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Bumpkin's Rich Handsome Husband

Chapter 513
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Chapter 513 Released by Antheena

Inside the castle, Veronica lay in bed and tried to take a rest, but her mind was occupied by the events

that unfolded recently. At the same time, she was trying to figure out Matthew’s abduction. She had a

niggling sense that there was something wrong, but she could not figure out the exact issue.

What was it that was so important to Matthew to the point that he was willing to sacrifice one of his

closest aides just to continue carrying out the matter? Veronica thought hard, but she could not seem to

get to the bottom. Finally, she decided to approach Hendrey.

That was also why she did not shrug off his hand when he took her to the cellar. Perhaps the only way

to figure out what was going on was to get to know Hendrey better.

In the afternoon, the servants served her meal into her room. For the rest of the afternoon, Veronica did

not leave her room at all and she spent the entire time daydreaming. Suddenly, she could see from the

balcony that Hendrey, Xavier, and Antheena were at the grassy patch of the backyard.

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She looked on from afar and noticed that they were happily chit-chatting with each other in great spirits.

As for her, she was a caged bird as she remained in her room. At night, dinner was similarly served by

the servants to her room and she ate it regardless.

Night fell and once again, Xavier slipped into her bedroom at midnight like a phantom.

He did not utter a single word, but stood by her bedside and remained in the same position for a long


Had Veronica not sensed that the other party was Xavier, she would have thought that it was a spirit

standing by her bedside.

Suddenly, she smelled a sweet scent and was instantly on guard as she caught a whiff of that. That

smell of incense would cause one to fall unconscious. Immediately, she held her breath and

concentrated on the surroundings. She turned to the other side and conveniently pulled her blanket

closer to cover her mouth and nostrils. Luckily, she did this so naturally that it looked like a person

shifting position in her dreams.

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After Xavier was finally sure that Veronica was fully unconscious, he moved closer and furtively lay

right next to her as the soft bed sagged slightly from his weight.

She was not sure what Xavier was going to do, but she did not dare to maintain her stiff posture to

remain on guard.

In the end, he uncovered the blanket and hugged her sideways. He did not do anything else other than

holding her in his arms.

Meanwhile, Antheena leaned against a tree trunk underneath a tree downstairs. She had one hand in

the pocket of her camo suit while holding a cigarette in between her fingers with the other hand. She

puffed on the cigarette quite frustratedly and there was a downcast look in her eyes.

Inside the room, Xavier held Veronica in his arms and put his face against her soft hair as he took in

the scent of her without making a move. She was oblivious to what was on his mind, but she could

sense that he had no intent to harm her. After some time, he finally left.

As she heard the soft patter of footsteps and the door closing, she focused on the surroundings for a

while before confirming that he had left. Immediately after, she swiftly turned her body and sat up as

she stretched her shins in bed. She felt her body aching all over after maintaining the same position for

a prolonged period. However, she had just sat up in bed for a moment when she perceptively caught

the sound of footsteps outside her door. With a frown, she instantly hid into the bed before covering

herself with the blanket motionlessly.

The person outside entered the room and shut the door before approaching her. Subsequently, the

person leaned over and immediately uncovered the blanket on her.

“Wake up!” a woman chided.

Veronica could tell that it was Antheena’s voice.

She sat up in bed and looked at Antheena in the dark. “Let’s go. You’re leaving right now.”

“I am?” Veronica was suddenly confused by her intention.

However, it suddenly dawned upon Veronica that Xavier had just left not long ago before Antheena

showed up subsequently. Though the two did not bump into each other, there was still an unmistakable

note of anger in Antheena’s voice.

Evidently, she must have misunderstood that something had happened between Veronica and Xavier,

or perhaps she felt that he continued to harbor feelings for Veronica, which explained why she was

sending her away.

“You’ve got two choices here. Leave or die.”

“Alright, alright. I’ll leave. I’ll leave right away!” Veronica scrambled out of bed in a haste. After all, it was

wiser of her to adapt her actions to the current circumstance. She did not care whatever reason

Antheena had to let her go, but she had to leave this place as soon as possible right now. She could

only imagine herself as a burden if she remained any longer.

If she stayed on, then she might ruin all of Matthew’s plans, considering that he might have something

planned. As such, she swiftly put on her shoes and followed Antheena down the stairs.

There were no bodyguards the night before, but there were four of them downstairs tonight. Evidently,

they must have discovered her actions last night, so this was a preventative measure to stop her from


“You there, remove your outfit.” Antheena walked over to the bodyguard by the left side of the stairs

and instructed him.

The bodyguard was slightly stunned. “Miss Antheena, what are you trying to do?”

“I’m ordering you to do as I say right now!” she exclaimed in a cold voice. Perplexed, the bodyguard

glanced from Antheena to Veronica and eventually took off his clothes. He placed his camo suit, a pair

of black boots, and a beret to the ground. Following that, Antheena turned around to look at Veronica.

“Change into this.”


Without any further explanation, Veronica knew why she had to change into this outfit, so she obeyed

her instructions and did accordingly.

As Veronica donned the outfit, Antheena warned the rest, “If anyone amongst the four of you reveals a

single word about this, I’ll definitely kill you myself.”

“Yes, Miss Antheena,” all of them replied in unison.

“Shut up.” Antheena was angered beyond words. Their voices were too loud and she was worried of

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being discovered.

As Veronica completed her outfit, Antheena headed out of the castle immediately with her. She picked

a car from the parking lot and drove out of the place swaggeringly.

Even after leaving the vicinity of the castle, Antheena continued to drive on.

Veronica glanced sideways at her from the front passenger seat and said, “Thanks.”

“There’s no need for that. Just stay away from my man. I’ll let things slide this time, but if I see you

seducing him next time, I won’t hesitate to kill you.”

Antheena was not one who blamed someone blindly without investigating the matter. On the contrary,

she was a very rational person. From the start, she had been told by someone else that Xavier used to

be in love with Veronica. Xavier had also called out Veronica’s name repeatedly in his dreams more

than once. Therefore, Antheena had considered the situation before entering the bedroom; if

something illicit went on between Veronica and Xavier, then Antheena would definitely have taken

Veronica’s life. However, as soon as she uncovered the blanket on Veronica, she noticed from the

weak glimmer on her phone that Veronica’s outfit was untouched, so she was convinced that nothing

had happened between the two of them. As such, Veronica was still alive until this second.

“It’s quite rare to find a woman as rational as you are,” Veronica mentioned and heaved a faint sigh.

“Xavier’s very lucky to have your love. I hope…” She tilted her head and looked out of the window as

she maintained a moment of silence before saying, “that you guys stay together.”

Antheena could fathom Veronica’s well wishes. She kept her eyes on the road as she squinted slightly

before turning to look at Veronica. “I recall that there is some conflict between the two of you. Don’t you

hate him?”

“Whatever it is that happened between us cannot be summarized in a few sentences. I did harbor

hatred toward him in the past, but he’s never intended to harm my life, so I can’t quite find it within

myself to hate him.”

Of course, Veronica was still wary of Xavier as she kept her guards up around him. Even more so, she

repelled him. She had hated him once upon a time, but after getting to know his encounters, she

managed to dispel her hatred.

Screech— The car came to a halt all of a sudden by the road side and Antheena turned to Veronica.

“Get out of the car. This is the furthest I can send you.”