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Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 268: Unreasonable
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Chapter 268: Unreasonable

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 11: 25

Location- Sky Blossom City, Sky Blossom Card Stadium, VIP Balcony, Chou Family

“Thank you” after handing over Pax to Chou family medics. Eliza and the Twins thanked Cortney gratefully and in embarrassment. As they never thought that the person to help them in their dire need would be Cortney who pushed them into the dire situation in the first place.

“Do not thank me, I did not do this for you people. I did it for Wyatt.” Cortney has seen and noted all the people who entered the VIP box one with me. Being a seasoned street hustler she could tell who was close to me and who was not. Pax being the one who helped me fulfil my dream of building a mecha was indeed close to me compared to his sister.

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Noticing that Cortney, who for some reason thinks we are friends, decided to help me rescue Pax. As Pax was being carried by the fake medic’s Cortney attached her chameleon wraith to Pax. Which when nobody was noticing swallowed unconscious Pax from the crystal coffin and returned to Cortney.

“Anyway, we are grateful for your help.” Eliza did not seem to have forgotten that they were in the current predicament because of Cortney in the first place.

“Whatever” Cortney did not care for Eliza and the twins’ gratefulness and grudges.

“Did we come at the wrong time, guys?” As the atmosphere turned awkward with the cold war between the girls. Elliott, Susan and the rest of the gang came to check on us.

“Nope, what is happening? Will the tournament semifinals and finals be postponed? Any news?” I asked, trying to talk about something that everyone can participate in.

“You would want that, wouldn’t you, you coward. The tournament will continue, as usual, the demigod worshippers are killed by grandpa and other city leaders. You can withdraw your summons. They are an eyesore.” I received the answer from Corey, who just entered the VIP balcony in search of Susan.

“Okay, that’s it. I thought ignoring you would be best but it seems like you have mistaken my patience as my weakness. What’s your problem? What do you want from me?” I snapped at Corey

“What’s my problem? How dare you talk to me like that? Don’t you know what I want? I want big sis Susan, give her to me, you mother stealing rogue.” Corey, as if waiting for this moment went berserk.

“How many times do I have to remind you dumbass? I will not give Susan to you. She is mine, how dare you covert what’s mine, you cry baby.” Two can play at that game, I wasn’t backing down or just ignore her thinking that it was beneath me, like the previous times. I had to make clear to this dumbass that Susan was an important part of the card empire I was dreaming to build.

“You, rogue! How can you claim an unmarried young woman as your property? Big Sis Susan see did I not warn you that you can not trust this guy. He is dangerous, immediately resign and come work with me as my partner.” Hearing my words, Corey smirked and her eyes smiled brilliantly then she began making false accusations against me and persuading Susan to resign from working for me while seducing her by offering her a better offer to work with her.

‘This bitch’ I cursed Corey in my mind and turned to see Susan, her face was bright red and when our eyes met she shyly said, “I am too old for you.”

I understood that my words earlier were misinterpreted by Corey and People followed her narration and misunderstood what I was trying to imply by saying ‘Susan is mine’. I wanted to explain myself but the moment had passed and speaking now would only hurt Susan’s feelings.

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“Big sis, see he is not even denying it. Wyatt how shameless and brazen can you be to covet your female employees. You beast.” Yep, my silence only paved the way for Corey to slander me endlessly. This bitch had to be taught a lesson just as was I going to go berserk on Corey, Susan spoke up,

“Corey enough, Wyatt is a good boss and good person. Do not slander him. Did I not warn you not to do something like this? It’s my choice where I work, and I chose to work with Wyatt. If you continue further with your shenanigans I will not speak to you anymore.” Susan glared at Corey like a mama bear covering for her baby.

“But big sis he clearly has ill intentions towards you…. ” overstated Corey but seeing no change in Susan’s stance she turned to me and yelled, ” You, you are only good at hiding behind a woman.”

“Corey, stop it. You look pathetic. Since you so desperately want Susan to work in your card studio it’s almost as if you are the one coveting Susan.” I was comfortable with my gender enough to have women fight my battles, beauty, brain and brawn, these are the things I appreciate in women.

“You, you… how about we make a bet? Huh! Are you man enough to bet with me?” Corey tried to can’t me by questioning my masculinity.

“Depends on how and what we are betting on?” I was interested in betting with Corey, as I had long wanted to teach this bitch a lesson.

“We bet on our upcoming card duel, the winner gets to work with Big Sis Susan. So, what do you say, deal or no deal” Corey’s desire of having Susan work with her in her card studio seems to have not died with Susan making it clear that she prefers to work for me.

“Nope first of whom Susan chooses to work with is not up to me to decide and secondly, I stand to gain nothing from this bet. If I lose, I will lose a trusted employee and friend but if I win, I get nothing as Susan is already working for me. This is basically an unfair and unreasonable bet.” Corey’s appetite was large, she wanted to take Susan while betting nothing in return. Ain’t she a genius.