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Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 1009 Touchdown - Tension
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Chapter 1009 Touchdown - Tension

I know that it had only been a day since we last left their place but not only having Edith and Mimi to my fold was important, but also the bees that would be coming with them was something this place needed. However, I'm not sure how they'd react to my place which was completely different from their beautiful estate but I'm sure they'll appreciate the challenge it would bring to beautify it up in a way that could satisfy them.

Also, I've said it many times before, Honey—not to mention Royal Jelly, Bee Pollen, and even Beeswax—has a lot of fucking uses, and just straight-up having bees to pollinate our plants was a huge plus.

It was something commonly taken for granted but it was just the right time to bring them into my compound and the rest of our territories because aside from having plants or root crops we could eat, we had also begun growing flowers as a requirement for all of our households and the ones stationed in our greenhouses.

Not only would that help the bees produce honey and whatnot, but it would also help the kids or anyone else interested in the matter to learn a little about that subject and somehow put a little color on our graying world.

With that said, as I gave Edith the call, as much as she wanted to talk with me, I felt like she wanted to end the call as fast as possible so that she could get her stuff and the nucs ready, so we did just that.

I can pretty much understand her excitement and I'd be a freaking dumbass if I couldn't sense the tension that was slowly building up in the ship with me and everybody else in our circle, but Kaley had already royally decreed to not to do anything as of right now and just go wild once we get home.

Long story short, we safely reached the compound by around 10 PM which was a little unfortunate because most of my friends and family were already asleep, but the ones who had never been so happy to see my ugly mug was none other than Zeus.

He straight-up jumped into my arms as he burst out the door when he heard me call out his name, and he basically made me carry him back to our home—tail wagging like a propeller and kissing me nonstop—and made me fix him a little snack even if he had already eaten.

And yeah, everyone couldn't get enough of seeing him struggling between eating, wagging his tail, and running back at me to get petted, but Rin was shocked to fuck when she went down and discovered all of our guests.

"U-Umm… H-Hi?"

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I chuckled as I introduced her, "Everyone, that's Rin. Rin, that's everyone… But yeah, that's Mimi, Dr. Nichols, Riri, Ruru, Megan, Alexa…"

Of course, she couldn't wait to give Tatiana a hug but she started to call a bunch of people in regards to living arrangements. Obviously, JP and Brian shouldn't be in the same house right now but some of the guys could go pretty much wherever, but in regards to the girls in our inner circle, it was decided for them to stay in my house for the night.

Then again, the sexual tension once the boys left ramped up several degrees but Honasan almost got beaten to death when he awkwardly came down from the roof:

"Ah— S-Sir? The heli's ready. Are we going now?"

'Everyone sleeping will definitely get woken up…'


I answered him casually but I was almost overwhelmed by everyone else staring daggers at me for leaving just as we had arrived.

"Relax, alright? We'll be back before midnight with Edith and Nancy. We won't be long."

Honasan was still shaking in his boots, "S-S-Shall we, sir?"

I nodded, "Yeah," then I turned to Kaley, "See you later, alright?"

Kaley rolled her eyes as she scoffed, "Be safe, alright? We'll start without you if you take too long—"

I joked, "That'll be in my favor actually—"

"You doofus! J-Just go! Hmph! W-We'll get ready so you better be ready when you get back…"

I chuckled before leaning in as I kissed her, "Love ya."

"I love you too—"

Honasan interjected, completely oblivious, "G-Get ready for what, sir?"

Everyone else shouted at the top of their lungs, "NOT YOUR BUSINESS! GET OUT!"

"I-I'M SORRY~!!!!"

With that said, Honasan and I took to the skies this late at night, and let's just say he couldn't believe one of the areas we visited when we landed the helicopter ways away from the Rivas Family's precious flowers.

'Me too, bud… Me too…'

But yeah, Edith and Nancy straight-up dove inside my helicopter with their luggage after Sebastian secured the sealed nucs though he was still insisting that we stay a bit for supper which I unfortunately declined. However, his face lit up when I handed him five of our Injector Axes, the Jian I promised Elsa, a case of guns and ammo that contained a Remmington 870, a Benelli M4, and a few automatic rifles, and lastly, a few devices for communication and a little bit of entertainment for this quiet neighborhood.

"My lord, this is—"

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I waved him off, "Mauro's gift will come a little bit later. I can't lift it with this heli. Maybe next time when we use our ship again…"

"T-That's not a problem, my lord… I just wish you and the lady, and Nancy's safe trip… Including your co-pilot…"

"Thank you, Sebastian. Talk to you later—"

And just as we were about to head out, Sal appeared from nowhere and shouted at the top of her lungs:


"AUNTIE!!! STOP~!!!"


"I'm deeply offended m-madam… It might be from that tree—"


On that note, we took to the air again as fast as we landed and we had no trouble flying through the air while it was night. And even if we did somehow attract a few zeds in our direction, we'd just drag them right back because we used the same flight path.

Anyhow, I did wake up some of my sleeping neighbors once we got back, and right after I attended to Zeus' needs once again and thanked Honasan for a prompt assist, I let him go on his merry way with a few goodies though the atmosphere and the vibe in my house instantly changed—even making Zeus know what's up as he left in a hurry.

But yeah, it was still a little too chill at the moment because as I let Edith and Nancy place their luggage in one of the rooms available, everyone else was just chilling in my room wearing pajamas and had a blanket covering one, a pair, or a cluster of them, watching a random movie and eating some popcorn.

I did introduce the two to the others who haven't known them yet but they all knew what was up with a single glance toward each other.