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Dear Ex-wife Marry Me by Twin Bridge

Chapter 1677
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The first door was busted open, revealing a room with plain furnishings and nothing out of the ordinary.

He moved to the next room's entrance. "Keep breaking them down," he ordered.

What secret could be hidden in this room that Queena guarded it so tightly?

His men were about to swing their tools again when Queena's voice cut through from outside.

"Abner, what in the world are you up to?"

Queena had hurried over, a posse of villagers in tow.

Abner's status in the village was peculiar, and the arrival of the helicopter had sparked a flurry of gossip.

But since last night, rumors had started to circulate that Abner was a big-shot gangster who had wronged many people and was

now hiding out in the village to escape his enemies.

The gossip had reached a fever pitch, and the fearful ones among them started to stir the pot.

"If he's really a fugitive murderer, shouldn't we call the cops?"

"Now his people have clooking for him, and there's a chopper too. We can't stand against that."

"He's always looked too shady to me, not the good guy type. Better we chase him out of our village."

So, someone decided to alert the authorities that an escaped murderer had been spotted in the village.

The county police were on their way, but it would be at least another twenty minutes before they arrived.

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Just then, someone ran up, panting, "That Abner is at the Temple family's place! He's smashing doors down."

Upon hearing this, the villagers were enraged and promptly rallied to the Temple residence, indeed finding Abner in the act of

breaking in.

Queena's face was dark with anger. "I saved your life, and now you're wrecking my home?"

Abner stood his ground, chuckling as he saw the wary faces among the villagers behind her.

"l just want to see what you're hiding in there. Besides, since you've returned, there've been two funerals in the village. Something

feels off."

Voices from the crowd began to defend Queena.

"Abner, you're not one of us, but Queena is. She grew up here, is the sole doctor in the village, and a darn good one at that. Just

yesterday, the city hospital offered her a deputy director position, but she turned it down, saying she'd rather treat us all for free

right here."

"Yeah, you owe your life to the people here, and now you're causing trouble with your goons. What's your angle?"

Queena remained silent, but the villagers spoke up for her.

Abner's expression hardened, and when he spoke, it was with authority.

"I suspect my people are inside. | need to check it out. Break down the door."

Upon his command, the door was promptly smashed open.

The villagers' faces were twisted in anger, and the tension rose.

"Jackson went missing last night. Could his disappearance be related to Abner?"

"Tobias, con, tell us, did this guy kill your dad?"

Tobias stood among the crowd, his eyes swollen from a night spent searching for his father.

He wiped his eyes and said, "No, Abner's a good guy."

No sooner had the words left his mouth than someone whacked him on the head, leaving a sizable lump.

"Tobias, you ungrateful pup. Your dad raised you, and now you're siding with an outsider! Are you trying to butter up Abner for his

money, hoping to live off him?"

Tobias' face flushed with humiliation as he muttered, "I'm not! Abner's been nothing but kind, he even helpedlook for my dad

last night!"

"That's just him playing you. Your dad might already be in trouble, and Abner's a known killer!"

"No, he's not!"

"Tobias, siding with an outsider like that, you're dishonoring your father's memory!"

Tobias was shaking with anger, tears streaming down his face.

Abner frowned and gestured to him, "Tobias, chere."

But Tobias just stood there, crying, too scared to move.

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Abner's men had finished searching the inner room, but they found it completely empty.











