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Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough-Novel

Chapter 854 Divine Sense Technique
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"A technique will allow us to increase the strength of our soul!? Even if I still don't understand how useful it will be for someone in the Domain Lord Realm, it will be incredibly useful for those at the Peak of the Core Formation Realm trying to reach the Nascent Soul Realm and will be even more useful for those in the Nascent Soul Realm!" Being the first to understand the benefit of the divine sense technique from the Divine Will Scripture, Feng Chen could not help exclaiming loudly with a look of disbelief on his face.

Even if he would not be able to fully grasp just what kind of impact the divine sense technique was going to have on the, he still understood that it would transform the Star Shattering Sect completely. Allowing far more people in the sect to reach the Nascent Soul Realm, while also increasing the chance of those already in the Nascent Soul Realm of breaking through to the Domain Lord Realm.

Although it might take some time before this would happen, Feng Chen did not really worry about this and was instead far more interested in finding out if he would be able to increase his strength by using the divine sense technique. Especially now that his increase in strength had slowed down significantly after reaching the Domain Lord Realm…

"Increase the strength of the soul!? So that is what this technique is used for… How amazing!" Muttering this to himself as he also had a shocked expression on his face, Elder Song looked towards Xuan Hao filled with gratitude. Understandably so, as the divine sense technique would be capable of helping him heal the damage that had been done to his soul over the years of him refining the demonic medicine for Song Jia.

"It's great to see that both of you are excited about the divine sense technique, I hope that both of you will spread the technique to the rest of the elders in the sect." Seeing that both Elder Song and Feng Chen could not wait to start studying the divine sense technique, Xuan Hao did not hesitate to dump the matter of circulating the technique throughout the sect on them. Not that he had ever planned to do this himself in the first place…

"Sure, it's the least we can do-"

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"Elder Song, you should leave it up to me, you already have a lot to do in the first place and I'm sure you would also want some time to study this divine sense technique yourself. If I can't even circulate a single technique among the elders of the sect, what kind of sect master would I be?"

"This- Ha… Fine, I will leave this to you sect master, but you must make sure to inform me in case anything happens! Even if it's something minor, it could easily cause a major problem for the sect!"

"I know, you don't need to worry so much about it."

Watching as Feng Chen took on the matter of circulating the divine sense technique, Xuan Hao did his best to stop himself from laughing at the odd back and forth between the two.

Feng Chen was the sect master, but in front of Elder Song who was the real person in charge of the sect's internal matters, Feng Chen had obviously fallen behind.

Well… That is what he gets for focusing close to all his attention towards improving his strength while leaving the management of the sect in the hands of Elder Song.

Thinking this to himself as he thought back to the time before the Star Shattering Sect where Feng Chen had been the sect master of the Flying Sword Sect and always had to worry about the Raging Flame Sect, Xuan Hao could not help letting out a sigh.

Although the Flying Sword Sect had ended up becoming the Star Shattering Sect, some things never changed. Feng Chen was still trying to improve his strength, while Elder Song was still in charge of the management of the sect. Even if it was only the internal matters of the sect, with the current size of the Star Shattering Sect, the number of things he needed to do did not decrease in the slightest…

"Do you have anything else? Maybe you happened to find a precious artifact or stumbled upon an ancient abandoned spiritual herb field on your way back? No need to hesitate, I- we will make sure that it is taken care!" As things quieted down again, Feng Chen could not help himself as he asked this with a look of expectation on his face.

"No, I don't have any artifacts for you, and I unfortunately was not lucky enough to stumble on an ancient spiritual herb- Ah…"

"Hm? D-did you remember something? Did you really end up stumbling over an ancient spiritual herb!?" Seeing how Xuan Hao had ended up suddenly stopping midsentence, Feng Chen, who had asked the question about the ancient spiritual herb field and artifact in a half joking manner, had no idea what to say after noticing the reaction from Xuan Hao.

"Well, I didn't really stumble on an ancient spiritual herb field, but I did happen to find a lot of Purple Poison Grass during my time exploring the ruins of an ancient sect on my way to the capital city. I thought about giving it all to Qing Yi, my first disciple, but on second thought, it might be a bit too much to give her an entire interspatial ring filled with Purple Poison Grass-"

"Purple Poison Grass!? And one interspatial ring of it!? Even if your little disciple spent the next hundred years only making potions or pills based on Purple Poison Grass, she won't even be able to use half of it, let alone all of it! Not to mention, I doubt she would even use that much Purple Poison Grass by herself in the first place!" Interrupting Xuan Hao, Elder Song almost jumped up from the chair he was sitting on as his normal calm and collected appearance disappeared completely.

"I-I see… I will leave this for you to take care of the as long as you make sure my disciple is able to get-"


"No need to worry about that, I will make sure that your disciple will get all the Purple Poison Grass that she needs." Taking the interspatial ring with the Purple Poison Grass inside of it before he even had a chance to finish what he was saying, Elder Song did not show the slightest hint of shame on his face as he said this.

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Just how precious is the Purple Poison grass? I'm sure it shouldn't be anything that precious…

Not having any idea why Elder Song had reacted so strongly when learning about the Purple Poison Grass, Xuan Hao could only look towards him with a confused expression on his face. Unfortunately for Xuan Hao, Elder Song had no intention of saying anything and instead just put the interspatial ring away before sitting back down like nothing had happened.

"Ehm… I think that should be everything- Unless you have anything more to share with us Elder Xuan? As for the situation about what happened during your absence, I'm sure your disciples will tell you about it when they see you again." Knowing that there wasn't really anything important left for them to talk about, Feng Chen decided that it would be a good time to end their conversation.

As for the matter regarding what had happened at the border of the Frozen Wasteland and their encounter with the soldiers from the Sky Empire, Feng Chen figured that Xuan Hao would be able to learn all of this through his disciples. After all, one of his disciples, Bai Ning, had been involved in the cleaning up of demonic cultivators.

Even if Bai Ning didn't know anything about the Sky Empire's people, it would not be too hard for Xuan Hao to learn about this matter by chatting with the other elders in the sect about the matter. Especially considering that quite a few of the sect's elders had been there to ensure the safety of the disciples clearing out the demonic cultivators in the kingdom next to the Azure Sky Kingdom that had now fallen under the complete control of the Star Shattering Sect.

"I have nothing more to talk about other than the fact that I would like for our sect to start recruiting disciples from among the orphans that can be found across our territory, with that in mind, I will be the first to take my leave. After all, I just took in a new disciple and need to get her settled in when she and Qing Yi comes back from their tour around the sect."

"Haha, that is understandable, we won't be holding you up any longer Elder Xuan, you should go back and make sure you take care of your new disciple!"

"Indeed, you should go back and accompany your new disciple. Don't leave everything to your disciples or the relationship between the two of you will grow distant!"


Hearing what both feng Chen and Elder Song said, Xuan Hao did not bother staying around for any longer, as he soon left the palace before moving back towards his own palace to wait for Qing Yi and Mui to return back from their tour around the sect.