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Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough-Novel

Chapter 845 Chaos In The Capital City
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Following the old master from the Hollow Thunder Family killing Elder Green Wing, the Domain Lords sent out by the imperial family to investigate the matter and catch Elder Green Wing, both appeared above the place where the old master from the Hollow Thunder Family had killed Elder Green Wing.

"Elder Green Wing is dead!? Who in the world did this..."

"The remnant power and the powerful lightning energy floating around suggest that the person who did this should be at the Peak of the Domain Lord Realm... And the only person who fits these two criteria, is the old master from the Hollow Thunder Family!"

Analyzing the situation while his friend was speechlessly looking at the place where Elder Green Wing had been killed, one of the Domain Lords from the imperial family almost instantly managed to figure out who had killed Elder Green Wing. However, this realization was more than enough for the two Domain Lords to understand that this matter was something out of their control.

After all, there was a big difference between an already wounded Domain Lord Realm Expert that had only barely reached the early stage of the realm and someone at the Peak of the Domain Lord Realm. Especially considering that they themselves had only reached the Fourth and Fifth Stage of the Domain Lord Realm. Trying to deal with a Peak Domain Lord Realm Expert with their strength, was the same as courting death!



For this reason, the two silently looked at each other for a short moment before making their way back towards the capital city to find someone strong enough to confront a powerful expert like the old master of the Hollow Thunder Family.

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Rushing back towards the capital city, it did not take a long time before the two Domain Lords soon found themselves reporting the matter to their superior, who in turn quickly went off reporting the matter directly to the emperor. After all, the only person who had the ability to catch someone at the Peak of the Domain Lord Realm, was someone who had reached the Soul Ascension Realm!

"I hope everything goes well... This matter is far too weird, I almost feel like someone is deliberately trying to cause chaos inside the Sky Empire." Walking out of the imperial palace after having handed over the matter of the old master from the Hollow Thunder Family to their superior, one of the two Domain Lords could not help voicing his suspicions of the true reason behind the death of the two Domain Lords.

The entire matter seemed to be perfectly set up to make the noble families start a fight with the major sects and their backers, something that would make the situation inside the Sky Empire far more chaotic compared to before. Especially when considering that the sect alliance that had just been established by the imperial family to suppress the three religions would get thrown into the crossfire between these two powerful forces and might even get destroyed before it had a chance to do what the imperial family had intended. All of this seemed perfectly set up to destroy the sect alliance...

"Indeed, I also get that feeling... Do you think it's the Onyx Empire trying to cause chaos and seize control over part of our territory? Information on what is happening inside the Onyx Empire has been getting harder to get over the past few years and they should be preparing for something big!" Nodding his head in agreement before saying this, the other Domain Lord had clearly not thought about the sect alliance and the three religions. Instead thinking that this might be something done by the Onyx Empire.

"Hm... Maybe? I can't really say, there is far too many who would want to see the Sky Empire falling into a chaotic situation over the past few years... Let's stop for now, we should go back and pick up the flying ship we left behind. After that, we can go to the Grand General and ask him about the situation."

"Good idea, the general should know far more about the situation with the Onyx Empire compared to us."

As the two Domain Lords finished talking with each other just outside the imperial palace, they soon left to pick up the flying ship they had left behind while chasing after the now dead Elder Green Wing.

"Hm~ How interesting, two Domain Lords died, and it just happened to perfectly benefit the three religions! I just came to the imperial palace for a business deal but happened to hear something great~"

Not long after the two Domain Lords left in a hurry, a young man stepped out from the shadows of a large tree just beside the entrance to the imperial capital, his movements graceful as a drifting cloud, and his striking appearance a sight to behold. His features like a god descended to the mortal realm, perfect and unblemished. Skin as smooth as jade, and a pair of charming eyes that shone like pools of liquid gold under the evening sun.

"That is- The Lord of the Jade Crystal Palace!"

"Ah!? The Lord of the Jade Crystal Palace is here!? How handsome, just as good looking- No even more handsome than the rumors!"

"Indeed, deserving of the title of the most handsome man in the Sky Empire!"

As the young man, now identified as the Lord of the Jade Crystal Palace, continued standing in front of the imperial palace thinking about the information that he had just learnt about from the two Domain Lords, a crowd of onlookers started gathering around him.

Hm... Considering that they haven't taken action to spread this and instigate the two to start fighting each other before the imperial family has a chance to calm down the situation, they shouldn't know about this matter yet. Hehe, I wonder... How much would the three religions pay for this information...?

Ignoring the people that had started to gather around him, the Lord of the Jade Crystal Palace smiled to himself as he thought about this.

"Well then, I should get going before this information ends up leaking. At least with those two Domain Lords around, I doubt this information will stay hidden for long..." Muttering this to himself as a wry smile made it onto his face while remembering just how careless the two Domain Lords had been when talking about something that important, the Lord of the Jade Crystal Palace did not bother waiting around the entrance to the imperial palace-


Directly leaving in the direction of one of the three religions headquarters located a short distance away from the imperial palace.

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A few hours later news of what had happened to both Lord Windfall and the Elder Green Wing rapidly spread throughout the Sky Empire. Instantly causing tensions between the large noble families and the major sects to increase. In the end, the powerful kingdoms behind the major sects were also forced out.

The chaos caused by this situation ended up causing the imperial family to momentarily step in to prevent the two sides from starting a fight inside the capital, something that only ended up making them grow even more restless as they felt that the imperial family had no business involving themselves in the matter. Especially considering that they hadn't even started fighting yet!

In the end, the chaos in the capital did not end up lessening due to the intervention of the imperial family. Instead, it increased. Changing from the older generation in the Domain Lord Realm and above, to a fight between the younger members below the Nascent Soul Realm.

Given the special rules that the imperial family had set up inside the capital city, fighting between those below the Nascent Soul Realm was allowed. If it didn't affect the normal citizen of the city!

Because of this, the imperial family ended up deciding not to interfere any more in the fight between the younger people. Fearing that they might end up pushing either the major sect and the people behind them or the noble families towards the three religions as a result.


At the same time, the person who had ended up causing the current chaotic situation was quietly observing everything from the side. An interspatial ring filled with all sorts of precious spiritual herbs and artifacts from the three religions firmly situated on his finger.

"Eh... This is developing in a rather dangerous direction. Maybe I should leave the capital city for a bit until things calm down again..." Muttering this to himself as he glanced down towards some of the younger members from the two sides that had already begun fighting with each other on the street, the Lord of the Jade Crystal Palace turned around and left.

Understanding very well that the situation inside the capital city of the Sky Empire was only going to get more chaotic from now on. Even more so when since the three religions would be doing their best to ensure this happened.

After all, to them, the best thing that could happen, would be for the imperial family to start exhausting their resources dealing with someone who was not them. Even better if that someone happened to be the major sects that had been set up to weaken them!