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Chapter 277: Unsightly
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Chapter 277: Unsightly

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 12:29

Location- Sky Blossom City, Sky Blossom Card Stadium, VIP Box no.1

“My eyes! By god what did I just see? Delete! Delete! Delete! ” I yelled in disbelief as I saw 6 naked old men flexing their loose and saggy muscles at me. Thankfully each of them seem to be missing their male genitalia as they appeared to be remnant spirits.

These 6 old men were none other than the 6 different coloured suns that had surrounded me. They appeared as the sun to my naked eyes as nake eyes could not see past the bright rays of light emitted by the weird inscriptions on each of their foreheads. Each of the inscriptions read different and glowed in different colours, Red, Blue, Green, Black, Yellow and Purple.

“Old people, stop flexing your baggy skin.

It’s disgusting.” I addressed the old fellows unable to bear the disgusting sight of them flex their unsightly baggy skin.

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“Old green, did that little guy just talk to us?” Asked the old man with the blue coloured inscription in astonishment hearing me address them.

“Yes, Mr Blue old man, I was talking to you guys. What is this place? Who are you guys and what are the glowing interceptions on your foreheads?” Since I did not know the current situation I was in I decided to be a bit lowkey.

“Fuq, that Brat is really talking to us!” Cried out the old man with green-coloured Inscription.

“Fool, that is old news. He says he can see the inscriptions on our foreheads.” exclaimed the old man with blue coloured inscription in shock.

“I call dibs. He is mine.” Claimed the old man with the yellow-coloured inscription on his forehead.

“I found him first so he is mine.” Yelled the old man with the blue coloured inscription.

“I am the oldest one so it is only fair I have the boy.” Said the old man with the green coloured inscription.

“Shut up you old fools, your seniority is nothing in front of my might. The boy is mine.” Exclaimed the old man with the purple coloured inscription on his forehead. He did not seem to care about the seniority or first come first serve, he felt only the mighty had the right to pick first.

“Silence, the boy is mine. I will kill you all if I have to.” Yelled the old man with the red coloured inscription intimidating the rest of the old man.

As the old men were busy fighting to make me their property I silently analysed them. Soon I noticed that the glow of each of the inscriptions was different in intensity. The Red coloured inscription was the brightest next came Purple, followed by Green, Blue, yellow and black. Surprisingly the old man with the black-coloured inscription seemed familiar. After scrutinising him keenly I realised that the face on the severed head and the old man with black colour inscription were the same. The severed head belonged to the old man with black coloured inscription.

With my observations, I made four assumptions,

1. The strength of the old men was proportional to the intensity of the glow of the inscription on their forehead.

2. The old man with the black-coloured inscription on his forehead was the card emperor who was slain by Anna.

3. All these old men have the strength of a card emperor at the least.

4. These old men were not hiding the fact that they had plans for me. Whether the said plans were good for me or bad was yet to be confirmed.

Speculating all these I started to look for a way out but felt different coloured light rays lock me to my current position unable to move a step backwards or forward. Experiencing all these events even a fool would know these old men had no good intention towards me. I was not stupid enough to believe that I was fortunate enough to find a mysterious space in the severed head and the old men were fighting to make me their disciple.

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“Old Red, you may be strong but if all 5 of us gang up on you, even you will not be our match. What do you say, old fellows?” The old man with the green coloured inscription.

“Yes!” The rest of the four old fogies agreed in unison.

“But while you though? Little black, you will be the first to die if you join these guys.” The old man with the red coloured inscription agreed with the old man with green coloured inscription, 5 of them were too many for him to handle. So, he intimidated the old man with the black inscription to not have any thoughts of joining the other guys in rebellion against him.

“Leave me out of this, I am still recovering and getting used to this new state, unlike you old guys.” The old man with the black inscription chose to stay neutral as he was still in a recovery period having died a few hours ago. Unlike the other old men who have spent nearly 5 centuries adjusting to his Ego temple, he was still a greenhorn.

“So what? We were never counting on him to make any worthy contribution, better him not participate than become a liability.” The old man with Purple inscription on his forehead believed that his strength was enough to make up for two of them, himself and the old man with black coloured inscription.

“Come on then, what are you waiting for? An invitation.” The old man with the red coloured inscription seemed to be very confident of his strength and looked down on the other four card emperors.

“Old Red, you seem to be forgetting something. This is no longer a battle of might and prowess, instead, it is going to be a battle of iteration. Who is going to outlast the other? No matter how strong you are, are you confident that you can outlast us four? ” The old man with the green coloured inscription explained the situation to the old man with the red coloured inscription.

“Old green, I know you. Someone as cunning as you are not dumb to leak your info to your enemy unless you want to and planned something else. What are you up to, old green?” The old man with the red coloured inscription was confident in his strength to defeat the other four of his competitors but he was not confident that he had enough stamina to fight a battle of iteration with all four of them. Therefore he finally calmed down and was willing to listen to the old man with green coloured inscription.

“Simple, how about we take turns with the boy? As the strongest among us, you will be the first. Followed by Purple, me, Blue, yellow and finally Black. After all, we all have been together for centuries in this blank space. Why waste such comradery by fighting among ourselves over a little boy? ” The old man with green coloured inscription proposed that they all will share me based on each other’s strength.

‘What the fuq are these old fogies planning? The more I hear them the faster my heart races in fear of me losing my spiritual butthole to 6 ugly old men. The one thing assuring me that I may have misunderstood their interaction right now is that they do not have male genitalia.’ Despite my worries and fears, I could do nothing being locked at the same spot as a statue under the influence of the ray of light emitted by the various coloured inscriptions.

“Old green, it seems you have misunderstood something? I want the boy completely for myself. There is no compromise there. And if you back off now for old time sake I will let you guys live in the old black’s severed head. Otherwise do not blame me!” It seems the old man with the red-coloured inscription never planned to share the bounty with his friends. And even dared to go as far as murdering all of his friends to get what he wants. And have a monopoly over me.

“Old red, don’t be cocky. No matter how strong you are, even you can’t fight and win all four of us at once. This doesn’t have to be like this, let’s peacefully resolve this.” The old man with the green-coloured inscription wanted to avoid going on war against the old man with the red inscription. As he knew even if all 4 of them were able to defeat the old man with the red coloured inscription, they would not come out unscathed. And once the old man with the red coloured inscription is taken care of he doesn’t believe his allies will continue to stay allied.