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Chasing The Rejected

Chapter 101
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Chapter 101 -CLARA- I sat down on Damon's mother's bed and smiled down at her. She had woken up not too long ago and to say the Alpha King was happy was an understatement.

He refused to leave his mate's side and was always peering down at her even while I was giving her the medicine.

"Thank you dear. I feel so much better already" She murmured and I smiled.

"Well Damon made this medicine along with me. He was worried about you" I murmured and I knew that made her happy because of how wide her smile got.

"I cannot thank you enough. Because of you, Damon's attitude towards us isn't as bad as it used to be so thank you" She murmured and I smiled.

"Your son always cared about you both. He just has a hard tshowing it. Today's medicine wasn't that harsh but y tomorrow's own. It's bitter" luttered and she grimaced which madegiggle.

t you won't like I stood up from the bed and the Alpha King escortedout of the room.

"Thank you for helping my wife and for helping my son as well. I know deep down you hatebut I'm not that bad. My son just needs a firm hand to handle him but despite that, he still does whatever he wants. He may be my son but I'm the Alpha King and I cannot be partial with him because he's going to take my place one day and I want him to be a better Alpha King than I was" He uttered and I paused in my steps then turned to him.

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"I'll admit You're not my favorite person but I understand why you do what you do. I'm married to Damon and even I want to throw him into the Abyss stime" I joked and he chuckled.

"You are the perfect woman for Damon. You'll be a great Queen Luna. Now, I have to po attend to my Queen Luna" He murmured then winked atbefore walking away and I couldn't help but notice how similar Damon is to his father.

I smiled slightly then walked away. When I walked out of their mansion, I found Damon waiting forat the foot of the stairs.

"You have been waiting?" I questioned as I walked up to him. He turned toand a smile appeared on his face before he opened his arms and I immediately ran into it.

"Yes" He uttered dimply before placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Why didn't you cin? Your mother would have been happy to see you" I murmured and he frowned before scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm not good with sappy stuff so i'd rather wait out here for you. Enough of that, I want to take you out on a date tonight" He murmured and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Oh? Why all of a sudden? Because you found out I can make medicine?" I joked and he rolled his eyes at me. "Because tomorrow, we'll start planning our wedding. You'll go shopping for your wedding gown. I want to make you my Luna as soon as possible so i want to go one last day with you as my contracted wile" He murmured as he pushed my hair behind my ear and my eyes widened before I let out a piggle.

"You can't wait to wedagain huh?” I murmured and he pulledclose and slammed his lips on mine.

"I can't wait to call you my Luna and I cannot wait for our honeymoon" I murmured and I giggled before letting him carryback to the 12:10 Tue, 2 Jul Chapter 101 mansion..

M Delilah cto my room later to helpget ready for the date and she updatedon everything that has been going on between her and Luca withouteven asking.

"He said he'll try to talk to Damon but knowing my brother, he's going to make things difficult for us" She murmured then plopped down on the bed.

"Do you wantto talk to Damon? I'm sure I can talk ssense into him. I don't think it's right for him to control Luca that way. Heck, he should even be happy Luca and you are in love because he trusts Luca the most" I uttered.

"Right? My brother is unbelievable sometimes. He's so pig-headed, I don't think even you can change his mind and even if you can, I don't want you to. I want Luca to fight for us, that's the only way he can show how serious he is about me. I just hope I don't get heartbroken again Anyway, what are you going to wear?" She questioned as she stood up from the bed and walked into the closet.

Damon had given us space because he said he wanted to be surprised when he saw me. I wonder where he was at the moment.

Delilah picked out a green sparkly short gown that complimented my eyes. Green wasn't my favorite color but the dress onwas starting to change my mind about that.

After that, Delilah helpedwith my hair and makeup and by the tshe was done, like always, I couldn't recognize myself.

"You did a better job than those professionals if I'm being honest I murmured as I couldn't stop staring at myself. I wasn't saying the professionals own wasn't good but Delilah's own looked more natural.

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"Well I am perfect in every way, you don't have to tell me. Let's go down so I can get Damon's expression on camera" She murmured then wiggled her phone atand I chuckled.

She ledout of the room and I took a deep breath as we walked down the stairs, knowing fully well that Damon was waiting forat the foot of the stairs.

As soon as my eyes met his, we both held our breath at the stime. He looked absolutely dashing in his outfit and his laid back hair. How could one be so handsome? He reached out a hand toand I immediately took it.

"If this is how beautiful you're going to look on our wedding day then I might as well marry you tonight" He murmured and I giggled.

"I can guarantee you that I would look better than this on our wedding night" i murmured seductively and a low growl escaped his lips makingknow he approved of my words. I was just about to say something when a female voice uttered from behind.

"Damon?" She called out and I saw Damon freeze with his eyes wide. He slowly turned around and at that! moment I was able to see the owner of the voice and damn, she had to be the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

Her blond hair flowed down to her waist and her blue eyes were so om bright and unreal. She was wearing a loose gown but even they couldn't hide how curvy she was. She was absolutely breathtaking. "A. Alicia?" He called out her nin shock and a bright smile immediately appeared on her beautiful face.

She threw the luggage she was holding and ran towards us. I stood there frozen as she jumped into Damon's arms and hugged him tightly.

Chapter 101 "I've missed you so much" She murmured and a growl escaped my throat before I could stop it.

My wolf didn't like her one bit...