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Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough-Novel

Chapter 948 First Time Using The Dao Of Corruption
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Having successfully managed to kill one of the emerald serpents, Xuan Hao did not relax and instead kept his attention fully focused on the battle taking place below. Ready to move the moment one of the emerald serpents retreated from the battle in an injured state. For now, he still had to kill another two emerald serpents before the trial would be considered to have been completed.


Unfortunately for Xuan Hao, it looked like the emerald serpents were no longer as careless before and made sure to take things slow and avoid getting injured by the five demon beasts that they had surrounded. Even if they ended up getting injured, they would not just retreat from the battle like the first emerald serpent had done but would instead linger around the more powerful emerald serpents. Preventing him from reaching them without getting attacked by one of the Peak Soul Ascension Realm emerald serpents.

Even if the emerald serpents were busy dealing with the five demon beasts at the Peak of the Soul Ascension Realm, they still outnumbered the demon beasts. Not to mention, there was also a large number of emerald serpents approaching their current location, as long as they could just keep the five demon beasts from escaping and exhaust them over time, they would inevitably be able to overwhelm them.

As for the large number of demon beasts also approaching their location? These emerald serpents didn't care too much about this, as they understood that the number of approaching emerald serpents was far higher than the number of approaching demon beasts.

All things considered, the grass field was still the home of the emerald serpents and their numbers had far exceeded that of the demon beasts who had unknowingly walked into this den of serpents…

"I can't continue watching like this, or it will become impossible for me to kill the two remaining emerald serpents!" Also noticing the large number of approaching emerald serpents that slowly started to become visible among the tall grass, Xuan Hao realized that it would become close to impossible to kill any of the emerald serpents if they had a chance to gather together in a single group.

Although the number of approaching demon beasts had grown to a little over twenty at this point, the number of emerald serpents that slithering through the tall grass had already exceeded fifty, with more than half of them having reached the Peak of the Soul Ascension Realm!

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Even if he could fly, the burden it put on his dantian was not something he would be able to sustain for an extended period of time. At some point, he would have to land on the ground to recover. Placing him in danger of being attacked by the emerald serpents in an exhausted state, something that he wanted to avoid if possible.


Knowing that he was limited on time with the large number of approaching emerald serpents, Xuan Hao decided to take the chance to attack one of the weakened emerald serpents at the same time that one of the five demon beasts launched an attack towards the Peak Soul Ascension Realm emerald serpent watching over the weakened emerald serpent. Hoping that the demon beast would prevent the emerald serpent from stopping his attack.


However just before his attack managed to reach the exposed underbelly of the weakened emerald serpent, the weakened emerald serpent managed to block his attack before it could reach its intended target-

Bang! Bang!

Not letting this stop him, Xuan Hao continued his attack on the weakened emerald serpent. However, compared to the first emerald serpent he had killed, this one had managed to reach the Fifth Tribulation of the Soul Ascension Realm and was not that easy to kill within a short span of time.


Because of this, the remaining emerald serpents who were busy fighting with the five demon beasts quickly took notice before some of them broke off from the chaotic battle with the five demon beasts and instead made their way back to where Xuan Hao and the weakened emerald serpent were fighting. Intending to assist their injured comrade.

I have to finish things fast…

Knowing that he would be forced to run away if he had to face more than a single emerald serpent, Xuan Hao concentrated the power of his dao domain together on his sword before unleashing it in a single graceful swing down towards the weakened emerald serpent. 


Considering that the attack was in essence just the concentrated power of his dao domain, it did not stay as a simple sword attack and almost instantly transformed into a blazing sword covered in flames, representing the Dao of Fire, as it descended towards the emerald serpent-

Whoosh-!I think you should take a look at

However, this did not continue for long, as part of the flame suddenly transformed into an icy blizzard, infused with the frigid power belonging to the Dao of Ice, that began clashing violently with the searing flames belonging to the Dao of fire. Even if the power of the attack was weakening rapidly due to the fact that the attack itself had essential begun a process of destroying itself, its power was far stronger than any other attack Xuan Hao would have been able execute within such a short span of time. 


Seeing the incoming attack, the weakened emerald serpent could do nothing to escape, as it was soon enveloped by the terrifying blizzard and searing flame. Finding itself in the middle of this violent clash between the Dao of Fire and the Dao of Ice. 


It was at this moment, when the emerald serpent was struggling to defend itself against the combined power of the Dao of Fire and Dao of Ice, that the edge of the blizzard and searing flames suddenly transformed into a dark and sinister purple color, which seeped into the two clashing attacks, imbuing them with a strange power that began sapping away the emerald serpents already weakened life force. Making it far harder for it to resist the constant onslaught of the searing flames and the frigid blizzard.


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Understanding that its situation was getting worse, the emerald serpent tried to desperately escape from the area covered by the attack-


However, it soon discovered that something had grabbed onto its body at some point in time and ended up crashing back into the ground as a result.


Not knowing what had stopped it, the emerald serpent turned around to see what it was and was horrified to discover that hundreds of small purple tentacles like plants had emerged from the ground at some unknown point in time and had attached themselves to its body.

At a closer inspection, it discovered that these tentacle plants were actually transformed from the former tall grass. Making breaking them and escaping close to impossible in its current state. After all, the strength of the tall grass made it difficult to break, even for someone in the Soul Ascension Realm. Breaking more than a hundred of them? The emerald serpent understood that something like this would be hard even for some of its seniors at the Peak of the Soul Ascension Realm!


Understanding that it would not be able to escape the emerald serpent let out a reluctant hissing sound before it was swallowed up in the clash between the searing flames and frigid blizzard. Marking the death of the second emerald serpent!


Having confirmed that the emerald serpent was dead, Xuan Hao didn't dare stay around for a second longer as he jumped into the sky. Barely avoiding the fangs of one of the emerald serpents who had come to help its comrade.

"Hah… That was a close call…" Only when he was safe back in the sky outside the range of the emerald serpents below did he let out a sigh of relief as he looked back down at the place where the attack containing the concentrated power of his dao domain had landed.

The ground that had been filled with tall grass had transformed into a small forest of the familiar tentacle plants that seemed keen on attacking anything that approached them, the best example of this would be the emerald serpents who had just been about to reach him, who were now struggling to get out of the tentacle plant forest they found themselves inside of.

Even if the power of the attack had already dissipated shortly after the death of the weakened emerald serpent, the power of the Dao of Corruption seemed to have attached itself to the tall grass and was using the powerful life force inside the tall grass to sustain itself and continue existing even after the qi he had supplied for the attack disappeared.

However, the most shocking thing was the fact that Xuan Hao realized that he could control the tentacle plants below. Making them continue their attack on the two emerald serpents caught inside the tentacle plant forest without using more than a miniscule amount of qi to do this.