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Burning Passion: Love Never Die

Chapter 1563
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“Yes, Talbot bought it. But on your order, Wesley!’ Blair sulked. If there weren’t so many students watching them, she would have tossed it at his face.

After Wesley left, the other soldiers in camouflage uniforms got up and left the canteen in no time.

Meanwhile, Blair was surrounded by a group of girls before she could say a word to Joslyn.

“Blair, do you know Wesley?”

“Why does he treat you so well? He gave you first aid himself.”

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“What’s the relationship between you two?”

The girls bombarded Blair with a barrage of questions. To avoid more trouble, she shook her head vigorously.

“No, no. I don’t know him. He once trained Joslyn andin the college ground. That’s all.”


Her reply disappointed the girls. They sighed with pity and dispersed

After the girls left, the boy student, who had knocked into Blair earlier, cover to apologize to her.

“Blair, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to do it. How about I take you to the clinic now?”

Blair took a look at her scalded arm. A few blisters had formed on the scalds. But she said, “No. I’ll try applying the ointment first. If that doesn’t work, I’ll go see a doctor.”

The boy nodded. After his friends reminded him, he exchanged contact information with Blair. He told her that if she needed any help, she could call him at any time.

Blair and Joslyn left the canteen and walked to a pavilion on the campus. Joslyn helped Blair apply the ointment to the wound. As she wiped her hands with a wet tissue, Joslyn asked, “Did you two quarrel?”

Blair shook her head.

“We’re not a couple. Not that close to have a quarrel. But he looked down on me. Joslyn, what do I see in him? Why would I fall in love with such a sharp-tongued man? He doesn’t deserve to have a girlfriend!”

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Joslyn was surprised by Blair’s anger.

“What on earth happened? What did he say to you? Why are you so angry?” Blair was a soft and patient girl. She always smiled to everyone. Joslyn seldom saw her like this.

‘Maybe she Loves Wesley so much that she cares about every word that comes out of his mouth, ‘ Joslyn reckoned.

Blair felt embarrassed to repeat Wesley’s words. She blew on her scalded arm and said, “Whatever, he did look down on me. Joslyn, I don’t want to love him anymore. He’s such a jerk!”

Joslyn sighed.

“If you can control your feelings, then just forget about him.”

Like many young girls, Blair had had her first awakening of love when she was around seventeen years old.

She used to admire Wesley as her idol for two years. Then when she was nineteen, their paths had finally crossed. Since then, she had secretly loved him and had tried to pursue him. So, to be precise, she had loved him for more than three years

The two girls silently sat on the bench of the pavilion, watching the students cand go around the campus. Occasionally, they could hear sstudents gossiping about Blair and Wesley. It seemed like the students had already begun to put their names together