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Abyssal Lord Of The Magi World-Novel

Chapter 586 - Fourth Order Law Bloodline
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It took a couple of seconds for the Neo-Demons to get over the shock from the news they had just received. Truthfully, it did not matter for them what Zatiel's origin was, as they would follow him no matter what since their loyalty was to the Neo-Demon Race and not the Prima Universe. However, it was still shocking to know that their fearless leader was born in a place dominated by an existence capable of killing Primarchs.

"How is the Alpha Universe?" Ezequiel could not contain that question anymore. He was the most shocked, as he and Yami were like brother and sister.

"Its nature and people are similar to that of the Prima Universe. Unfortunately, I don't know much more since I spent very little time there and my power..." Zatiel made a slight pause as he remembered how weak he was during his first life. Now he could crush suns with his hands and fight worlds, but he was nothing more than a mortal back then.

"Well, let's just say calling me a Rank 0 life form would be a compliment."

The Neo-Demons narrowed their eyes as they read between the lines and realized an important piece of information. Zatiel was definitely a mighty entity in his previous life, and since his first life was nothing major, it meant this was possible his third life.

"But Father, how did you manage to reach the Prima Universe if you were so weak during your time in the Alpha Universe." Dante's question made the eyes of the other Neo-Demon widen.

The Flame Imperator managed to open a portal between both universes. Still, he was possibly an entity above the Law Realm, so they were curious how a Rank 0 life form managed to reach the Prima Universe when not even the Primarchs were aware of the Alpha Universe back then.

"The whole history behind that involves some secrets that you are still too weak to learn. But I will tell you that I did not come to the Prima Universe by choice, but instead forced here by the actions of an individual."

Zatiel's expression became solemn when he spoke the last part and saw how curiosity filled the eyes of the Neo-Demons. Still, they remained silent as they were unsure whether to keep asking.

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He considered things for a moment before giving a soft nod and continuing speaking.

"I reach the Prima Universe due to the actions of the entity I consider my final enemy, Endless Darkness."

The next second, a somber atmosphere hit the room as the Neo-Demons imagined that individual. To be considered the final enemy of Zatiel, a man capable of creating a realm even mightier than Abyss and Baator, that person's power should eclipse Primarchs.

"Is that person connected to the Flame Imperator?"

Zatiel showed some surprise when he heard that question from Dante, and then he smiled. His son was brilliant. The youngest of the Sky Breakers was able to connect the dots immediately and figure out that the final enemy was related to the Alpha Universe.

After all, if Zatiel's soul traveled from the Alpha Universe to the Prima Universe due to that entity's actions, there must be a connection between them.

"Hahaha, not bad. You definitely inherited my wisdom." Zatiel gave an approving nod to Dante before carrying on. "Regarding the Flame Imperator, I am perplexed about that man's identity, but there should not be a connection between him and Endless Darkness, or else there is no way the Prima Universe could still be so peaceful."

Zatiel saw that the Neo-Demons did not fully grasp the gravity of his words, so he added something more.

"If Endless Darkness had emerged during my absence, then at least twenty percent of the Prima Universe would have crumbled into nothingness by now."

Ezequiel and the others found it hard to believe what they had just heard. The Prima Universe was immense, with multiple Principal World capable of augmenting an individual's powers and nine Primarchs. Even the Incarnation of Death and Destruction would find it impossible to erase a fifth of it in one thousand years.

However, according to Zatiel, Endless Darkness was capable of that and much more. They found it hard to imagine such power, much less find a way to stop it.

Zatiel knew the effect his words would have on the Neo-Demons, but very soon, they would rise to a higher realm of life, achieving immortality, and he could not let them relax.

"The pressure you are feeling right now, use it, transform into fuel to grow stronger, but do not let it burn your spirit. Remember, only by gaining immense power do we have the right to be happy."

It was not immediately, but the eyes of the Neo-Demons began to glow with silver flames, with those of Ezequiel transforming into suns.

Zatiel smiled when he felt their fighting spirit and decided to share a piece of good news as a reward.

"Just so you know, the Prima Universe is not entirely hopeless. We have a hero who can act in case everything else is lost. As for his power, let's just say that even I feel awe when he goes all out."

The Neo-Demons' eyes shone when they heard that, and they could not help but smile. Although they did not like to depend on others, knowing there was someone they could rely on until they grew strong enough was reassuring.

"Ok, now that I have a general grasp of what happened during my absence, we can handle most essential matters, but before that, we should finish this." Zatiel's right eye glowed, making karma threads emerge from him. He focused on one, and then his hand vanished into the void.

When the Neo-Demon's hand appeared again, it brought with him a young man. It was none other than the First Neo-Demon Seed Tournament's champion, Nitzer Ictus.

The young Neo-Demon was shocked and confused. Just a moment ago, he was celebrating with his family and friends when suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder and then he appeared in a room with the mightiest figures of the race.

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"Nitzer Ictus greets the Ancestor, Supreme, and the Sky Breakers." Despite the shock, the young Neo-Demon was able to control his emotion very fast and bowed to the people in the room.

Ezequiel and the Sky Breakers gave a slight nod to the young Neo-Demon, and they immediately understood what Zatiel wanted to do.

Nitzer's victory ceremony was interrupted due to Zatiel's sudden arrival, so instead of letting the young man wait, they decided to handle it immediately.

The Supreme Neo-Demon waved his hand, making a shining drop of blood the size of a fist emerge from his space ring.

The intensity of the bloodline force and the deep power of the miniature runes inside the drop made it evident that it came from a bloodline's core, but the most shocking part was its level, a Law Bloodline.

Unfortunately, some damage in the bloodline made its power weaken significantly, degrading to the Half Law Level.

"Oh, a damaged bloodline's core from a Leviathan Race's Law Bloodline, nicely done. Where did you obtain it?" Zatiel did not know anything about the tournament, so he was surprised by the bloodline.

"Some Leviathans attempted to conquer a High World once ruled by members of the Atlantean Race. I forced them to retreat, and this person came to the world to kill me. I detected his presence and performed an assassination, preventing him from thoroughly destroying his bloodline before dying."

Ezequiel knew that anyone with a Law Bloodline would destroy it if death were inevitable. That is why he performed an assassination on the Leviathan to obtain the bloodline's core, but there was still some damage in it.

Zatiel nodded to Ezequiel before turning to Nitzer, who looked at the drop of blood as if it was the most fantastic thing in the world.

"Brat, I interrupted your party and spoiled your great day, so let me help you with something." Zatiel took a deep breath as his three eyes glowed with all their power, and inside his Inner Law Dimension, his True Name began to glow.

A profound and mysterious force filled the room as a wheel like the one fused with the Inner Law Dimension's wall appeared around the drop of blood.

Everybody saw with awe and amazement how this wheel devoured the drop of blood, just so a new one would appear in the center of it the next second.

Although this new drop was identical to the previous one, there was a fundamental change. This bloodline's core was flawless, and its aura reached the Fourth Order Law Bloodline!