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Burning Passion: Love Never Die

Chapter 1656
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He staggered and failed to steady himself, falling into the water.

People exclaimed and Blair turned her head to look at Wesley. She happened to see him being carried downriver before vanishing beneath the tide.

“Wesley!” Blair yelled hysterically, feeling devastated.

What was worse, the big tree that was used to fasten the rope was flushed away by the flood and drifted downstream.

Angela’s Library

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“Wesley!” Blair yelled at the top of her lungs. If it weren’t for several people dragging her back from the water’s edge, she would have jumped into the water to follow him.

“Girl, don’t worry. We’ll save him.” Two rescue workers tried to comfort Blair. Then they ran downstream along the banks while trying to raise other workers on their walkie-talkies.

Blair broke free from those people’s grip and ran after the rescue workers barefoot.

Blair had never been in such a pitiful state before. Her hair was dripping wet, plastered to her head, and there were even leaves on her face and shoulders. Her clothes weren’t in the best state, either. The harness had done nothing to enhance her appearance. Due to high fever, her face was as red as a tomato. Her lips were blue with cold.

Splotches of mud marred her otherwise elegant beauty.

Her sneakers were gone, and she had minor cuts and grazes along her once-smooth feet. She looked much more like a homeless person than a young professional woman.

“Wesley!” Blair cried his nhysterically while running downstream, but Wesley was nowhere to be found.

Her head was splitting thanks to the high fever. Blair staggered. When two men caught up to her to steady her, her eyes dulled and she slumped to the ground.

‘Wesley, please be safe!’ This was her only wish before she lost consciousness.

By the tBlair woke up again, she was in the military hospital in

Alorith. She opened her eyes, and the first person she lay eyes on was


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When he saw her open her eyes, Miller immediately pressed the nurse-call button. Soon, a doctor and several nurses hurried in and gave her a thorough check-up.

“How are you feeling now? Are you hurt anywhere?” the doctor asked.

Blair nodded.

“I have a headache.” She raised her hand and touched the bandage around her forehead.

“When you passed out, you bumped your head on a rock. Don’t worry.

There doesn’t seem to be any Lasting damage. An MRI confirmed no bruising or bleeding in your brain. We’ll need to run smore tests to be sure. Is anything else hurting?” the doctor asked.

Blair shook her head slowly. They then looked at her pupils and conducted a few quick tests for reaction tand memory. They even gave her cognitive tests like reciting the alphabet backwards. Miller stood by quietly, holding her hand through all of this.

Taking a look at the test results, the doctor told Miller, “Blair is expected to recover quickly. We’re going to keep her under observation for two days. If everything is fine, she can be discharged. Please take good care of her.”

Miller nodded.