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All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 65 Dinner, And Stalker
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Naperville, where Orton's Superhuman School was located, was blooming with life with the upcoming tournament! It was like a festival to everyone and a show people would pay to watch.

Before going there, Damian was only focused on the mission Darius gave him, but after hearing what Aurora said, about the prize, he wanted to try to win that thing!

So he sat in his hotel room and focused on getting sharp for the tournament. But, of course, that did not last long, as Darius soon knocked on his door.

"Damian, we need to speak," Darius said, which did not give Damian a good feeling.

"It is about the mission, right?"

"Shh, don't say it aloud. Who knows, they might be hearing  us."

Darius then searched inside Damian's room, behind the furniture, the bed, the mirror, and anything that might look like a hidden camera. That mission could not fail, so he would do everything possible to ensure that!

"So? Done with the searching?" Damian said, clearly annoyed by the sudden appearance of Darius.

"Yes, hear me out. The bloodstone is inside the principal's room, with traps and guards caring for the place. Do you have any ideas on how to get inside?" Darius asked.

Damian disliked sharing his secrets with him, like the extent of his abilities or his cloak that would greatly help him in the mission.

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Why? Well, although Darius looked like a decent person, Damian had a hard time trusting someone, and now that he was looking forward to becoming a leader of his organization, it was good to have things on his sleeve.

"I have my way around this, don't worry. But when should I try to take it? I assume the principal will soon discover when I steal it, and he will look for us," Damian said.

He wanted it to happen by the end of the tournament, as he now wanted to him that thing to get his hands on the serum! So that was more important to him than the bloodstone.

"You want to try to win the tournament? Is this what you are talking about? Look, I don't see that happening because you will have to steal it during the last match, and as soon as the tournament ends, we will leave this place before the principals realize something is up," Darius said.

That was like a blow to Damian's heart. So what should he do now?

"Fuck it. Can you at least give me a serum similar to that one? I want it," Damian said.

Darius looked at him and was ready to say no, but then he stopped his sentence, trying to find words.

"Fine. I can use my contacts to get you a serum, but it might take some time. Is that okay with you?" Darius said.

"Of course it is!" Damian said, changing his sad face into a smiley one.

It wouldn't be a problem at all for him. Sure, he wanted the serum as fast as possible, but getting it, in the end, was necessary. Also, with the completion of the mission, he would get other rewards comparable to the serum.

"Alright. Do you want to fight some matches and then lose on purpose later, or do you want not to participate?" Darius asked.

Despite wanting to participate, Damian decided not to. Why should he lose his energy and fight some matches to give up? That would hurt his reputation more than don't participate at all.

Also, if he just watched the tournament, he could cheer for his friends, which was cool and refreshing.

"Just get my name out of this stupid tournament, then," Damian said.

Darius noticed how annoyed Damian was with the sudden giving up. He promised himself he would find ways to compensate him even more, as Darius liked him, especially if he succeeded in that crazy mission.

After Darius left, Damian returned to his focus on sharpening his mind. Even without participating in the tournament, he wanted to feel ready to complete the mission.

"I should explore the area then. Many people are walking around, so no one will suspect me, right?" Damian thought.

He left his room thirty minutes after Darius left it and explored to see the school's interiors.

It was massive! Garmony was not a small place, but Orton's Superhuman School was too big! Damian honestly felt like the place did not need to be that big and was only showing their wealth and power.

"This is the arena."

Damian went to a huge building made of concrete. It was a huge gym where the school's students often practiced their fighting and other sports, where the tournament would occur.

Some workers were already putting the benches around the ring for the audience to see it, and of course, there was a huge panel on the top part, as the tournament would appear on TV too!

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A huge event with many people watching it, and Damian sadly would not participate. He went to the school's main building, yet there were guards, and they did not allow him to go inside!

"Only students of this school can go inside. You are from Garmony. So no, you can't enter," the guard said.

Damian knew something like that would happen, but it did not cost him anything to try.

"I already have a plan in mind, but I will have to wait for the last day to do it."

"Damian, what are you doing here?"

A voice from behind. It was Vanessa, the only teacher that was with them in that tournament.

"Vanessa. I thought you would be busy at this time," Damian said.

"Me? Busy? Yes, you are right. I have to take care of troublesome students, and you are one of them. So, come with me for dinner," Vanessa said.

Damian was hungry and could not refuse a gorgeous woman like Vanessa, "lead the way," he said.

The two looked for a place to eat, yet Damian sensed something was following him the entire way.

"Am I getting crazy? No, my attributes are increasing, so this might be happening!"

He kept looking behind his back, yet he saw nothing.