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Burning Passion: Love Never Die

Chapter 1651
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They were unprepared for the downpour, which had occurred almost instantly without the slightest warning. They had to ask for support from their superiors.

Two hours passed, but the torrential flood kept rushing down with a terrifying force, showing no intentions of stopping.

The soldiers had lost no tevacuating the villagers. So, luckily, there were no human lives lost. But their houses were completely destroyed and their livestock and grains were all gone.

Several hundred tourists who had just entered the scenic spot were lucky enough. They were found by the soldiers and left in time. Those who had entered a long tago were not so lucky. The soldiers were still searching for them, but they were too far in.

The rainstorm was getting heavier and heavier, causing great difficulties for the soldiers in their rescue mission. Visibility was already down to three or four meters.

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Miller and Blair had gotten separated due to the torrential flood. The umbrella had been in his hand, and he was nowhere to be found.

Even people who could swim perfectly might have Lost their lives in the face of such a powerful flood. Blair didn’t even know how to swim. She could only walk up the mountain in the heavy rain.

Blair was with the girl who shared the sroom with her, a new employee of Miller’s company.

The girl had an umbrella, but it was of no use in the rainstorm. The two ran helter-skelter along the trail, trying to find skind of shelter they could stay dry under. But the sunhelpful trees, rocks, and root systems met them at every turn.

Eventually, they were out of Luck. Even though they kept moving up the mountain, the flood still lapped at their ankles. They had to hold onto a huge tree branch hand in hand to prevent the flood from

washing them away.

The girl could no Longer hold back her tears.

A N G E L A ‘s L I B R A R Y

“It’s so terrifying. I can’t swim. Are we going to die? Why isn’t there someone to save us?” she sobbed.

It was the first tthat Blair had encountered a natural disaster like this. She was terrified as well. But she was still a little calmer than the girl. She encouraged her, “Hey, get a grip! Yesterday, I saw troops stationed near the South Mountain. Don’t worry. They’ll send out rescue teams. They have to build lost person profiles, ping our cellphones, figure out where we are, and set up search points to safely intercept us. It’s just a matter of tbefore they find us. All we need to do now is stay alive.”

“I…I know. But we can’t even find shelter. Even if we’re not washed away, pneumonia and hypothermia will do us in. Look at us-we’re soaked to the bone.” She held Blair’s hands tighter. Their hands were cold as ice. They were starting to Lose body temperature rapidly; color had drained from both their faces. Blair was on her period, and feeling weak. ‘I probably didn’t get enough water, ‘ she thought.

Blair was not the hardiest woman at the best of times. Now that her feet were soaked in the cold water, she felt her energy running Low.

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“Don’t cry or talk. We need to save our energy. This mountain is full of stones, and the flood isn’t strong enough to dislodge those. But we have to keep climbing.” The two girls began to move up the mountain again.

The trail was so slippery they had to be extra cautious. Blair not only had to keep alert, but also had to take care of the girl. The water was constantly rising. Out of options, Blair clenched her teeth and leaped onto a huge rock.

On the rock, Blair saw Miller and his colleagues on another huge rock.

The two groups were separated by the surging floodwaters.

Blair wasted no tand pulled the girl onto the rock as well. The two girls finally heaved a sigh.

Blair wiped the water from her face, smoothing her rain-slicked hair back, and looked around. The situation was rather grim.

The floodwaters seemed to be everywhere, rushing past them, brown with the occasional log ripped from the forest. If the flooding didn’t stop, they had to go higher. But the rock was so smooth that they wouldn’t be able to scale it.

With shaking hands, she fished her phone out of her pocket and dialed the emergency call for the umpteenth time. But the result was the same.

There was no signal at all.

Blair trembled from the coldness. Staring at the running water, she couldn’t help missing Wesley. If he was here, he would be able to save her.