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Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

Chapter 247 244: Alchemy of God (1)
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Chapter 247 244: Alchemy of God (1)

Val had all the ingredients and items needed to refine the level 3 bloodline upgrading portion of the Whitemore.

However, he still lacked one thing.

It was the knowledge of alchemy itself.

Now, he knew he had two ways to acquire this much-needed knowledge.

The first was to spend points at the Arcane Library, where ancient texts and mystical scrolls could provide the information he needed. This method, although reliable, would cost him valuable points that he might need for something else later on.

The second option was to ask Gruul if he knew how to perform alchemy. If Gruul did, Val just needed to command him to teach him alchemy, and the problem would be solved. After all, Val was the Devil God, and Gruul would obediently follow his command.

This method was free, and Val liked the idea of conserving his resources whenever possible. So, deciding that it was worth a shot, Val opted for the free method first.

"Gruul," Val called out, and Gruul's attention focused on him.

"Yes?" Gruul asked.

"Can you perform alchemy?" Val asked.

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"I can." Gruul nodded his head.

"Great. Can you teach it to me?" Val asked.

"Anything for you, Master," Gruul replied unhesitatingly.

"Alright, let's not waste any more time. Teach it to me now," Val said.

"To explain it in layman's terms, alchemy is the art of mixing the extracts of different ingredients in such a way that they harmonize, resulting in the successful production of an elixir," Gruul explained.

"It sounds straightforward enough," Val remarked

"Don't let the simplicity fool you. Alchemy requires a meticulous approach. A minor error can either produce a useless dud or, in the worst-case scenario, result in a dangerous explosion. So it's not to be taken lightly," Gruul warned.

"Got it," Val said.

Gruul was pleased to see that his warning had not fallen on deaf ears. It was evident from Val's expression and reply that he was taking it seriously.

Val took a deep breath and said, "I'm planning on refining a bloodline upgrading potion that uses three ingredients. Namely, they are the Royal Nectar, scales of the Eldertail Snake, and the Spiritroot of the Verdant Giant. I could use your guidance to get this right."

Gruul nodded and replied, "I'll certainly guide you to the best of my abilities. However, understand that the ultimate success or failure of the potion will be determined by your own skill and focus."

Val looked at Gruul intently, as he uttered. "Don't hold back when instructing me. Treat me like I'm your student, not your master. If I make a mistake, I want to know."

Gruul was honestly a bit taken aback upon hearing Val's words as it was the first time he had heard a devil god make such an odd request. But he also felt a sense of responsibility towards him.

"Very well. Since you've given me permission, I won't hesitate to correct you or reprimand you if you make an error. We're venturing into a precise and delicate craft; your willingness to accept guidance is a good first step," Gruul said.

"Alright, guide me through the first step. What should I focus on initially?" Val was eager to begin.

"The first thing you need to do is to purify the ingredients. Impurities, especially the forces of corruption inside them, can negatively affect the quality of the elixir you're trying to create. Use a pure form of energy like holy power to cleanse them," Gruul advised Val.

Upon hearing this, Val extended a portion of his soul power outward, giving Gruul a sample to sense.

"Would this suffice?" he asked, seeking Gruul's expertise.

Gruul felt that Val's soul power was relatively pure and could be used to eliminate the force of corruption present within the ingredients.

Thus, he nodded approvingly, "Your soul power is definitely pure enough to do the job. But remember, the real challenge here isn't just having pure energy; it's being able to precisely target and remove the impurities without damaging the essential qualities of the ingredients. Do you want to proceed on your own, or would you like me to assist?"

Val pondered for a moment before replying, "I'd like to give it a try myself. If I can't manage this basic step on my own, then there's little point in attempting the more intricate aspects of alchemy."

Gruul's face broke into a smile of approval. He thought to himself, 'His willingness to tackle challenges head-on, even when failure is a possibility, is precisely the quality that a Devil God of Evil should possess. Since he isn't afraid of failure, he will go on to do great things.'

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Val activated his heavenly eye, making the ingredients become see-through. He could see precisely where the force of corruption was concentrated inside each ingredient. Focusing, he rolled up his sleeves, mentally prepared himself, and carefully channeled his pure soul power directly towards those spots. The force of corruption began to diminish under the influence of his soul power. Val maintained a steady flow of energy until every trace of corruption was purged.

Just as he thought he had completed the task, something surprising and miraculous occurred. Each ingredient started to emit a soft glow. They appeared ten times more precious, almost as if they had undergone a metamorphosis, becoming a butterfly from a moth. They looked healthier and more vibrant compared to before they started glowing.

Gruul was profoundly shocked, almost struggling to grasp what he had just witnessed.

The quality of the ingredients has improved because Val has purified them.

The implication of this was staggering. It wasn't just that Val had managed to purify the ingredients; he had done so without damaging them in the slightest, causing their qualities to elevate. Such a feat was unheard of, even among experienced alchemists. Even Morkus, known to be a master of the craft, couldn't achieve such finesse at will. And Val had managed to do this for three different ingredients, which clearly indicated that this wasn't some accidental stroke of luck. His ability was truly remarkable, bordering on prodigious!

Curious about what had just happened, Val turned to Gruul and asked, "Can you explain what just occurred? Why are the ingredients glowing?"

Gruul quickly composed himself and said, "The quality of alchemy ingredients will improve when all impurities are perfectly removed without damaging the core essence. You've achieved precisely that, causing their quality to increase rapidly."

"I see." Val said.

After a moment of silence, Gruul asked, "Master, is this really your first time performing alchemy?"

Val nodded without hesitation. "Or else why would I be here, receiving your guidance?"

Overwhelmed, all Gruul could muster was, "You have an extraordinary talent for purifying alchemy ingredients, Master."

"Since the first step went well, shall we move on to the next one?" Val said.

Gruul nodded.