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Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough-Novel

Chapter 867 Unfamiliar Domain Lord
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"Sounds like Elder Song is finally able to relax some more now that he isn't the only person in charge of managing the sect…" Muttering this to himself as he heard what Song Jia said, Xuan Hao could not help feeling a bit relieved after hearing that Elder Song had finally started to have some more free time.

Hm? A new Domain Lord Realm Expert?

It was just at this moment that Xuan Hao suddenly sensed an unfamiliar Domain Lord Realm Expert making his way through the formation without being stopped before moving towards the Seventh Star Peak. From this alone, it was obvious that the Domain Lord Realm was not someone unfriendly and should have already been allowed to enter the sect by Feng Chen and Elder Song. The most likely scenario being that it was one of the elders that had managed to break through to the Domain Lord Realm during his time away from the sect.


Not wasting any time, Xuan Hao directly used his divine sense to investigate the other party-

"Not someone from the sect…?"

But was soon surprised to discover that the Domain Lord Realm Expert was not one of the elders of the Star Shattering Sect like he had first expected. Instead, it was someone he had never seen before. Making him feel even more curious as to just what kind of person this was.

"Qing Yi, Chu Yang, do any of you know about a new Domain Lord Realm Expert in the sect?"

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"A new Domain Lord Realm Expert? No, I don't think I heard about that."

"Me neither, I haven't heard about a new Domain Lord Realm Expert in the sect."

Asking his two disciples to see if they knew anything, Xuan Hao ended up disappointed, as neither of them had heard anything about this new and unfamiliar Domain Lord Realm Expert that had suddenly appeared.

Looks like I will have to ask Feng Chen and Elder Song about this later-

"Ah! I know, I know!" 

Just as he was about to give up learning more about this unfamiliar Domain Lord Realm Expert for now, Song Jia who had been quietly standing beside him suddenly jumped up with an excited expression on her face as she said this.

"You know about this Domain Lord Realm Expert…?" Not having expected Song Jia to actually know something about this unfamiliar Domain Lord Realm Expert, Xuan Hao could not help asking again.

"Yes! I remember that Grandpa Song mentioned how he and the sect master found a powerful expert from one of the kingdoms that is now under our sect's control and is trying to get him to join the sect!"  Nodding her head before saying this, Song Jia beamed happily after noticing the surprised expressions on the face of Chu Yang and Qing Yi, who had not expected for her to know about the things taking place between the sect master and vice sect master.

But then again… She was the granddaughter of Elder Song, so the information regarding the internal and external matters of the sect that she had access to would be far more expansive compared to what they had. 

The main reason for this, was that even if their master was the strongest person in the Shattering Star sect, he did not really participate in the internal matters of the sect… And even if he did, he did not share any of it with them. Deeming it as something that was not important for them to know about.

"So, it's a potential new elder for the sect. Looks like Feng Chen and Elder Song have been working hard to increase the strength of the sect during the time I was gone… Thank you for the information."


Throwing a small interspatial ring filled with a few different things that would be useful for someone in the Foundation Establishment Realm, Xuan Hao did not bother to think any more about the unfamiliar Domain Lord Realm Expert. Instead leaving the matter in the hands of Elder Song and Feng Chen, as they already seemed to have the entire thing under control.

"This is?" Grabbing the interspatial ring that Xuan Hao had thrown to her, Song Jia could not help tilting her head with a confused expression on her face. Not understanding what the small ring was. Not something odd when considering that she had never held an interspatial ring before in her life and thus had no idea about what it was or how to use it.

"It's called an interspatial ring and can be used to store things, I filled it with different things that will be useful for improving your strength in the Foundation Establishment Realm. If you can't figure out how to use it, you can always ask Elder Song, he should know how to do it."

"Thank you, Elder Xuan!" Not having expected that the small ring she was now holding was actually something precious, Song Jia froze for a second before happily hugging Xuan Hao as thanks before dashing off in direction of Elder Song's courtyard located a short distance away. Using a simple movement technique in the process. Excited to get the things inside the ring out and find out what Elder Xuan had given to her.

So much energy… At least I can begin teaching my disciples now that she left…

Shaking his head with a small smile present on his face as he thought about this, Xuan Hao turned his attention back towards his two disciples who were looking in the direction Song Jia had left in with surprise.

All things considered, this was the first time they had seen the blind young girl run so fast without a single sign of accidently running into someone or something. Not to mention, she had even used a movement technique!

If not for the fact that they knew she was blind, they would have thought it was just something that she had made up. Of course, there was no way for them to know that she was not fully blind and could still sense the aura and presence of the things and people. Allowing her to see a general outline of the world around her.

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Still… The fact that she had been able to use a movement technique without running into someone or something, was still an impressive feat.

"Now that Song Jia has left, we will begin training both of you in preparation for entering the mystic realm!" Seeing that his two disciples were still looking in the direction that Song Jia had left in, Xuan Hao reminded them why they were here.

""Yes, master!""

Making both of them turn their attention back towards him, filled with anticipation upon hearing him mention the mystic realm that they were going to enter.

Although neither of them had any idea about what they might find inside the mystic realm, they still looked forward to leaving the sect and to experience the world outside of the territory controlled by their sect. Even if the entrance of the mystic realm was still inside the territory of the Star Shattering Sect, they also understood that there was a rather big chance that other entrances outside of the Star Shattering Sect's territory were out there.

In turn, this presented a chance for them to possibly encounter cultivators from outside not only the Star Shattering Sect's territory, but even outside the Sky Empire because the Star Shattering Sect was placed on the border of the Sky Empire and from what they had learnt during the short night after leaving their master.

In that short time, they had looked through all the information on mystic realms that they could get their hands on. Wanting to know more about the possible danger they were going to encounter during their trip, but at the same time also wanting to know more about mystic realms.

From that, the most important thing they had managed to learn, that their master had not mentioned, was the size of a mystic realm.

According to what they had managed to learn, even the smallest mystic realm could easily cover an area the size of the entire Sky Empire, as for the larger ones… They had no way to fully grasp just how big these mystic realms were.

As for the accuracy of the information they had gathered… That was highly likely not the best. Especially considering that the information had come from what seemed like a standard adventure book about someone exploring different realms.

The main reason why both of them had some level of trust in the information of the book was that the descriptions of mystic realms and secret realms were far too complicated for anyone without actual knowledge on the matter to know about.

As for why they didn't mention anything about this to their master… Well… That was because they thought it was something he already knew about…

"Okay, seeing as both of you are ready, let's begin!" Not aware of the fact that his disciples had stumbled on a book filled with information on mystic realms, Xuan Hao began training his two oldest disciples for the first time in over two months.