guild members fought the Genesis Guild members.

The five-hundred-man-strong Head Crusher Guild didn’t lose against the high-ranking members of the Genesis Guild, and the reason was quite simple.

We have to fight on top of the fields!’

‘Fighting on the guild master-nim’s field is the only way for us to survive!’

‘We need to stay on these fields!’

The Head Crusher Guild members were making full use of Siegfried’s debuff fields Siegfried, which completely nullified the buffs of the Genesis Guild members.

The natural enemies of buffs were debuffs. The Head Crusher Guild members weren’t going to lose one-sidedly as long as they were on top of the debuff fields. Meanwhile, the battle between Siegfried and MassacreGod was getting fiercer by the second.

“Owner punk! Do your best! KYUUU!”?Hamchi shouted and buffed Siegfried.


This guy is the real deal!’?

MassacreGod was far stronger than any other opponent Siegfried had fought so far.

He could only be described as a monster.

A ranged combatant was weak in close-quarters combat? Such a phrase didn’t become a prejudice for no reason. A ranged combatant usually possessed a huge penalty of low Defense, HP, and Stamina.

It was only fair for them to have such a penalty since they were capable of dishing out massive burst damage against their enemy from afar.

However, that penalty did not seem to apply to MassacreGod.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Siegfried swung his +15 Gaia’s Fist with all of his strength, but he couldn’t hit MassacreGod at all.

In fact, MassacreGod’s ultra-fast reflexes allowed him to cross his +14 Renegade Revolver Set in front of him to block Siegfried’s attack.



At that moment, the mace and revolvers clashed.

MassacreGod used the recoil from it to fling himself backward before spinning his revolver and shooting at Siegfried.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Dozens of bullets flew toward Siegfried’s abdomen.

Ting! Ting! Ting!

Siegfried managed to stay on his feet by defending himself with Adamant Body, but he had to sacrifice his HP.

‘Do you really think that I’m the only one who will suffer here?’?Siegfried remained steadfast despite the HP loss.

Click…! Click…!?

He noticed that MassacreGod had to reload, so he decided to use this opportunity to unleash a fury of attacks.

It’s my turn.’?Siegfried dashed and pressured MassacreGod. However, MassacreGod kicked off Siegfried and somersaulted to widen the distance between them.


While he was in the middle of his somersault, he opened his inventory and…


…reloaded his revolvers.

Click! Click! Click!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

MassacreGod reloaded his revolvers in the blink of an eye and sent a flurry of bullets toward Siegfried.


The last bullet was the same bullet that killed Seung-Gu in one shot—Headshot.

A bullet struck Siegfried dead-center on his forehead, and what happened next absolutely surprised him.


He flew away and crashed to the ground despite Adamant Body’s Super Armor.

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‘T-this doesn’t make sense…!’?Siegfried was stunned.

He was stupefied because MassacreGod had pierced his Super Armor.

In other words, MassacreGod’s Headshot was powerful enough to penetrate Super Armor.

Sigh…?MassacreGod let out a sigh of disappointment. “Did you honestly think you could win in close-combat quarters just because I’m a ranged combatant?”


“Well, I have bad news for you. I’m fucking good in close-quarters combat, too,” MassacreGod said with a condescending smirk. He sounded arrogant, but he had the strength to back it up.

In addition, he had never underestimated Siegfried.

Plop…! Plop…!

However, blood was flowing down MassacreGod’s orifices.

“W-What is this…?”

He was baffled upon realizing that his nose and ears were bleeding.

“Why is there blood? I’m sure I didn’t get hit even once…”

“Who knows?” Siegfried said as he slowly stood up.


A green fog seeped out of him once again.

MassacreGod possessed high resistance against poison, but his prolonged exposure to Irradiate, coupled with the debuffs, made him fall victim to the radioactive energy.

[Alert: Status Ailment!]

[Alert: Your character has been Poisoned!]

[Alert: You will start losing Stamina over time, and you’ll find it difficult to control your character!]

A string of messages popped up in front of MassacreGod’s eyes.

It was said that many a little would make a mickle, and this was the perfect way to describe what happened to him. He had been ignoring Irradiate’s damage because it was negligible, but he didn’t expect to end up getting severely injured from it.

“H-Healer! Hurry up! Healer!” MassacreGod screamed at the top of his lungs.

“On it!” a healer shouted and started chanting a spell. It was a spell that detoxified poisoned allies and recovered a portion of their HP and Stamina.

“Yai Panod Sam Sam Sam…”


Siegfried’s +15 Gaia’s Fist flew toward the healer and…


…smashed their head open.

It was the ranged skill of the Debuff Master, Flying Spur.


The healer fell to the ground with a dull thud and died.


MassacreGod was stupefied.

“Did you really think that I’ll let that happen?” Siegfried said.

He started running once more.

However, he wasn’t running toward MassacreGod.

I just have to make my enemies weaker,’?he thought.

His target was the Buffers and Healers of the Genesis Guild. He was planning on eliminating the backbone of the Genesis Guild’s strategy—their powerful Buffers.

Weaken opponents and beat the living daylights out of them…

Siegfried decided to stay true to his roots as the Debuff Master!