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Chasing The Rejected

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60 -DAMON- I held onto Clara's hand as they rushed! she was losing more blood.

rushed her towards the emergency ward on a stretcher. My whole body was covered with her blood and as They pushed her into the ward and two male nurses heldback.

"I'm sorry sir, you can't go in there" One of them uttered and I grabbed him by the neck as i glared down at him. "She's my wife and I have to be next to her" I muttered through clenched teeth then let go of his neck and was about to run in when Luca heldback "You are only going to make things worse. The doctors wouldn't be able to help her if you're there breathing down their necks!" Luca muttered but his words didn't calmdown.

If I was near her, she would wake up. She had to.

"Let go ofLuca" I commanded in a threatening tone and he sighed.

"Let them help her, Damon. You can't do anything so let them do their job" He murmured before slowly letting go ofand I frowned. He was right, he was always right..

I let out a sigh then moved away from the door and the nurses immediately bowed their heads before running back in.

"She's p going to be okay?" I murmured softly and couldn't even recognize my voice at that moment. It was so thick with emotions.

"We can only hope but Clara is a strong girl" He murmured then ledtowards a chair and we both sat down. Delilah was seated across fromwith Clara's blood all over her body.

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She sat there, staring into space with silent tears running down her cheeks. She had exhausted herself from crying loudly all the way here.

I turned away from her as I looked at the floor and for the first tiny life, I prayed. I prayed for my wife's life and promised to be a better husband this taround.

"Have you identified the man?" I questioned after a while and Luca sighed.

"You practically mutilated his face so it was kind of hard finding his identity but Luckily we have the best tech team" He muttered and I turned to glare at him.

"Did you **g find out who he is or not?" I questioned through clenched teeth and he gulped then nodded. going to deal with that later, for "We did. He's from the Lakeview pack, one of the southern packs" He uttered and I clenched my fist. I was going t now all I could think about was Clara.

Hours went by and the Doctors or nurses refused to say a word and the more they ran about with bloody bandages and clothes, the more began to panic "I need to know what's going on" I muttered as I clenched and unclenched my fist. Luca was about to say something when I saw my parents with Alicia running towards us.

"I heard what happened. Is she okay? My mother questioned with wide eyes and Delilah scoffed but didn't say anything but her reaction sent across her message.

11:48 Tue, 2 Jul Chapter 60 66% My mother frowned then let out a sigh as she walked over and sat down next tobut she didn't say nothing, none of them did and I was really grateful for that. I didn't know what I would do if any one of the talked down on Clara.

At that moment, The Doctor walked out of the emergency ward and I got up immediately and walked over to him.

"My wife, how is she?" I questioned immediately and he sighed.

"There was a lot of blood and the wounds on her body were deep and it isn't healing quickly because she was stabbed and sliced with silver. Sof her bones are broken and I think she took a blow to her throat so she won't be able to talk properly when she wakes up. She's a strong woman and reacted well to treatment. I've done all I can and now, we just have to wait for her to wake up. Unfortunately, I'm sorry to say that the baby she was carrying didn't survive the attack" The Doctor muttered and at first I didn't hear what he said because a lot of things were running through my hair but as soon as his words dawned on me, I froze with my eyes wide.

A baby?" My mother was the one who asked with a soft voice and the doctor nodded slowly.

"Yes, a baby. She was one month pregnant" The doctor announced and everyone gasped while I stared at him in shock. All along, she was pregnant? "Are... are you sure? She's supposed to be barren. She... she said she couldn't have any children? Why is she pregnant?!" With each sentence, my voice got louder till I was clinging onto the Doctors shoulders. How could she be pregnant?! "...that piece of information is wrong because Mrs Donovan's womb is perfectly fine" The Doctor hurriedly said and I froze before slowly turning to Alicia who was as pale as a ghost.

"Explain!" I screamed and she instantly fell to the ground as she shook with fear.

"I went to her old pack to gather whatever I could on her and I... I met this woman. She was the one who toldClara was barren" Alicia uttered and I clenched my fist and was about to walk up to her when Delilah stood in front ofand slapped Alicia across the face.

"I won't allow my brother touch a witch like you. You did this because of your obsession with him huh?!" She screamed before landing another slap on Alicia's face while we all stood there watching her as she poured her anger into the sleep.

*Because of you, my best friend is fighting for her life inside that room and doesn't even know that's she's pregnant" Delilah screamed then landed another slap that made Alicia fall flat on her back.

"Clara also believed she was Barren... that wasn't my doing" Alicia managed to say and I frowned. She was right. Why had Clara thought she was Barren? Delilah was about pounce on Alicia again but Luca held her back.

"Letgo!" Delilah screamed but Luca held onto her tightly.

"If you don't let Delilah finish her, I will and I'll be much more brutal about it" I threatened Luca but before he could say anything. My mother jumped in front of me.

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"I know what she did was was wrong but she's still your cousin. You can't kill her" My mother uttered and I scoffed.

"I can't? You want to bet? I can kill you if need be so who is she that I can't kill?" I muttered and my words shocked my mother and I knew they all I knew I wasn't joking. They might be my family and I might be attached to them on a certain level but I could kill them if they ever betrayed me.

"Damon, you're being unreasonable" My mother exclaimed and I scoffed.

"I'm being unreasonable? I just f**g lost my y child that i wasn't aware and neglected my wife all because I thought she was barren! She calledbefore she was attacked! I was the first person she called and I couldn't even save her! So pardonfor wanting to kill the person 2/3 11:48 Tue, 2 Jul 66%

that started this all in the first place. If the hadn't said anything, I would be with Clara and our child wouldn'th have died!" screamed and couldn't stop the team from rolling down my cheeks. My mother's face immediately softened as tears rolled down her cheeks as well.

"You need to understand that we are all at fault here. You can't just blAlicia, she didn't force you to stay away from Clara. She didn't force you to neglect her and if you hadn't, your child wouldn't have di..." Before my father found complete his sentence, I landed a punch on eyes turned bright red hi che He flashed his red eyes back atthen snarled and was about to pounce onwhen we all heard a soft voice.

"Who's child" i abruptly turned towards the voice and my eyes widened when I saw A frail looking Clara leaning against the wall as she with wide eyes. I could barely recognize her voice because of her shaky and hoarse it sounded.


walked towards her but she held up her hand to stop me.

"Who's child died?" She managed to to scream as loud as she could before her legs gave out and she fell to the ground and I immediately rushed up to her, She weakdy tried to pushaway but when she realized it was fatal, she stopped and began to wail in my arms while I clung onto her for As much as I didn't want to admit it, my father was right, I wasn't forced to stay away from her. I stayed away because I was being stubborn 1 to blfor the ver going to forgive myself but selfishly, I hoped Clara wouldn't hatefor how I treated her sight, I held her tighter X