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Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough-Novel

Chapter 945 Possible Future Sect Guardian Beast
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As the fight between the two demon beasts continued without any winner appearing, the sound of loud roars began echoing out in the distance before a large number of powerful auras appeared in the distance before rushing towards the direction where the hill sized demon beast and the emerald serpent were fighting. Something that both of these Peak Soul Ascension Realm demon beasts were not the slightest bit excited about, as both of them understood that these demon beasts would only wait on the side until they were exhausted and unable to mount a proper defense. 

Although, considering the fact that the emerald serpent's defense was far weaker, it was by far the one who worried the most after sensing five different Peak Soul Ascension Realm demon beasts approaching its current location-


And without wasting a single second, it disengaged from the large demon beast that it had entangled itself with before disappearing into the tall grass. Not leaving a single trace of its presence behind in the process.


Not expecting its opponent to just run away so quickly, the hill sized demon beast let out a surprised sound before it turned to look in the direction of the approaching demon beasts. Unlike the emerald serpent that had been able to easily slip away, it did not really have the same level of agility and speed. At the very least, it had not sustained any serious injuries during its short fight with the emerald serpent and was more than confident that it would be able to fight back in case any of the approaching demon beasts happened to think that they could take advantage of its current injured state.


Letting out a loud roar filled with killing intent and its powerful cultivation base, it fully demonstrated that it was more than strong enough to fight back in case any of the five approaching demon beasts had any plans to do so… And the rapid decrease in speed of the five approaching demon beasts who had been using all of their strength to dash towards its current location was more than enough to show that these five demon beasts had indeed been thinking about taking advantage of it during its battle.

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Although the demon beasts who had all come from the forest to chase after the rabbit demon beast were more than happy to work together with each other inside an unfamiliar environment, they also wouldn't let go of the chance to get rid of a possible contender for the empty void.

The danger that the grass plain and emerald serpents posed to them was far from enough to make these powerful demon beasts work together without stabbing each other in the back if a chance presented itself. The earlier fear that they had felt towards the celestial gate before entering it had almost completely disappeared after they realized that the strongest creature on the other side had only barely reached a cultivation realm similar to their own. Even if it was still dangerous, this was far from enough to make them feel the same level of fear that they had felt when first facing the celestial gate... Unless there was something even more terrifying lurking in the tall grass.

Watching all of this unfold from the side, Xuan Hao could not help curiously looking in the direction that the emerald serpent had disappeared in. Despite the fact that it had already disappeared from view, it was still possible for him to sense the faint presence of the emerald serpent lurking around in the tall grass around the hill sized demon beast. 

Unfortunately for the hill sized demon beast, it didn't look like it had realized this. Instead keeping its attention focused on the approaching demon beasts.

Hm? Did it notice me!?

Feeling a gaze suddenly locking onto him, Xuan Hao narrowed both of his eyes as his dao domain silently began spreading out in the area around him without alerting the large demon beast in the distance. 

If the emerald serpent had really noticed him, it would be impossible to avoid alerting the large demon beast not too far away, but… If it hadn't noticed him, he at the very least wanted to make sure that he didn't end up drawing its attention by using his dao domain to prepare himself for a possible attack. Especially considering that using his dao domain like he would do normally, would not only draw the attention of the emerald serpent and the large demon beast, but also the five approaching demon beasts.

No matter how confident he was in his current strength, he did not really feel confident in his odds of surviving a fight with seven Peak Soul Ascension Realm demon beasts… 


However, instead of the emerald serpent that he expected to appear in front of him, what appeared was instead the small rabbit demon beast that had followed after him and ended up leading all of the Peak Soul Ascension Realm demon beast inside the celestial gate. In the end resulting in the increased difficulty of the second celestial gate's trial.


Staring at the small rabbit that had caused his current precarious situation, Xuan Hao could not help feeling like he wanted to enjoy some rabbit stew to calm himself down.I think you should take a look at


Not aware of its current dangerous situation, the small rabbit demon beast let out a happy squeaking sound before walking over to Xuan Hao. After having followed him, the rabbit demon beast had already understood that its best chance of surviving the large number of powerful demon beasts who wanted it dead was to continue following after him.

As for the possible danger that Xuan Hao could pose to it… The rabbit demon beast didn't think too much about this, as it had already witnessed how Xuan Hao had decided to ignore it instead of attacking it like the other demon beasts had done. Making it think that it had finally met someone who had recognized its awesome power.

"This… Does it perhaps want me to take it in?" Not aware of what was going through the head of the small rabbit demon beast, Xuan Hao could only guess what the rabbit demon beast wanted from its behavior… And in his eyes, it looked like the rabbit demon beast was trying its best to have him take it in.

Despite the fact that the rabbit demon beast might not be that strong in his eyes, it was still a demon beast in the Second Tribulation of the Soul Ascension Realm. Even in the entire Sky Empire, it would be hard to find such a powerful demon beast outside of a few forbidden regions. If took it in and made it a guardian demon beast for the Star Shattering Sect, the sect would be far stronger than before and at the same time, it would also serve as an encouragement for a certain lazy lion to improve its strength if it wanted to become the number one demon beast of the sect again.

It was because of this Xuan Hao didn't immediately decide to enact his revenge on the small rabbit in front of him and instead just observed it.


Seeing that Xuan Hao was observing it, the small rabbit proudly squeaked towards him as it thought he wanted to take in its majestic aura before deciding to show off its silky-smooth fur by rolling around on the ground to show off every single part of its beautiful fur with a prideful expression on its face.

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"Is this a sign of submission…?" Muttering this to himself as he looked down at the rabbit demon beast who had suddenly begun rolling around on the ground with a somewhat weird expression on its face, Xuan Hao felt that this was a confirmation of his earlier believe that the rabbit demon beast was indeed trying to submit to him and have him take it in.

Well… If it really wants to, I don't mind making it the guardian demon beast of the Star Shattering Sect…


Thinking about this as he continued observing the weird behavior of the small rabbit, Xuan Hao decided to use his dao domain to draw up a simple blood contract. Although this kind of contract was one closer to that of equals and didn't require any essence blood from the demon beast like the blood pact he signed with the winged lion demon beast, it was one of the most common kinds of contracts between humans and demon beasts. 

The content of the blood contract was rather simple, the rabbit demon beast would become a guardian demon beast of the Star Shattering Sect and in return it would get spirit stones and other resources that would help it increase its strength.

As long as he was stronger than the rabbit demon beast, he didn't have to worry about it breaking the contract.


Not understanding the weird floating contract in front of it, the rabbit demon beast thought it was some kind of gift due to the thick spiritual qi gathered inside the blood contract that had been created by Xuan Hao- 



It dashed headfirst into the contract before absorbing it. Unknowingly accepting the blood contract in the process…